#Gamergate What! - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Rilzik
Does PoFo haz gamergate thread?

And you wonder why pofo is boring as shit nowadays? Come on we have twitter where you can insult and there isn't room for logical argument so why do it?!?!

But I know there are some divisions here among you all. Donalad aka socialist uk mite. Igor - Chinese spy that is living it up with Chinesze prosperity in Aussiesss (Kangaroooo country).

FRS - to old to have ever played a vidiya game. Welcome your input since you one of the last great "GREAT" minds on pofo. And on pofo if you mention FRS, REI come on Bring you feminist right wing to the argument .... we know you know some geeks in the movement.
Last edited by Rilzik on 05 Dec 2014 09:42, edited 1 time in total.
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By JohnRawls
Gamergate is up Reis ally, plus its a useless time waste.
By Rilzik
JohnRawls wrote:Gamergate is up Reis ally, plus its a useless time waste.

I don't understand anything you said. Besides "waste of time" You know we are not on twitter you can use more then 100 whatever words?

I thought it was a clue that my only gamer lingo was "haz" instead of "has" that I was kind of throwing this out there.
Last edited by Rilzik on 05 Dec 2014 09:48, edited 1 time in total.
By Rilzik
Saeko wrote:I haven't played any "mainstream" games since I was a kid.

Do you identify with feminism or radfem? Or Rei Fem?

Come on PoFo. I know your all smart and everything but can you discuss something recent. I came here, years ago, because the mature discussion. Now you have ran most, but by means not all, good discussion out.

WTF, so how many people know of this is a topic... I know all you paradox mutherfuckers, we have wow players, civ players. FFS I have talked to some of you. Can't tell me not. As some (many) of you are gamers, let's hear some opinions.
By Rilzik
JohnRawls wrote:Gamergate is up Reis ally, plus its a useless time waste.

What's wrong with the right wing. ^

Guess what people are like 50 years younger then you. Why am I wrong?
By Rilzik
We used to call this fun before PoFo went to shit. I don't care .. ban me

You know before FRS and Rei were your only opposition. Plus a few ... few others.

That's the fucking point. You guys ran off your own fun bags.... not me... I've never been much fun.

PoFo Dejesus (used) to be ALIVE. That's why I came here so many years ago. It was a place of discussion. Debate. Stupid, smart, this and that. We had libtards, facist, communist, ect.

Now you can't talk a bout gamergate, something I know so of you are involved in.... Fuck come on.

Gamergate is a twitter thing where you get 140 characters... can I not get something more here? That is (back in the day) the only reason I come here!!! To get MORE!

Edit: there may posibly be a very small chance that I am not working on the morrow, and I may or may not be drunk, crunk, or otherwise semi imcapsitated.
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By JohnRawls
Okay Rilzik, can you express your opinion about gamergate then we can start talking about it. Right now it is basically, OMG 'Kotaku' editor got his dick sucked by some game developer so he gave good reviews or damn patriarchy ruining my gaming experience...

Basically most of the people don't know much about it here, if anything at all. I heard about, but not like I looked a lot into it.
By Rilzik
Well first of all that is your perspective. Is that all the perspective that has been on PoFo? I know there are quite a few gamers of quite a few political perspectives. I would hope on a site like PoFo we can see a bit of political diversity.

Edit: I just think it is funny that there is a multi page thread, that everyone knows about, about how fucking boring PoFo has become. Then at the same time, here is probably is one of the best places to talk about gamergate, which discusses a 100+ billion dollar industry. That's politics worthy. But the far left on this forums closes people out (intro that santa clown ... whats his name? Olimpiad some such). Idk. If all you guys want to do is USA USA USA that's fine.

But fuck. I don't have time for PoFo but mm gonna lector your stupid assis. Why not talk a bit of gamergate, PoFo is removed enough nobady normalized comes here, it's a great way to liven things up. Hate to say it but this place is a drag, normally I wouldn't say such because I'm me, but it's true.

Whatever fuck the right wing, SF will live off Rei, FRS, and oxy... the rest
not a time gone bye? always something new? See ya next year.
Last edited by Rilzik on 05 Dec 2014 12:21, edited 1 time in total.
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By JohnRawls
We don't know that much about gamergate Rilzik, give us an overview at least. When we have it, we can discuss something, that is why topics require an article usually or a link to the article.
By Rilzik
John, I know your an old timer around here. I'm not doin shit but stopping by an old stomping ground. Edit: (Sorry lack of respect on my part, I do Apologize, actually mean that as I alike you john)

As far as gamergate. I don't know. I don't get into all the harassment shit. Hell I just started my twitter account to keep up. I like PoFo like discussions. Not all this new age twitter youngster devil stuff is bad.... I think you can use it to talk to jesus and such.

But really, why not have a GG discussion here you/we are so removed from everything... and if you become not so well SF can fund shit and people liven up a bit. anyway I'm out. Goto goto work... which by the way most of PoFo soesn't do you lazy ass mother...fuuuiiooors.... I hope to see you in a few months

Igor -- ya your all like big and powerful in China but failing and Aussieland sucks becuause you don't suck the american teat ...anyway...


Wait I don't even think I have the clout to have goodbye speeches.

Don't give a fuck.

Rei Baddess bitch ever, not evar but ever.......... fuck I'm not SO

FFS your great

Drop mileagees Mike out ****************

See ya next time I'm off work.

That's horrible, Still don't know why you didn't do a independent GG thread that's fucked up pofo.
Two people fucked. Those two people stopped and went their separate ways. One of those people said some things about the other. Some people started saying that some of those things were way worse and more important than they really were. Said people abused the other person and anyone who lent that person support. The latter person and supporters had a really shit time. Abusers got bored and went back to 4chan.

Huge fucking fuss that did little more than demonstrate that some people are abusive pricks with too much time on their hands.

Wiki article which may or may not be biased: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy
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By Saeko
The Clockwork Rat wrote:Two people fucked. Those two people stopped and went their separate ways. One of those people said some things about the other. Some people started saying that some of those things were way worse and more important than they really were. Said people abused the other person and anyone who lent that person support. The latter person and supporters had a really shit time. Abusers got bored and went back to 4chan.

Huge fucking fuss that did little more than demonstrate that some people are abusive pricks with too much time on their hands.

Wiki article which may or may not be biased: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy

Pretty much my impression of the whole thing.
Well it grew into something a little bit bigger than the whole sleeping around for good press story. Something like 20 online news sites posted articles stating that "gamers" are dead on the same day. The main stream media picked up on a damsel in distress narrative (some online trolls were attacking some feminist critics) and said feminist critics (not gamers themselves) got some good press out of it.

Because of the online attacks and threats the issue of ethics in journalism got neatly sidestepped. Overall it seems to me like a rather insignificant moment in a larger culture war.
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By Lexington
I like Gamergate. I like looking at apoplectic madness raging against something it doesn't understand as if it could change a thing that doesn't exist.

Likewise with Pofo. Keep doing what you're doing people.
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By Varax
A couple takeaways on it:

- Probably the final straw for me on the superfluous nature of the 'gamer subculture' to the point where I'm convinced many of those people have lost their minds and are unable to distinguish what things are actually worth getting upset over anymore. The controversy is the culmination of a certain intertwining of self-styled internet justice warriors clashing and people using an excuse to be abusive harassing jerks over the most stupid of issues. Whatever meaningful discussion could have been had about the corrupt nature of so called 'games journalism' in our capitalist society has in turn been corrupted by idiots and click-bait sites trying to stir up as much controversy as possible for their own benefit.
- The suffix 'gate' has now reached peak absurdity. There are actual scandals where it could be applicable but thanks to its blatant overuse it has lost all credibility or meaning. I can't wait for the sequels "Gamergate 2", "Gamergate 5" and "Gamergates: Social Justice Warriors vs Neckbeards Super Special Edition".

Aside from that I've been avoiding certain sites and the types who are focusing on this. While I have an interest in actual gaming I find myself increasingly out of sorts with the direction the culture and media around it has gone.
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