The Republican Party is finished if it grants amnesty - Politics | PoFo

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Because many are beginning to see the writing on the wall. I would suspect conservatives realize the "if you can't beat em join em" approach is better long term then proposing electric fences. I enjoy seeing conservatives squirm, but I wouldn't underestimate their ability to appeal to Latinos religiousness and traditionalism. Ironically the thing the republican party doesn't believe in is the very thing that will lead them to success in American politics. Evolution.
Living in Texas, I have come to the conclusion that if we are to be overrun by illegals from Mexico (and if Houston, Texas is any indication, we are), then I would rather it be Mexicans and not Muslims. As one poster has already stated Mexicans are traditionally Catholic, persistant pro-family and very conservative on many economic issues. Texas is now 51% latino; the days of white men holding office and making laws are over. From the by-elections coming up in 2014, Mexican-Americans will now weild their political clout and to be honest, as a conservative, I am looking forward to it.

I love Mexican food, Mexican women and the music. They are, unlike the atheistic liberals, very pro-family, religious and organized around a heiarchical structure of man-woman-child.

Whats not to love about Tqla?

Viva la' Mexico! Viva la' revolution!
Texas_Secession wrote:Living in Texas, I have come to the conclusion that if we are to be overrun by illegals from Mexico (and if Houston, Texas is any indication, we are), then I would rather it be Mexicans and not Muslims. As one poster has already stated Mexicans are traditionally Catholic, persistant pro-family and very conservative on many economic issues. Texas is now 51% latino; the days of white men holding office and making laws are over. From the by-elections coming up in 2014, Mexican-Americans will now weild their political clout and to be honest, as a conservative, I am looking forward to it.

I love Mexican food, Mexican women and the music. They are, unlike the atheistic liberals, very pro-family, religious and organized around a heiarchical structure of man-woman-child.

Whats not to love about Tqla?

Viva la' Mexico! Viva la' revolution!

So much fail here. First of all, those atheist liberals you're so fearful of have little to no influence in the religious American political structure. Also, I take issue with the Mexican women being hot comment. They typically are too religious to fool around with and are often short and fat in my experience. Keep Texas Anglo but keep the Mexican food.
To me it also seems he is using some pretty tortured logic, since I don't think there was ever a threat of Muslim migration into the USA to begin with. It's almost like he's saying, "I'd rather it be Mexicans than Transylvanian vampire-warewolves".

I also don't see how he can be looking forward to the number of intermarriages that are about to occur if the number 51% is already there. With numbers like that, among young adults it will mean that there is literally a 1 in 2 chance that the cute guy or girl they are looking at is from the other ethnic group. What does Texas_Secession imagine is going to happen, other than lots of mixing? I would've thought he would be worried. Isn't he a carrier of the Rebel Flag?
Okay, maybe I'm misinterpreting his comparison then. Your interpretation is probably what he meant.

On the Rebel Flag thing, I thought that in his first post on PoFo - his introduction thread - he self-described as 'an unreconstructed Southerner' and mentioned that he was upset about how the American civil war history is taught, which I took to mean that he was sympathetic to this:

Texas Rebel Flag.

But now suddenly his ideology tag actually says 'Libertarian', and he's saying some very unexpected things, so I think he needs to clarify.
Rei Murasame wrote:he self-described as 'an unreconstructed Southerner'[/url].

What an earth that would mean God only knows. The South has been reconstructed by the North twice. Its very Biblical. The North (re)created the South in its own image from racist clay. Like man in the Bible the South has rebelled against its maker and like the Bible the Southerner is born into original sin. ;)
Texas_Secession wrote:Living in Texas, I have come to the conclusion that if we are to be overrun by illegals from Mexico (and if Houston, Texas is any indication, we are) then, I would rather it be Mexicans and not Muslims. As one poster has already stated ..... Texas is now 51% latino; the days of white men holding office and making laws are over. From the by-elections coming up in 2014, Mexican-Americans will now weild their political clout and to be honest, as a conservative, I am looking forward to it.

I love Mexican food, Mexican women and the music. They are, unlike the atheistic liberals, very pro-family, religious and organized around a heiarchical structure of man-woman-child.

Whats not to love about Tqla?

Viva la' Mexico! Viva la' revolution!

This explains a lot about how Southwestern part of the country has turned into a Latino country

Mexicans are traditionally Catholic, persistant pro-family and very conservative on many economic issues.

You don't realize the difference between a conservative and a third worlder, do you? None of these things you said are ture. Mexicans are not conservative or capitalist on economic issues. If you don't believe me, just look at the election results by race.
The Republican party's modern weakness has basically been putting fiscal conservatism ahead of social conservatism instead of vice-versa. As long as there are polyamourist leftists clamouring for guaranteed pensions and tenured post office jobs there will be a necessary fiscal conservative element to social conservatism. The truth is that most of these kinds of leftists are white. A greater emphasis upon appealing to Hispanics may move the Republican party closer to its roots and I don't expect any sort of socially conservative socialism to take root in America.
Rainbow Crow wrote:The Republican party's modern weakness has basically been putting fiscal conservatism ahead of social conservatism instead of vice-versa.

Since at least Ronald deficit whore, I don't negotiate with terrorists honest, Reagan, the Republicans have never put fiscal Conservatism ahead of anything. In recent years their overriding domestic priority has been tax cuts for the rich: Inheritance, capital gains and Corporation. The only Republican who might have some claim to fiscal Conservatism is George Bush senior, who rightly described Reagans's policies as voodoo economics. His ensuing sell out being rather reminiscent of Nixon jumping into bed with commie loving Eisenhower.

Call me Mr picky but off book wars, star wars, Iowan farm subsidies, bridges to Nowhere, no child left behind, Medicare prescription drug expansion, and death panel screaming, government get your hands of my Medicare teabaggers do not a fiscal Conservative make.
This guy wasn't even born in America. I don't vote for either standing party in presidential elections- yet I am an anglo-saxon wo-hite male. To him, I would be an anti-white? This guy is a hack and crazy.

This is what Yale churned out?

Ontop of this, why doesn't he address how the racial dilution came about? The fact that wo-hites brought Africans over to do their dirty work.

I understand his point. I also understand that only hacks and crazy head-cases vote for Republicans.
I'm against amnesty but I'm a democrat because I can't stand republicans. And I can't stand republicans because they pander to religious nuts, the NRA, and the Israel Lobby. I sure wish I could start my own religious party since I have become a Prophet. I realize many of you don't think religion and politics mix, but if you read about my revelation in the religion section you will see god does get behind those of us who have a special purpose.
Pro_Patria wrote:Mexicans:
Gay marriage? Absolutely not.
How are you voting? Democratic. :eh:

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer, spokesman made the case against Republican Party outreach to Hispanic-Americans, dismissing them as “socialists by nature” who “come from Mexico” to “plunder” the United States.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, questioned the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which grants the right to citizenship to anyone born in the United States.

a federal judge this week authorized Arizona law enforcement agencies to require officers to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect is in the country illegally. Wearing the wrong clothes, speaking with the wrong accent or having the wrong skin color could land you in hot water in Arizona.

This is why. :D
Gay marriage? Absolutely not.

How are you voting? Democratic.

What makes you think that the case is that simple? Cons are not same everywhere. Mexicans are too socialist, non- white and non- American to be involved into American conservatism.

Most of them have a have a third world mentality and think of being victimised by white male
Mexican-Americans are poorer than other groups and thus vote Democratic. Give it a few generations and as more do better and move into the middle/upper middle and rich classes and more will vote Republican. Hispanics are not "natural Republicans" but I don't see them getting stuck in a permanent underclass like black people. Mass Hispanic immigration has only been going on since the immigration act of 1965 so only two generations. New immigrants usually start off poor.

Welfare state ideology has held back Hispanics in a way it did not do for Jews, Italians, Irish etc. but I know a lot of Hispanics and almost all are hard-working, decent people. Those that are poor are mainly poor because they have low end jobs due to low English skills but this can change by building up skills. Most of the Hispanics that are in the welfare mentality mainly imitate the gang banger or trailer trash mentality. The only threat is that they may get a few Hispanic "leaders" on par with Jesse Jackson who will elevate a group think mentality that views Hispanics as "victims" and denigrates personal responsibility, blaming society for all woes while at the same time asking that society to solve your problems via government handouts. This is what shattered the dream of civil rights, but since Hispanics are not all from one country nor do they have a major event like slavery to rally behind it probably won't happen.

As for amnesty I have said it before and I'll say it again. I think letting the illegals stay is the only pragmatic course of action, however I do think that people who came illegally should be limited to becoming legal permanent residents and forbidden from citizenship. It is inhumane to round up 12 million and I take into account the circumstances they came from but there ought to be some punishment for breaking the law. If you flagrantly disregarded our immigration laws I don't think it is unreasonable to say that you should not be able to exercise the full rights of citizenship like voting even if you are allowed to work and live without being in fear.
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