Anatomy of a Platform: The News Cycle - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Odiseizam wrote:
Chris please I am not supporting anyhow the greedy capitalist, just saying revolution is not the solution!

Well just *saying* something doesn't carry much currency with it -- you may want to address the interests of the working class for getting rid of *all* bosses, forever more.

Odiseizam wrote:
the american system is such that there is no way out except by balancing the odds as internally so as externally, if this is not done by democrats too that will lead to economic collapse eg. they were using the lockdown hype as propaganda but actually cant impose it now when in power even as mild approach of partial lockdown ...

now, if You think that they dont want socialism as dems, You are wrong they are even for worldwide one as globalists,

You have to keep in mind that the 'American system' is certainly not workers-of-the-world socialism, so if the Democrats are globalists then they're *bourgeois* globalists.

Odiseizam wrote:
and quite a while working on the freemasonic agenda for n'w'o what probably because they lost momentum with Trump wont happen nor quickly or with any lasting effects !

now we can hope that they will awake to the fact that their elitist ideals are exposed enough so they would start to play with open cards, after what logically whole world will come to common ground, and through un to negotiate not unilateral but multipolar new world order on socialistic premises,

Socialism, by definition, cannot be imposed from *above* -- it has to be the activity of the workers themselves, to throw off bourgeois ruling-class systems of exploitation and oppression.

Odiseizam wrote:
at least so we can save the platen from deluge, but this is almost imposible if we know that their western governed nwo agendas ideals and experiment last almost two centuries as utopian dream, and on top of that they have now the american neocon dominionists on their neck so most probable outcome will be ww3 as their response on the dead end of the western casino!

    in my opinion now only effective measure as humanity what we have is Christianity and revoking extra Grace in these shady times through more Inchurched Liturgical Life, but knowing how masses are lobotomized by consumerism and triviality this is somehow unreachable goal even more coz the covid-histeria, so any substantial risk management at the moment would be every society to prepare for the worst while hopping for the best ...

Criticism of 'consumerism' is *overkill*, though, because much of the regular person's 'consumption' is for day-to-day *necessities* like food, housing, and so on. If you want to dismiss consumer consumption then you have to propose a way for people to get what they need for their daily lives, which is the situation *now* that the coronavirus makes all workplaces and schools into potentially *deadly* locations, leaving most people without reliable income for the normal practice of paying bills.

Components of Social Production

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Odiseizam wrote:
think imposing rural reemigration programs backed by agro~machinery~rings and co-op's will lay ground for any type of future crisis i.e. stimulating Agrarianism immediately and thinking how masses would be cushioned for basic needs ahead because now rarely some state is selfsufficient on level of food, what about will for voluntarism or comune based care for the poor ...


What about hydroponics and *vertical farming* -- ?

Agriculture is no longer dependent on natural *land* or *soil*, and cell culturing is right around the corner so that we won't have to use animals for the sake of obtaining meat.
I'd like to add that, for a lack of proposed *non-market* material-economic alternatives to (post-capitalist) political economy, I developed just such a framework, for the socialist (workers control) transition to communism:

The overall rationale for potential use of a 'global syndicalist currency' is to better-see the surplus labor value that is currently expropriated by private ownership, through the ongoing exploitation of the working class -- anything not directly for the maintenance and reproduction of labor-power going-forward (typically capitalist 'wages') could be represented quantitatively as this workers currency, to enable cash-like purchases from one workplace to another, as an expedient convenience.

@ckaihatsu You are too optimistic that the world will be safe heaven ahead, and what actually will happen is something similar like the japanese postwar planned allocation of fiat or dlt loans [1] tho as centralized distributed ledger [2] its question whether it will be secured from emf attacks on the LAN systems ...

lets say it will not come to ww3, and even then ( if there is will for syndicalism, this proposal cant cover all the states because some as more rural will not agree the food as expensive commodity (after post-economic-depression) to be exchanged cheaply i.e. who will offer market standardization of the prices!? You say wto is skim, then what kind of international body should regulate the trade!? if the progress will depend on bilateral deals that will be slow and take extra time for monitoring and renegotiations after agreement as foundation [1]

about hydroponics and vertical farming, hm, You really think like that could feed billions!? this again is suitable momentum for Agrarian Society, but this will be affordable option as Agrarianism just for partial population that is willing to live from their own hands, that means these are expensive production means in case of destruction of any kind, the field yield even if is taken or burned again easily could be replanted except if its is somehow polluted so it wouldnt be fertile or it would be toxic for further production ...
Odiseizam wrote:
@ckaihatsu You are too optimistic that the world will be safe heaven ahead, and what actually will happen is something similar like the japanese postwar planned allocation of fiat or dlt loans [1] tho as centralized distributed ledger [2] its question whether it will be secured from emf attacks on the LAN systems ...

lets say it will not come to ww3, and even then ( if there is will for syndicalism, this proposal cant cover all the states because some as more rural will not agree the food as expensive commodity (after post-economic-depression) to be exchanged cheaply i.e. who will offer market standardization of the prices!? You say wto is skim, then what kind of international body should regulate the trade!? if the progress will depend on bilateral deals that will be slow and take extra time for monitoring and renegotiations after agreement as foundation [1]

Okay, these arguments against capitalist globalist economics are all valid, but, if you're more careful, you'll see that my 'global syndicalist currency' model is *not* capitalist, *or* communal commodity-type money, because it's only used by the working class *internally*, from workplace to workplace, for *individual* *discretionary* kinds of purchases, thus resembling the *fringes* of a collectivized-production post-capitalist material economy, and *not* a capital-based commodified one.

It correlates to the geographic 'outskirts' of a post-capitalist economics as depicted in *this* illustration:

Multi-Tiered System of Productive and Consumptive Zones for a Post-Capitalist Political Economy

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Ultimately I think the goal, once the means of mass industrial production are all fully collectivized, would be for localist consumer groupings (today's 'neighborhoods') to collectively issue *debt-based* labor 'IOUs' (my 'labor credits') at local mass scales, to effect social organization around any and all large-scale projects -- as for building infrastructure for the commons, and for the most-commonly-consumed types of consumer items, like food, etc.

labor credits framework for 'communist supply & demand'

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Image ... ost2889338

communist supply & demand -- Model of Material Factors

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Image ... ost2889338

Emergent Central Planning

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Odiseizam wrote:
about hydroponics and vertical farming, hm, You really think like that could feed billions!? this again is suitable momentum for Agrarian Society, but this will be affordable option as Agrarianism just for partial population that is willing to live from their own hands, that means these are expensive production means in case of destruction of any kind, the field yield even if is taken or burned again easily could be replanted except if its is somehow polluted so it wouldnt be fertile or it would be toxic for further production ...

Well, think of it as full-automation for agriculture -- society currently uses *petroleum* for the industrialization of farming, but then also *robotizing* / automating such, as inside of buildings, would *complete* the automation of such, with renewable sources of power (solar, etc.), so as to demonetize and even de-commodify land parcels, returning much of it to nature.

I posted a number of technological developments from the news to the following thread:


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