Oh Japan....Gatebox! - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Igor Antunov
That maid cafe is even more cringy. Oh Japan....it's nothing more than a dressed up bar with bar girls that you can't take to hotel room and fuck. Enjoy the food and outfits I guess...
By Tewodros III
Igor Antunov wrote:That maid cafe is even more cringy. Oh Japan....it's nothing more than a dressed up bar with bar girls that you can't take to hotel room and fuck. Enjoy the food and outfits I guess...

I always wanted to be Jap, growing up. But then you see this and you realize maybe being Black isn't so bad.
By Decky
What is actually wrong with people from axis nations? :eh:
By Tewodros III
Decky wrote:What is actually wrong with people from axis nations? :eh:

Italy is the only sane one funny enough both Italy and East Germany were more on the genuine left and yet they were still more conservative and anti-degenerate compare to today.
By Decky
You seem confused.

Being anti-degenerate dose not make you a conservative it makes you a left winger. It is capitalism that promotes degenerate behaviour, socialist societies promote healthy things like education, hard work, loyalty to your class and party etc.
By Tewodros III
Decky wrote:You seem confused.

Being anti-degenerate dose not make you a conservative it makes you a left winger. It is capitalism that promotes degenerate behaviour, socialist societies promote healthy things like education, hard work, loyalty to your class and party etc.

Yep, look at those people missing Victorian era or Amish folks. Capitalism is degenerate in nature, look at these altrags and their commodity fetishism of Nazism, not knowing full well the real neo-nazis would have killed them for being anime and mlp tards. Look at Richard Spencer he looks like a fuckboy cuck, just waiting to happen. He would have been bottom bitch in jail.
Tewodros III wrote:Funny how even German propaganda was like backhand slap of sympathetic on Black soldiers, at one point they say we "rapin whit womiz" than they say "America lynch negros" tactic and how white americans are the enemy of blacks. Also saying we like jazz and leisure and good at sports won't make us be more sympathetic to Germans.

It's because Germans are clearly jealous of blacks, the superior race. Do you know that you can't make a black out of a white but you can make a white out of a black? True story. Death to the white race.

Albert wrote:Gucci what is going on? You are on the roll today, you make me proud, I have tought you well.

It's all because Trump has emboldened me to be politically incorrect, but I will do it for the destruction of the white race.
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By Drlee
Oh you folks. You really don't know Japan. That young puppy can enjoy his VR girl all he wants to. She might be just fine for companionship.

But if you knew Tokyo well you would know that for the cost of a cheap dinner on the way home he could stop at any one of hundreds of themed bars, pick out a girl dressed like a rabbit or even his little anime princess and get a blow job.

Funny thing about that. Fucking a prostitute in Japan is illegal. Getting a blow job from a cute young thing? They even give you frequent flyer cards. Every 10th one is free. Handjob bars? Every cornor. Steam and Cream? Everywhere.

Japan is a horny mans paradise. Not so much for gaijins though.

I want that little honey in a box. $3K for true love? Count me in. I spend more than that on oil changes.
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By Albert
On the other hand, maybe I should just get a hologram in a jar. Not surprised that Japanese men do it, after what Drlee had related here.
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By Rancid
Loves me Japan. I want to get out there and do some really fucking disgusting shit.
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By Hong Wu
quetzalcoatl wrote:This sounded almost rational up until the last few sentences. The part about capitalism and social isolation is pretty standard stuff. But what is the connection between social isolation and immigration? Not that I am defending unlimited immigration, but I don't see a causal relation between social isolation and immigration, and you're not proposing one.

Basically, I think the fetishizing of immigrants and particularly of Muslims is because they are viewed as less spiritually degenerate than western people. This is why progressives quixotically praise and show affection for Islam, even though it stands against everything they claim to stand for, they identify it as part of that foreign spirituality. If people like Muslims so much, you'd think they would try to become more like Muslims, but this is never seriously considered since the presumption white people have developed is that they are not allowed to possess genuine spirituality.
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By Hong Wu
Albert wrote:This is some deep stuff Wu. I like it.

I'm sure many people would disagree with me, but when I have watched Muslims worshipping in public I don't watch them very much, I look at the liberals who are watching them. They have these teary-eyed looks of longing on their faces. It baffles me since I don't feel all that different from the Muslims, even though I'm not praying on a rug in public, so I don't feel whatever it is that some of the people watching them are feeling. Like, if they are so moved by that, why don't they buy a prayer rug or just go to church? It's strange to me.
By OllytheBrit
Igor Antunov wrote:https://youtu.be/nkcKaNqfykg

If it had some kind of body, maybe the utility would justify the cringe. But this is just a cartoon character on a screen....

Japan better perfect vat grown babies/artificial wombs or the country is on a rapid course toward extinction.

I see you lived to tell the tale. You must be mad to make a joke about those symptoms rather than call your 911.
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By Frollein
Hong Wu wrote:Basically, I think the fetishizing of immigrants and particularly of Muslims is because they are viewed as less spiritually degenerate than western people.

:eh: So after the Beatles brought us Hinduism (Hare Krishna, anyone? :roll: ) and Richard Gere enamoured us to Buddhism, which celebrity can I hold responsible for the trending of Islam?

This is why progressives quixotically praise and show affection for Islam, even though it stands against everything they claim to stand for, they identify it as part of that foreign spirituality. If people like Muslims so much, you'd think they would try to become more like Muslims, but this is never seriously considered since the presumption white people have developed is that they are not allowed to possess genuine spirituality.

That's the result of shitting on your own religious traditions in the name of revolution. But then I thought Western progressives had cooked up Wicca as the new environmentally conscious, wymyn-empowering religion for the 21st century?

Also, your slogan is way too long, too convoluted, and too tiny.
By OllytheBrit
Hong Wu wrote:I'm sure many people would disagree with me, but when I have watched Muslims worshipping in public I don't watch them very much, I look at the liberals who are watching them. They have these teary-eyed looks of longing on their faces. It baffles me since I don't feel all that different from the Muslims, even though I'm not praying on a rug in public, so I don't feel whatever it is that some of the people watching them are feeling. Like, if they are so moved by that, why don't they buy a prayer rug or just go to church? It's strange to me.

Bottoms up! :D
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By The Sabbaticus
Ostentatious religious ceremonies such as public worship (on the streets) is a form of showing off and usually involves base and superficial feelings of piety. "Look at me, I'm totally religious!" When you actually talk to these people you'll find them to be the most ignorant individuals imaginable.
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By Albert
Hong Wu wrote:I'm sure many people would disagree with me, but when I have watched Muslims worshipping in public I don't watch them very much, I look at the liberals who are watching them. They have these teary-eyed looks of longing on their faces. It baffles me since I don't feel all that different from the Muslims, even though I'm not praying on a rug in public, so I don't feel whatever it is that some of the people watching them are feeling. Like, if they are so moved by that, why don't they buy a prayer rug or just go to church? It's strange to me.
There is more to it as far as I can see. Liberal progressives have spend century or two trying to destroy Europe's spiritual base, that Christianity. They succeeded pretty much, yet they can not destroy spirituality itself.

Muslims cause this visceral reaction in them, that is attractive because they long for peace that they have lost. This deep emotion reaction has impact on their reason there after. Makes them "unreasonable", self contradicting and causes them to do self-destructive actions. :lol:
Or maybe it's that we think demonizing all muslims is likely to create more radical terrorists out of impressionable people. Didn't the latest attack show that? Someone who was by all accounts integrated, and from a country that is not as radicalized, became radicalized because of the treatment that he received. That doesn't excuse what he did, he deserved to be shot and I would have shot him myself in the cop's shoes. But still, those types of radicalizations are preventable if we don't set up an us v. them mentality.

Also I have met plenty of Muslims that have been cool, decent people. Turns out people are people. I like anasawad even though he's a Muzzie.

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