Bill Nye: Humans are path to universe knowing itself - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Serato wrote:Because I watched the video and there was absolutely nothing breathtaking about it, but according to Rei it rivals in respect to finding a cure to cancer.

It wasn't that Bill Nye was discovering something that no one had known of, it is that he was willing and able to steadfastly defend his position in the face of condemnation and to at the same time advance one of the oldest ideas in the world. He is not stereotypically the kind of person that you would expect to hear this kind of thing from, so that makes it a great clip.

Regarding 'cures' though, I'll go off topic and take this to another level by saying that human 'salvation' to the extent that it is possible, is found in this idea: since the world system is holistic and interconnected, salvation does not originate in and of itself from outside the world. The world is not some kind of object that is acted upon by some kind of administrative god.

Salvation arises from within the world, because the saviour-consciousness is contained within the world as a result of it having descended into physical matter after a great war in the other world, invigorating this world with ability to grow intellectually. Much like the evolution of human beings in the first place, the evolution of human intelligence is also bottom-up. Not top-down. That's why in the story of 'the garden of Eden', the snake doesn't explicitly demand that Eve should adopt any specific set of commandments, it doesn't tell her what to think, the snake merely advises her on how to save herself from ignorance. That action by the snake was an action of salvation, because it set in motion the quest of the Magi -- the quest to persevere and establish through decisive action and unflinching resolve, a stable world order with the kind of societies* in which it could be possible to finally bring all people toward the experience - not just academic knowledge or a temporary realisation - of what is known as 'primordial purity', or 'pristine awareness'.

* Yes, this is plural, because each population group has its own way, as history has shown.
Rei was just talking about the similarity between the Garden of Eden, with Lucifer (Bringer of Light) giving Eve the chance to "know good from evil" and resulting in the fall and death for mankind, and other myths such as that of Prometheus who gave fire (symbolic of knowledge, just like the cartoon lightbulb over someone's head) to mankind which ultimately resulted in Pandora unleashing all which is evil on mankind.

There is nothing radical or even unChristian in this.
Serato wrote:No, by all means do state something, present something other than just saying you have something, because you have nothing. You have no facts, no evidence, you simply have an uncanny ability to proclaim science is on your side, but it's not. Science is on the side of truth, of Christianity.

Science is on nobody's side. It is a process for uncovering truth about the physical world. It's 'truths' are always provisional and its conclusions probabilistic. The truths of religion are of another category and cannot be confirmed nor denied by science.
Science is on nobody's side. It is a process for uncovering truth about the physical world. It's 'truths' are always provisional and its conclusions probabilistic. The truths of religion are of another category and cannot be confirmed nor denied by science.

Wrong the scientific method developed from gnostic faith, the worship of gnosis had been denied by the Holy roman catholic church, they considered it to be pagan, and banned gnostic Christianity. The illumined or enlightened thinkers always worship gnosis, the scientific method began during medieval scholasticism & had been heavily influenced by roman/greek thought, and roman/greek thought goes back to Eastern hermeticism/mysticism.

I'm not going to go through the tradition citing several occult societies, but there has been a struggle between Faith-based religion/spirituality vs Gnosis-based religion/spirituality for thousands of years.

New age occultism exploded early 20th century with people like Manly P Hall, HP Blavatsky, and United Nation's Lucis Trust founder Alice Bailey.
And yes, I've read their work & own particular pieces

2015 marks the year of Light, says the UN

Cern, with its Shiva (world destroyer) LHC
Wants to unlock the pit where Lucifer the fallen Angel dwells, making the snake bite its head & usher in the light bearer, day zero, where time has stopped and the age of Aquarius begins.


Science is unknowingly trying to end the Demiurge archetype and realign consciousness. A shift like this allegedly occurred when Jesus the Christ figure died for us on the cross. I'm skimming the meat here, trying to demonstrate that certain groups have a spiritual agenda for science.
The Vatican has a key shape for particular reasons

Astana Kazakhstan built this for the 21st century
Sun worship and ending the age of Pisces.

The universe knowing itself means that the veil is going to be lifted, the circular motion of time is ending. Read up POFO

I don't expect pretentious atheists with scientific specialism to grasp the great conversation (science/philosophy/tower of babel).
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 30 Apr 2015 00:39, edited 1 time in total.
mikema63 wrote:God said we would always be loved, but he sends many to eternal torture. So that too seems to have been a lie.

I see you take the most simplistic interpretation of heaven and hell and present it as the only one possible.

Here is another interpretation, people who never connect emotionally with others and who never get past the "me" stage are doomed to spend eternity in solitary confinement with only their own selves for company. Or, as Augustine put it, sin is it's own punishment.
And quetzalcoatl, you should know all about what I said above... Given your name, quetzalcoatl.

Science can only deal with the physical, therefore the metaphysical waits for science to catch up & confirm its theory (or deny).
The point is, science without a spiritual agenda is essentially science without cause, and that doesn't make any sense given the scientific law of physics.
We do what we do with reason, guided by celestial form. This is the gnostic as above so below principle.
RhetoricThug wrote:And quetzalcoatl, you should know all about what I said above... Given your name, quetzalcoatl.

Science can only deal with the physical, therefore the metaphysical waits for science to catch up & confirm its theory (or deny).
The point is, science without a spiritual agenda is essentially science without cause, and that doesn't make any sense given the scientific law of physics.
We do what we do with reason, guided by celestial form. This is the gnostic as above so below principle.

The One was and was-not, combined, and desired to separate the was-not from the was. So it generated a diploid sac which contained, like an eggshell, a pair of twins, each an androgyny, spinning in opposite directions (the Yin and Yang of Taoism, with the One as the Tao). The plan of the One was that both twins would emerge into being (was-ness) simultaneously; however, motivated by a desire to be (which the One implanted in both twins), the counter-clockwise twin broke through the sac and separated prematurely; i.e. before full term. This was the dark or Yin twin. Therefore it was defective. At full term the wiser twin emerged. Each twin formed a unitary entelechy, a single living organism made of psyche and soma, still rotating in opposite directions to each other. The full term twin, called Form I by Parmenides, advanced correctly through its growth stages, but the prematurely born twin, called Form II, languished.

The next step in the One's plan was that the Two would become the Many, through their dialetic interaction. From them as hyperuniverses they projected a hologram-like interface, which is the pluriform universe we creatures inhabit. The two sources were to intermingle equally in maintaining our universe, but Form II continued to languish toward illness, madness and disorder. These aspects she projected into our universe.

It was the One's purpose for our hologramatic universe to serve as a teaching instrument by which a variety of new lives advanced until ultimately they would be isomorphic with the One. However, the decaying condition of hyperuniverse II introduced malfactors which damaged our hologramatic universe. This is the origin of entropy, undeserved suffering, chaos and death, as well as the Empire, the Black Iron Prison; in essence, the aborting of the proper health and growth of the life forms within the hologramatic universe. Also, the teaching function was grossly impaired, since only the signal from the hyperuniverse I was information-rich; that form II had become noise.

The psyche of hyperuniverse I sent a micro-form of itself into hyperuniverse II to attempt to heal it. The micro-form was apparent in our hologramatic universe as Jesus Christ. However, hyperuniverse II, being deranged, at once tormented, humiliated, rejected and finally killed the micro-form of the healing psyche of her healthy twin. After that, hyperuniverse II continued to decay into blind, mechanical, purposeless causal processes. It then became the task of Christ (more properly the Holy Spirit) to either rescue the life forms in the hologramatic universe, or abolish all influences on it emanating from II. Approaching its task with caution, it prepared to kill the deranged twin, since she cannot be healed; i.e. she will not allow herself to be healed because she does not not understand that she is sick. This illness and madness pervades us and makes us idiots living in private, unreal worlds. The original plan of the One can only be realized now by the division of hyperuniverse I into two healthy hyperuniverses, which will transform the hologramatic universe into the successfull teaching machine it was designed to be. We will experience this as the 'Kingdom of God.'

Within time, hyperuniverse II remains alive: 'The Empire never ended.' But in eternity, where the hyperuniverses exist, she has been killed -- of necessity -- by the healthy twin of hyperuniverse I, who is our champion. The One grieves for this death, since the One loved both twins; therefore the information of the Mind consists of a tragic tale of the death of a woman, the undertones of which generate anguish into all the creatures of the hologrammatic universe without their knowing why. This grief will depart when the healthy twin undergoes mitosis and the 'Kingdom of God' arrives. The machinery for this transformation -- the procession within time from the Age of Iron to the Age of Gold -- is at work now; in eternity it is already accomplished.


We did not fall because of a moral error; we fell because of an intellectual error: that of taking the phenomenal world as real. Therefore we are morally innocent. It is the Empire in its various disguised polyforms which tells us we have sinned. 'The Empire never ended.'

Tractates: Cryptica Scriptura

Science deals with the projection of hyperuniverse II, the phenomenal world of blind processes. Through art, love, and imagination we train ourselves to read the subliminal meanings encoded in the phenomenal world
What's this? Highly-educated scientists practicing occult ritual?
Symbolizing Shiva's cosmic dance of creation and destruction
The collapse of time
Are you referring to the Saturn connection, with its hexagonal north pole, and gas composed prison containing celestial multidimensional demon(s)?

They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).
-Revelation 9:11

In September, CERN will try, again, to unlock time & space. I wonder what kind of dance of destruction they will do beforehand.
Serato wrote:Im not entirely sure where exactly it's at, but I know how to get there. I know, that sounds weird.
So your shtick is antagonizing internet forums by using evasive posting strategies? This is amusing to you because you are pushing the depths of personality, trying to figure out who you are & why you go on internet forums to antagonize strangers you will most likely never meet.

Wow. That sucks dude.

But do you have anything to contribute to this thread? At the very least, can you use your imagination and explore this bullshit realm, the pit? Trolls at least have to be clever.
Again, evasive posting The number 3 has many meanings, triads come from many cultures.
The Trinity usually represents the first perfect form, the prism of perception.
I refrain from going off the esoteric cliff... And what do you know of the cosmic egg, or Clavicules
du roi Salomon?

Page 790-791, Morals & Dogma, Knights of the Sun, or price adept, by Albert Pike, 1872.

When the Masters in Alchemy say that it needs but little time and expense to accomplish the works of science, when they affirm, above all, that but a single vessel is necessary, when they speak of the Great Furnace, which all can use, which is within reach of all the world, and which men possess without knowing it, they allude to the philosophical and moral Alchemy. In fact, a strong and determined will can, in a little while, attain complete independence; and we all possess that chemical instrument, the great and single athanor or furnace, which serves to separate the subtile from the gross, and the fixed from the volatile. This instrument, complete as the world, and accurate as the mathematics themselves, is designed by the Sages under the emblem of the Pentagram or Star with five points, the absolute sign of human intelligence.

The end perfection of the Great Work is expressed, in alchemy, by a triangle surmounted by a cross: and the letter Tau, [unknown symbol], the last Sacred alphabet, has the same meaning .

The "elementary fire," that comes primarily by attraction, is evidently Electricity or the Electric Force, primarily developed as magnetism, and in which perhaps the secret of life or vital force.

I will stop there (he also touches on the properties of light ancient & modern), because I have to type this out while looking at the actual book. I can't seem to find a ready to use text online.

Go easy on Mike, he admittedly just discovered science & the theory of evolution.
Looks like Mikema will have to reconsider the spiritual influence on his freshly absorbed evolutionary sterile life story. Knowing how men with wealth & occult agenda use or push science in a particular direction... We could take all the money countries give to CERN's LHC and scientifically cure hunger. Science is a front for hermetic gnostic faith, deal with it.

To clarify, Magism (Science of ancient Magi) was the science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoraoster. The Gnostics carried forth the dogmas of that science. The Holy Kabalah is revieled Magi wisdom. And a few other occult groups use the Science of ancient Magi in some way shape or form. Eventually, when the technology (first replaceable part, Gutenberg print) allowed for the mass compilation & organization of this knowledge, medieval scholars established the groundwork for the scientific method. Life isn't a continuously progressive system where humans become smarter... Technology manifest the eternal wisdom of all ages and is the extension of our mind & five senses.

One does not simply conduct science because one can conduct science; Science should be a moral decision involving the body heart mind. I am terribly sorry if you really think that nothing came from nothing for nothing. Those who do believe in something will use & possibly abuse you, be careful.

I shouldn't be telling such a profane crowd these things... Oh well, you'll pay little attention. I highly doubt any of the participating posters have oral instruction on how to properly interpret the language used. You know how intelligence circles use the "eyes only or ears only" model of secrecy... Yeah, that's one ancient method of concealment. Can you imagine how long it takes for the average person to free their mind? Then once they free it, they have to be initiated and come to understand various metaphors or universal truths. I realize that the majority of people reading this never made it to this sentence, and if you did, your hazy perception of life dominated by material & ego driven instructions/regurgitation disable you from making valued judgements on eternal truth. You are quite literally blind to all of this! You don't need to wake up, we don't need you!
Serato wrote:There is no such thing as Gnostic faith. To be Gnostic, is to know. What I know is the future exists, but only if we get there together. To believe this, to desire this for all humanity, rich or poor, black or white, all race, all nations, it is this unconditional love that one needs to be given three keys to finally see something you have always known.
You would make a decent politician... Because you didn't say anything meaningful in that last paragraph. I would say this is strike three, factor- evasive posting. Traditionally you'd be out of the game, but since you're not going to leave... I will.

So there you have it folks.
That's what I think about this thread.
I see you take the most simplistic interpretation of heaven and hell and present it as the only one possible.

I don't actually, it was in response to Serato's simplistic interpretations that he spews on everything.

Sarcasm flag and all that.
Il Doge wrote:After the universe comes to know itself, I hope it sends its only son to tell us the best way to live. Being as we are someone would probably kill him for it

I commend you on your impressive knowledge of astronomy. You must be the most accomplished scientist ever.
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