Bill Nye: Humans are path to universe knowing itself - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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But even so the relationship seems superficial, even the old prophets placed in religious revelry can't be seriously be compared to the "divine madness" and complete loss of inhibition that is linked to the Bacchus and Pan cults. The Abrahamic God has always been both austere and somewhat severe in his dealings with mankind, and just waving away this incongruity by insinuating the ideas are merely mirror aspects is a cop out. The Maya and maya may sound the same but they are not the same, and a few ideas co opted by mystery religions does not mean that underlying foundations of the various faiths are interchangeable.

ps: I await a response in the other thread. Actually i may log off soon.
I agree that there are differences, that in practice the Bacchus cult is not monasticism. My only contention was that Iao was a title roughly parallel to our titles God or Lord, the concept you must admit has undergone a fair amount of diverse forms and revisions and therefore phases in the maturation of the human concept of God. It's a neutral term in fact, with a lot of different interpretations, these interpretative phases we call cults, but they are not so distinct as that retrospective opinion suggests.
Rei Murasame wrote:That hasn't been revealed to us yet. All we know is that we have to do what we can, where we can, to make sure that it comes about in its completion. :

A compounding instant that subtracts contracting results to perpetual the expanding details never duplicated within genetic continuation self contained to specific atmospheres like this planet's total makeup of matter contained within the 118 molecular elements of the periodic table.

Now humans invent alphabets for each tongue of language arts that converts sounds to images by syllables spoken and written.

It has been revealed and one can tell by how those that know don't say and punish anyone whom does talk about time not changing details presently.

Space changes all the time this instant remains here as each body converts from a single combined reproductive cells into one fertilized cell that expands exponentially becoming innerconnected cells Expanding by abortion of combined combinations of the periodic table of molecular elements that assemble the planet and atmosphere here.

Choosing to ignore is still a choice. Choosing to play a role in societal evolution because social justification doesn't allow an alternative is exercising the ability to choose by accepting a lesser of two evils metaphor.

Now what is good and what becomes evil relative to that good.

Genetic continuation proving ancestors of ancestry to live within Eternity making eternal details never duplicated now, or creating theaters of the mind where only a few can administer what everyone else must believe or be banned from societal evolution all together.

It is this simple. Where is the problem humanity never resolves by design of theory working against theology and visa versa?

then there is academics vs economics as much and as well as church vs state.
Potemkin wrote:So he proposes to replace one load of metaphysical bollocks with another, slightly more up-to-date load of metaphysical bollocks? Interesting....

Well, human beings exist as part of the universe, and are capable of knowing facts about the universe; it is correct to say that humans are an example of the universe knowing itself.

I'm not sure I would attribute much metaphysical meaning to that conclusion, however.
Well, human beings exist as part of the universe, and are capable of knowing facts about the universe; it is correct to say that humans are an example of the universe knowing itself.

I'm not sure I would attribute much metaphysical meaning to that conclusion, however.

Indeed. In fact, this whole debate is an example of how powerful even the ghost of religion still is in our culture - we are like Brutus, having assassinated Caesar and believing that he had ended his tyranny, being visited by his ghost before Philippi. O Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet! / Thy spirit walks abroad and turns our swords / In our own proper entrails.
Returning late, but this has also emerged:
BBC News, 'Earth life 'may have come from Mars'', 29 Aug 2013 wrote:Life may have started on Mars before arriving on Earth, a major scientific conference has heard.

New research supports an idea that the Red Planet was a better place to kick-start biology billions of years ago than the early Earth was.

The evidence is based on how the first molecules necessary for life were assembled.

Details of the theory were outlined by Prof Steven Benner at the Goldschmidt Meeting in Florence, Italy.

Scientists have long wondered how atoms first came together to make up the three crucial molecular components of living organisms: RNA, DNA and proteins.

The molecules that combined to form genetic material are far more complex than the primordial "pre-biotic" soup of organic (carbon-based) chemicals thought to have existed on the Earth more than three billion years ago, and RNA (ribonucleic acid) is thought to have been the first of them to appear.

Simply adding energy such as heat or light to the more basic organic molecules in the "soup" does not generate RNA. Instead, it generates tar.

RNA needs to be coaxed into shape by "templating" atoms at the crystalline surfaces of minerals.

The minerals most effective at templating RNA would have dissolved in the oceans of the early Earth, but would have been more abundant on Mars, according to Prof Benner.

Red or dead

This could suggest that life started on the Red Planet before being transported to Earth on meteorites, argues Prof Benner, of the Westheimer Institute of Science and Technology in Gainesville, US.

The idea that life originated on Mars and was then transported to our planet has been mooted before. But Prof Benner's ideas add another twist to the theory of a Martian origin for the terrestrial biosphere.

Here in Florence, Prof Benner presented results that suggest minerals containing the elements boron and molybdenum are key in assembling atoms into life-forming molecules.

The researcher points out that boron minerals help carbohydrate rings to form from pre-biotic chemicals, and then molybdenum takes that intermediate molecule and rearranges it to form ribose, and hence RNA.

This raises problems for how life began on Earth, since the early Earth is thought to have been unsuitable for the formation of the necessary boron and molybdenum minerals.

It is thought that the boron minerals needed to form RNA from pre-biotic soups were not available on early Earth in sufficient quantity, and the molybdenum minerals were not available in the correct chemical form.

Prof Benner explained: "It’s only when molybdenum becomes highly oxidised that it is able to influence how early life formed.

"This form of molybdenum couldn’t have been available on Earth at the time life first began, because three billion years ago, the surface of the Earth had very little oxygen, but Mars did.

"It’s yet another piece of evidence which makes it more likely life came to Earth on a Martian meteorite, rather than starting on this planet."

Early Mars is also thought to have had a drier environment, and this is also crucial to its favourable location for life's origins.

"What’s quite clear is that boron, as an element, is quite scarce in Earth’s crust," Prof Benner told BBC News, “but Mars has been drier than Earth and more oxidising, so if Earth is not suitable for the chemistry, Mars might be.

"The evidence seems to be building that we are actually all Martians; that life started on Mars and came to Earth on a rock," he commented.

"It’s lucky that we ended up here, nevertheless - as certainly Earth has been the better of the two planets for sustaining life. If our hypothetical Martian ancestors had remained on Mars, there may not have been a story to tell."

What is the purpose of me posting this? Easy. Think about it, everyone.

There are two main arguments - other than a simple non-belief in the unseen world - which people usually marshal against the premise of the opening post of this thread:

  • 1. "There are plenty of other planets capable of sustaining life in an earth-like fashion in the universe, potentially billions of them in which civilisations of advanced people, just like ourselves, could emerge."

  • 2. "Why should it be out task to obey the call of 'that which lies behind', if others may exist in the universe who might be already doing it?"

My rebuttal to those two points is that we are likely to be completely alone in the universe. The cavalry isn't coming to save us, because we in this solar system are probably the only cavalry there is.


Because it has become apparent that for life to develop and be sustained, the RNA must be created on molybdenite and boron lattices in a Mars-like environment, and that then has to be thrown like a spear into the planet next to it which must be an Earth-like goldilocks environment.

I would say that odds are that this near-miraculous scenario has happened very few times in the universe, possibly only one time. This was for a particular and peculiar purpose and forms part of the symbolism found in many mystery religions.
So far as we know, we alone carry the burden of consciousness for the universe. If you consider awareness an important value to preserve, then humanity carries a heavy responsibility indeed. The tragedy is that no one may know if we fail.
Because it has become apparent that for life to develop and be sustained, the RNA must be created on molybdenite and boron lattices in a Mars-like environment, and that then has to be thrown like a spear into the planet next to it which must be an Earth-like goldilocks environment.

I would say that odds are that this near-miraculous scenario has happened very few times in the universe, possibly only one time. This was for a particular and peculiar purpose and forms part of the symbolism found in many mystery religions.

Actually, this is excellent news. It gives us the opportunity to become the Great Old Ones, seeding the galaxy with life and nurturing younger species over the billion-year span of our galactic civilisation. Billions of years from now, we will be the stuff of myth and legend.....
Potemkin wrote:Actually, this is excellent news. It gives us the opportunity to become the Great Old Ones, seeding the galaxy with life and nurturing younger species over the billion-year span of our galactic civilisation.
Hoss Cartwright wrote:it is unlikely that none but a select few of us will ever escape the confines of this earth.

We don't know how the story will develop, but our immediate goal on earth in light of this knowledge (which of course we always knew), is that we have to prepare humanity first to survive the coming resource crunch through the application of the correct socio-economic agenda, secondly to take responsibility over the direction of planetary evolution, and thirdly empower all the population groups on the earth to seize and elevate that which was always within them so that they are spiritually developed and uplifted if possible.
When you are building a pyramid, you need people to physically lay down the bricks, and you need a society that is capable of producing the bricks and the tools to produce bricks.

At the same time, physically constructed objects all fade away over time, but if the construction of the object simultaneously assists in the process of building the idea behind the pyramid inside the minds of people, then you have continuity of government and you are joined together with everyone forever. The pyramid which is everlasting and always missing its capstone.
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