J K Rowling under attack - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By roscoe
She says that those with XY chromosomes are Male and those with XX chromosomes are women . She defended a woman who got fired for saying that. Now the left that she championed so strongly has turned on her.

My daughter and I went to The Elephant House in Edinburgh while we were visiting back in May.

J.K. Rowling wrote some of her Harry Potter stuff there.

Not that it has much to do with her current troubles, but they had good coffee...
By late
roscoe wrote:
She says that those with XY chromosomes are Male and those with XX chromosomes are women . She defended a woman who got fired for saying that. Now the left that she championed so strongly has turned on her.

"some assembly required"

When you have a big change, there are always problems to deal with. This is Brits struggling to figure out how they want to make this work.

Differences of opinion are to be expected. There is no Left here. You have a wide variety of subgroups trying to come to terms with the new situation.

Old school feminists in Europe tend to be very family oriented. (England is part of Europe as far as I am concerned). So they are worried about their daughters, and that is reasonable.

The gay community is worried about losing what they've gained. This is reasonable, if perhaps in this situation they may protest overmuch.

They will thrash out the details, but like many things in politics, it will take too long, get too noisy, and become uncomfortable for all concerned.
@Zionist Nationalist That is your opinion, and it's not up to you to determine that. That's up to the individual.
Godstud wrote:@Zionist Nationalist That is your opinion, and it's not up to you to determine that. That's up to the individual.

Way to be anti science. ZN is right, as is a stopped clock twice a day. I can choose to identify as a goat, it won't make me a goat. Gender anomalies exist of course but that's not the discussion here. You can't choose your gender. I'm not a bigot for realizing this, but you are willingly ignorant for not doing so.

Happy New Year and the UFC still sucks (but they do put on good fights).
Godstud wrote:@Zionist Nationalist That is your opinion, and it's not up to you to determine that. That's up to the individual.

:lol: I think you're taking R.D Laing a bit too literally here. No Zionist Nationalist is talking facts here, you're countering with Cultural Marxist fantasy dogma. A woman can to a large degree functionally operate as a man. A woman's DNA can even be used to fertilise an egg, replacing the need for male sperm. But men can not become women period. The small number of genuinely inter sex individuals, does not negate the scientific biological existence of the sexes. And our society should be built around the overwhelming majority not a tiny minority with a biological disorder.

The funny thing is that although race is clearly far less objectively defined Liberals get very upset by Trans racism. :lol: If Elizabeth Warren had told us that she was a man, Liberals would have praised her to the heaven, but because she lied about her level of mixed raceness, there's been all manner of hullabaloo.
By late
Rich wrote:
If Elizabeth Warren had told us that she was a man, Liberals would have praised her to the heaven, but because she lied about her level of mixed raceness, there's been all manner of hullabaloo.

You're doing your bull in a china shop routine.

The Indian thing is Right wing nonsense. All they have left is character attacks, which is to say all that's left, I mean Right, is lies.
late wrote:You're doing your bull in a china shop routine.

The Indian thing is Right wing nonsense. All they have left is character attacks, which is to say all that's left, I mean Right, is lies.

Are you saying Warren didn't claim to be native American?
Pants-of-dog wrote:I see the usual people have ignored the difference between sex and gender, also as per usual.

Tovarish POD, please stop believing in fairy tales. Up until recently sex and gender meant the same thing. In fact some languages, such as German and Finnish, have no separate words for sex and gender.

A man has XY chromosomes and a woman has XX chromosomes. Enuff said!
Godstud wrote:@Zionist Nationalist That is your opinion, and it's not up to you to determine that. That's up to the individual.

Sometimes when people drift to the far end of the political spectrum the lose the ability to reason.

XY means man
XX means woman

No one can change the above.
Julian658 wrote:Tovarish POD, please stop believing in fairy tales. Up until recently sex and gender meant the same thing. In fact some languages, such as German and Finnish, have no separate words for sex and gender.

A man has XY chromosomes and a woman has XX chromosomes. Enuff said!

Thank you for providing an example of the willful ignoring of the difference.

Do you think that by ignoring facts they will magically disappear?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Thank you for providing an example of the willful ignoring of the difference.

Do you think that by ignoring facts they will magically disappear?

Man XY

If a man thinks he is a woman, that is fine. If a woman thinks she is a dude, that is OK too. I will treat both as they want to be treated. But, do not try to convince me they are the real deal. A woman with a penis cannot have sex with a straight man. Did you get that?
Julian658 wrote:Man XY

If a man thinks he is a woman, that is fine. If a woman thinks she is a dude, that is OK too. I will treat both as they want to be treated. But, do not try to convince me they are the real deal. A woman with a penis cannot have sex with a straight man. Did you get that?

And again you are ignoring the difference between sex and gender.
By late
Zionist Nationalist wrote:
There is no such thing as gender. There are only men and women.

Procrustes! I'd wondered where you were hiding.

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