Tesla announces humanoid robot - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Igor Antunov wrote:How do we end the predominantly over-represented mass killer demographic though? Make the sex bots smell like chicken?

Ban guns perhaps?

Although sexbots seems like a solution to a problem in other means. If the Incels are looking for love but unable, they can program their love and be happy surely?
B0ycey wrote:Ban guns perhaps?

Although sexbots seems like a solution to a problem in other means. If the Incels are looking for love but unable, they can program their love and be happy surely?

Most of the shooters pictured employed illegal guns in areas where gun ownership and sale is banned. I can buy any gun I want illegally right now from one of 5 different gangs in one of the most restrictive states one earth, RPG's and grenades included. New Zealand mosque shooter got his automatic rifle illegally in one of the most restrictive anti-gun islands on earth. Ban does jack shit.

Sex bots already exist but they are primitive and can't make dinner or clean the house. This may finally turn a novelty into a functional reality. We should also give robots guns, so they can defend us and our property.
Are these people not American? Although surely you can appreciate the correlation given shootings in America compared to the rest of the world are not comparable and as such prove to you although banning guns doesn't stop shootings, it will stop the vast majority of them.

As for these robots, dexterity is a thing. They will be limited to what they can do and I suspect more expensive than a maid. Perhaps being sex robots might actually be all they are good for. :lol:

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