When to have children. - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By yiwahikanak
But then men would grow breasts!

And vaginas!
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By Oxymoron
Why does career come into it?
If the woman has the better job, then obviously the man looks after the kids!?
Or ideally both work part time and help out, although this isn't always achievable.

I never said the woman has to stay home a forget her career. I said that women shouldnt hold of having children to further their career.
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By yiwahikanak
Oxymoron wrote:
I never said the woman has to stay home a forget her career. I said that women shouldnt hold of having children to further their career.

Well, I think it really comes down to the best interests of the children...which is a difficult thing to measure for sure, but still.

Being poor is fucking stressful. So is being slightly not poor...but as someone who struggled for a while to just feed my children, man oh man...there's nothing so awful.

So if 'not holding off children to further your career' means, on the ground, that you're going to be seriously struggling...and by extension so are your children, then I think the best choice IS to hold off having those kids.

Call it a decision based on whether or not you can support children...it's most certainly an economic issue and it's not ideal or what I want for my children in their futures...but it's reality.

In the meantime people like you and me can try to ensure that the next generation has things a little better, by fighting for some of the programs you've mentioned, Oxy, and helping to deal with real world issues that influence how families are formed and maintained.
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By Wills
I never said the woman has to stay home a forget her career. I said that women shouldnt hold of having children to further their career.

There's no reason why a woman couldn't have a children AND further her career. Although a few months break would have to be factored into this. :hmm:

I also agree with the post above, it would be better to at least achieve some financial security as a couple first before having children as inevitably at least one of the parents will have to give up some work.
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By Oxymoron
There's no reason why a woman couldn't have a children AND further her career. Although a few months break would have to be factored into this.

very true.
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By Philby
Unhappy father offers kids buggy on Ebay that 'ended his happy carefree life'


Jan 19, 2015 17:28
By Alex Hudson

"For a starting price of just £9.99 you too can screw up your life"

Remember the happy times when they were young? This man doesn't

Children are a lot of work. They are stressful and troublesome but ultimately, we hope, we'll look back at the times we spent with fondness. And love. And happiness.

Not this father, who listed a buggy on Ebay with quite a damning description, saying it had ruined his life:

"Here we have for sale the green monster that can only be Phil and Teds. I shall be glad to see it leave my premises and never return.

"This was purchased against my wishes many years ago as I never wanted any children and a buggy signified my wife's intent to have children. We argued much and this buggy signifies everything that ended my happy carefree low cost child free life.

UPDATE: Can you guess how much this buggy has attracted in bids? It's a LOT...

"This buggy clearly meant she intended to have not just one but multiple children and the extortionate price of this buggy will stay imprinted on my brain till the day I die. I have bought cars that cost less than this buggy. My dad once bought a house that cost less than this buggy.

"Anyway as you can tell I hate the buggy. I now have 3 children, and a Labrador and am forced to endure the school run where women I don't know try and discuss the price of centre parc holidays, and the benefits of the micro over the mini micro scooter. To summarize my life is over and this green albatross needs to go round some other poor sods neck."

Second child syndrome?

"On the positive none of my three children were stupidly fat, but its been driven by my wife a lot so not all good. During its lifetime its had pretty much every bodily fluid known to science, (and several that have yet to be discovered) chucked over it by my children, Its also absorbed its own weight in Ellas Kitchen meals, and mud.

"I have tried to maintain this item as best I could and the wheels were filled with green slime to prevent punctures, and WD40 has been used with gusto on the relevant parts. It even comes with what I lovingly refer to as the Cinderella attachment for the second child you have but dont love as much as the first. It means they can sit but cant see anything, and have a ride thats about as comfortable as a Ford Model T.

"All of my children are now walking (often in completely the wrong direction) but someone else deserves to give this a good home. Over the years I have collected spare bits from other zombified fathers who were once full of life and I will throw these in as well.

"According to the other half she has the baby carry item that came with this and the pannier bags (whatever they are) but she never used them and they are immaculate and will be listed when she conquers her fear of heights and gets into the loft.

"This buggy has never been used for dog sledding, racing, or buggy bumper cars, although I once used it to concuss a randy Alsatian that tried getting amorous with my lab.

"There are many adverts on here for immaculate models and these people are all liars and scoundrels as nothing that comes into contact with a young child is ever immaculate.

"So for a starting price of just £9.99 you too can screw up your life. There are programs for those of you who need to recover from drugs or alcohol. Any money generated from this sale will be used to help me recover from children (and probably involve drugs and alchohol)

"So spend big - its for a good cause..."

The father, so far, has turned down a bid of £10 saying that the wheels alone are worth more. We'll keep you posted on how high the bidding gets.

We can only imagine how he'd have reacted if a fellow parent had hit him with an invoice when his child didn't show up to a party.

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