Does belief in God make you religious? - Politics | PoFo

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That depends on your definition of religion.

Would you like to use a functionalist definition or a substantialist definition?

Most substantialist definitions depend on the explicit belief in some divine entity. Functionalist definitions are trickier. Their diversity makes it almost impossible to say anything useful about them at all.

If you want to an answer to your question, you first need to make sure you use an acceptable definition of religion which is pretty tough.
Not necessarily. There are many people who have believed in God that would not call themselves religious--for instance, deists. Also consider Alfred North Whitehead. Also religion and belief in gods are not synonymous, e.g. Buddhism. Religion involves community, a system of beliefs, and practices oriented toward distinctions between the sacred and the profane or worldliness and otherworldliness/transcendence. Just believing that there is a god for this or that reason does not necessarily make one religious.
No necessity to get pedantic over this question. Religion and God are two different subjects. It will be argued that they are intertwined. They are not. But they have both been used to control populations, line pockets, and promise pie in the sky.
neopagan wrote:But they have both been used to control populations, line pockets, and promise pie in the sky.

They have also been a source of liberation, both individually and socially, and a source of group solidarity and transformation.
No. You can be spiritual, but not follow the religion. i.e. you can believe in God and not necessarily be a Christian, Protestant, etc.
Neopagan wrote:Yes, I think I covered those subjects.

Oh...I guess I didn't get that out of "But they have both been used to control populations, line pockets, and promise pie in the sky." But everything is subject to interpretation.
It most certainly DOES NOT!

For instance...I have a strong belief in the existence of a "Gawd"...yet I am repulsed by the Abrahamic religions.
All 3 of those gargantuan lies, speak of an enemy...a "Satan" of sorts.
That would be me.
I am about as opposed to Christianity, Judaism and Islam as 1 person can possibly be.

If I may take a little liberty here, I'd like to propose that it isn't really the lack of hard evidence for the existence of Gawd that pushes so many towards's the teachings and actions of the Abrahamic religions.
People get turned off.
Yet they equate the religions with the existence of Gawd.
This is unfortunate.
Gawd didn't write the "Wholy Books" did.
The most greedy, self-centered and destructive force on this planet...wrote the Gospels...

Hence ATHEISM is a direct result of RELIGION.
It is a protest of sorts.
I know plenty of lumpen who believe in the Christian version of God but are not religious, having come to the logical but depraved conclusion that they along with everyone they know are going to hell so fuck it. Their kids probably won't believe as the supreme apathy continues to take hold.
Godstud wrote:You can be spiritual, but not follow the religion. i.e. you can believe in God and not necessarily be a Christian, Protestant, etc.

Would that that were true.

I am happy to believe in some kind of superior force in the universe - call it 'God' if you like - but I am vehemently opposed to the dogmatic application of scriptures written by men, to exert power over other men using God as the source of their authority. I guess Buzz would agree with me?

As a result, therefore, I am left without any kind of spiritual outlet. Perhaps it's this very frustration that pushes many people toward things like Buddhism, Druidism, Paganism and so forth?

I want to be able to acknowledge a spiritual dimension to my life but I have no medium (no pun intended) through which to do so.
Cartertonian wrote:Would that that were true.

I am happy to believe in some kind of superior force in the universe - call it 'God' if you like - but I am vehemently opposed to the dogmatic application of scriptures written by men, to exert power over other men using God as the source of their authority. I guess Buzz would agree with me?

As a result, therefore, I am left without any kind of spiritual outlet. Perhaps it's this very frustration that pushes many people toward things like Buddhism, Druidism, Paganism and so forth?

I want to be able to acknowledge a spiritual dimension to my life but I have no medium (no pun intended) through which to do so.

I do agree Sir.

But I don't need a "medium" for practicing my beliefs.
I don't need to huddle in some opulent cathedral (paid for by the poor) in order to worship or thank Gawd.
All I need is to acknowledge the presence of Gawd, and to feel thankful that I am a part of this marvelous creation.

However...I do take a special amusement in watching all the Sunday Church-Goers showing off their new cloths and washing away their perceived "sins" by telling the local "shaman" about them. I have always found this self-centered display amusing...
I am happy to believe in some kind of superior force in the universe - call it 'God' if you like - but I am vehemently opposed to the dogmatic application of scriptures written by men, to exert power over other men using God as the source of their authority.

As a result, therefore, I am left without any kind of spiritual outlet. Perhaps it's this very frustration that pushes many people toward things like Buddhism, Druidism, Paganism and so forth?

I want to be able to acknowledge a spiritual dimension to my life but I have no medium (no pun intended) through which to do so.

Religiously follow your conscience as if it were the voice of an angel sent specifically to guide you and you will soon find so much spirituality it will be scary...

If your conscience suggests you stop and give that homeless person a little money then do it...if your conscience tells you to turn off the TV and rake the leaves in the yard then do it...if your conscience tells you to chant with bald men in the street then do it...

Follow your conscience religiously and it will take you places you haven't dared dream of...

Your conscience is the key to it all...
If your belief in God impacts how you choose to live your life, you are religious regardless of which particular religion you follow, if any.

Godstud wrote:Image

The cartoon should read, "Then maybe you shouldn't create freedom."
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