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Their main line is racism.

Never have so many cheered such a vile murderer
It’s doubtful there’s another Western society whose racism is accompanied by such bloodlust.
Hebron shooter
An image grab taken from a video released on March 24, 2016 by B'Tselem showing an Israeli soldier aiming his weapon before alle... / Photo by AFP
By Gideon Levy
Published 12:12 31.03.16
The rabble demonstrating and writing in support of the soldier-executioner in Hebron sees him as a hero. Not just a victim, like the convicted murderer Roman Zadorov, for example, but a hero. E.A. — his full name remains under a gag order — is a folk hero because he murdered a dying Palestinian. Because, not despite.

This must be stated clearly. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the state, an abhorrent murder whose only obvious justification seems to be a hatred of Arabs and contempt for their lives, has become a heroic act. A murder that required no courage, a cowardly act of the highest order, has become heroic in the eyes of the masses, simply because it ended with a dead Palestinian bleeding on the road to the sound of their rejoicing.

Never have so many cheered such a vile murderer. In the history of the Israel Defense Forces there have been quite a few obscene acts disguised as heroism — the reprisal raids of the 1950s, the Gaza Strip activities of the Sayeret Rimon special operations unit, operations Cast Lead Protective Edge — but never was an obscure murderer lauded as a hero. Shimon Bar Kochba, Meir Har-Zion, Yoni Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and … E.A. Who can retell the mighty feats of Israel?

Israeli racism has reached a new peak. The murder in Tel Rumeida and the ensuing response are no less than seminal events. Israeli racism had previously been based on the arrogance of the Chosen People, to which everything is permitted, which is the very best and knows better than anyone else; on manipulating the perception of endless victimhood and persecution; on demonizing the Arabs, who only want to destroy us; on dehumanizing them, as if their lives are worth nothing; on incitement, denial, repression and lies and on Israel’s formidable military might. On these foundations we built a racist society, probably the most racist in the world today.

Now all this has been taken up a notch, or perhaps down. To all the above we can now openly add bloodlust — unadulterated, uninhibited and undisguised.

This combination of racism and thirst for blood is not only repulsive, it’s also volatile and dangerous. There is racism in many societies, generally hidden and marginal. In Israel it has become standard, perhaps the height of contemporary political correctness, and fighting it is seen as treason.

Moreover, it’s doubtful there’s another Western society whose racism is accompanied by such bloodlust. Whites hate blacks in the United States and South Africa, Europeans hate refugees, Christians hate Muslims, but not with such bloodlust and murderousness. The cry “Death to the Arabs” has taken on shocking practical significance. E.A. is its executor. That’s why he’s being applauded.

These are deep currents that are difficult to stop. They have settled deep in people’s hearts, the result of decades of incitement and brainwashing. Neither a severe punishment for E.A., which he deserves, nor the chief of staff’s letter to soldiers reminding them of the army’s ethics can suffice.

Few have dared to confront these currents; most of our systems support or have capitulated to them. It’s enough to see the military prosecution grovel before the mobs outside, dropping the allegations from murder to negligent homicide, and even that is in doubt. The media outlets, which know what their audiences want, have of course joined in spreading the incitement. It sells well. Suddenly what happened is “unclear,” “not definitive.” The video incriminates as much as a thousand witnesses and myriads of evidence, and the picture is still “unclear.” What’s not clear?

And the politicians, who as usual support the masses, are either silent or paralyzed with fear. The thuggish Avigdor Lieberman, with Sharon Gal tagging along, and the mobs at the military court in Kastina are the most Israeli things there are now. There’s nothing to stop them. It’s doubtful if it even pays to try.

But they won’t stop at Kastina. After the Arabs will come the leftists, the journalists, the judges and who knows who else. Prepare for the next Israeli hero; he’s already polishing his gun.


Along the way to full, official fascism — especially fascism based on religious, ethnic or racial identity — a society must experience two critical stages.

The first is the complete dehumanization of “the “Other” — that is, members of a different religion, nation or race. In the mind of the budding fascist, they must cease to be human beings. They must instead be turned into animals without rights, dangerous objects, natural threats. Or, in contemporary language, they must be turned into “two-legged animals” and “wild beasts” from the jungle beyond the fence. This makes it easier for the nascent fascist to subjugate and abuse them, to deprive them of their rights and property and ultimately to kill them like pests.

Last week Israeli society proved it passed this stage with flying colors. The dehumanization of the Palestinian “other” is complete. In the neofascist Israeli consciousness, the Palestinians are like cockroaches. Even when they lie on the ground, helpless, their heads must be crushed with a slipper, or punctured by a bullet. Such is the fate of the cockroach.

But the act of the soldier-murderer in Hebron was not the proof of the completion of the first stage. It was only the last in a long, bloody series of similar acts. (I know, he hasn’t been tried yet. It’s wrong to call him a murderer already. I’m only applying to him what I’ve learned from the saints in the right wing. They bestow terms such as “murderer” and “terrorist” on Palestinians without waiting for an investigation, trial or verdict. So why can’t I?)

The response of the witnesses to the act attested to the completion of the dehumanization process. The total indifference. The relaxed calm. The silent, routine consent. It was as though a rat had been run over, as though a mosquito had been squashed. And when it was done, there was the soldier’s smiling handshake with one of the thugs of the late right-winger Rabbi Meir Kahane. The response to that too was indifference and tolerance.

All doubt has therefore been removed; we can check off the “dehumanization” box and move to the next stage.

Discomfitingly enough, to explain this next stage I must resort to an ancient German word, vogelfrei. Its literal meaning is “free as a bird,” but its meaning as a legal term is “fair game, like a bird.” In other words, an outlaw, whose property and whose very body are up for grabs. Even his life. Anyone who hurts or robs him will not be held accountable. If he is murdered, his body will not be buried.

The term originates in the Middle Ages, but it was revived in the 20th century. Gypsies, homosexuals, blacks, some Poles and members of a nation that has meanwhile managed to forget the lessons of its past, were semi-officially but publicly declared vogelfrei. A despicable government deprived them of their rights, looted their property and allowed them to be killed.

The sickening commotion now being raised by the supporters and defenders of the attacker from the Israel Defense Forces is about precisely this issue. It’s about completing phase 2. It’s about carrying out their desire to make the Palestinian “other” vogelfrei as well. Fair game. Deprived of all legal protections, so that they can maltreat him without hindrance, hurt him without having to justify their behavior. Plunder his property with impunity. And, of course, to shoot him at any time, without encountering the annoying questions of some traitorous minority, whose day is also coming.

It is fitting that Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Lieberman should lead this riff raff. From their perspective, so it would seem, the Palestinians have long become vogelfrei.

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http://www.haaretz.com/misc/iphone-arti ... m-1.711887

Hebron murder was no exception, but the inevitable result
It’s the present and the future. It’s impossible to maintain the occupation without such murders, their number will only mount.
Israeli soldiers surround the body of one of the two Palestinians.
Israeli soldiers surround the body of one of the two Palestinians who were killed after attacking a soldier in Hebron, March 24,... / Photo by AFP
By Gideon Levy
Published 01:01 27.03.16
It was murder. It was murder of the most abominable kind, the murder of a helpless human being. It was murder committed by a cowardly soldier, who shot a wounded man.

The murderer’s accomplices were those colleagues of his who said “it’s no big deal” and the officers who spoke on their cellphones or occupied themselves in a thousand different ways while the wounded man lay helpless. The soldier shot him in the head and his body was left bleeding on the road.

If the soldier had shot a stray dog, it would have raised more interest among the soldiers and settlers milling round. They looked so bored – after all, what happened? A soldier shot a Palestinian. We’ve had loads of those.

Israeli racism reached its sickeningly lowest point in Hebron on Thursday. Such indifference to the murder of a person, in front of a crowd of people, has not been seen here before. A wounded person thrown in the road – and it occurs to nobody to help him. A soldier shoots him in the head, and the soldiers and settlers around him are all busy directing the ambulance. Heaven forbid, its bumper might get scratched.

To all those who think this is an exception and all those who are for putting off a peace agreement in favor or “managing the conflict” and those convinced that maybe one day we’ll have to end the occupation, but not now: This murder is the inevitable result. It’s the present and the future. It’s impossible to maintain the occupation without such murders, their number will only mount.

It will be impossible to continue ruling Hebron without daily executions; it will only be possible to hold the West Bank by committing more war crimes.

The momentary storm that erupted in Israel is a self-righteous one. This is exactly what the extrajudicial killings over the past months have looked like – the only difference was the B’Tselem camera. There were plenty of testimonies and evidence about these killings, but Israelis chose to close their eyes. As in previous incidents, the wounded man lying on the road was no threat to anyone - and no shrewd lawyer will be able to convince a decent judge that the soldier fired because he felt that his life was threatened.

Look at the video clip – this is not the way you behave when you feel you’re in danger. This is the way you behave when everything is cool, when you’re having a good time.

Portraying the soldier as a victim is a deliberate distraction. True, the politicians incited him to act this way and the army did nothing to stop him from acting this way, but the soldier shot his victim in cold blood and is responsible for his actions. He simply didn’t know there was a camera present, the unlucky wretch.

Soldiers, beware of the cameras, they are the enemy. Some of the soldiers are already aware of this. The talk about the “booby-trapped terrorist” sounds like a recitation for the camera, as if they were preparing an alibi. Turning the murderer into a victim is also outrageous. The victim is Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, who tried to stab a soldier.

As usual, the chorus of sanctimonious cheer leaders is chanting in the background. The prime minister and defense minister wash their hands of the deed and say it is “opposed to the IDF’s values and its ethical code.” They lie. The fact that no soldier has yet been brought to trial for execution is the real reflection of the army’s values.

Then there are the explicit supporters of the murder, from the education minster down. For them, every murder of a Palestinian is a blessing. It would not occur to them to apologize for their incitement against the left wing NGOs. Were it not for these organizations, we wouldn’t have known.

The next few days will shape the IDF’s image, no less. Failure to indict the soldier and those who took part in enabling it will prove that the IDF does not want to change.

Look at the video and see the IDF of 2016. Listen to the voices of those who see the murderer as a national hero and see Israel of 2016.

http://www.haaretz.com/misc/iphone-arti ... m-1.711025
Last edited by Pongo on 31 Mar 2016 18:11, edited 1 time in total.
Well, for what it's worth, Levy is spot on about some of the reactions by Israelis regarding this event. According to the evidence, the soldier is completely I the wrong, he is in clear breach of military guidelines and rules of engagement but the mob likes to dismiss this altogether and yell foul at the government for enforcing the rules. What a farce by these racists.
danholo wrote:Well, for what it's worth, Levy is spot on about some of the reactions by Israelis regarding this event. According to the evidence, the soldier is completely I the wrong, he is in clear breach of military guidelines and rules of engagement but the mob likes to dismiss this altogether and yell foul at the government for enforcing the rules. What a farce by these racists.

The mob mobbed the entrance;

Over 1,000 turn out to cheer soldier accused in Hebron killing

Times of Israel, March 29, 2016, 6:18 pm


Upwards of 1,000 demonstrators gathered Tuesday outside the Qastina military court to express support for a soldier arrested over the shooting death of a wounded Palestinian assailant last week, in a case that has sparked a fierce debate in the Knesset and across the country.

Most of the protesters chanted in favor of the soldier and demanded his release, though some yelled out racist slogans against Arabs and invoked the ultranationalistic Kahane movement.

At the rally, Yisrael Beytenu party head MK Avigdor Liberman claimed there was no basis for the accusations against the soldier. Liberman went on to attack Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, who on Monday leveled harsh criticism against lawmakers who had expressed support for the soldier.

“The claim [against the soldier] has collapsed, I’m sure he will be acquitted,” Liberman said. “I’m sorry that [Ya’alon] has determined in advance the results of the military investigation. This harms the military.”

Liberman claimed Ya’alon “revealed details of the investigation” into the incident during remarks he made to the Knesset on Monday, and said “I don’t trust the defense minister” given his handling of the affair.

Meanwhile inside the court, at a hearing for the soldier, a military prosecutor stated he believed the suspect had deliberately executed the Palestinian, but hinted he may not be charged with murder. The prosecutor said the accused man shot the Palestinian stabber in the head though the assailant no longer posed a threat.

An IDF soldier was moderately wounded in the attack, in Hebron on Thursday, during the course of which another Palestinian assailant was shot and killed.

The soldier, whose name is being withheld from publication, was filmed shooting a wounded and nearly motionless Palestinian assailant in the head some ten minutes after he had already been shot and incapacitated. The soldier was arraigned Friday on suspicion of murder, drawing anger from his family, right-wing politicians and others who claim the army was passing judgment before probing the incident.

The prosecutor hinted on Monday the soldier may face manslaughter charges, walking backing a statement Friday that he could face murder charges.

“We are trying to decide what he could be charged with, including manslaughter,” the prosecutor said at the hearing.

The prosecutor also said the soldier, who originally said the Palestinian assailant posed a threat, had changed his recounting of the incident during questioning.

Senior IDF officials and Ya’alon, as well as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have defended the decision to charge the soldier and insisted that his actions violated the army’s ethical code.

Ya’alon has also castigated fellow lawmakers for “inciting” against army brass while defending the soldier.

According to the army, the soldier said before shooting the surviving Palestinian stabber that he should be killed, and told his commanders afterward that the assailant had deserved to die.

danholo wrote:Well, for what it's worth, Levy is spot on about some of the reactions by Israelis regarding this event. According to the evidence, the soldier is completely I the wrong, he is in clear breach of military guidelines and rules of engagement but the mob likes to dismiss this altogether and yell foul at the government for enforcing the rules. What a farce by these racists.

After all the defense minister himself took pride that he "confirmed the death" of Abu Jihad in 1988. And there they surprised him in his home in Tunis. Here a young soldier witnessed his comrade stabbing by the terrorist.

Soldier's mother to Ya'alon: Remember you killed Abu Jihad

Family of soldier who shot wounded terrorist in Hevron
The mother of the IDF soldier who shot a wounded Arab terrorist in Hevron last Thursday wrote to Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) on Sunday, criticizing how her son has been arrested and accused of murder.

An Arab activist of the radical leftist NGO B'Tselem filmed the soldier shooting the terrorist, minutes after the latter stabbed and wounded another soldier. The soldier has argued he shot the terrorist over concerns he was about to detonate a bomb belt that was thought to be hidden under his unseasonable coat.

The letter of the concerned mother to Ya'alon, who has publicly condemned the soldier, reads as follows:

Since last Thursday my life has stopped and turned into one long, painful, wearying and ongoing day. It is so long and the blows come ceaselessly without any rest. Days without sleep, days in which the night turns into day and the day turns to night. Days in which worries strangle me and don't let me live. Days in which it seems I live owing something and without merit, and for what?? Because I relied on the establishment and sent my son to defend the state.

I am the mother of the soldier that you sent on a mission to defend citizens of the state, and you abandoned him. A mother who sent her son to defend the state and its citizens, and the establishment returns fire and silences his voice.

I am the mother of the child who for his entire adult life devoted himself to the state - a patriot, a lover of the land who dreamed of serving the state, but found himself betrayed by the establishment. I am the mother of the 19-year-old child who stands alone against the political and military echelon and cannot overcome it.

I am the mother who gave the state her son and the establishment used him, renounced him and split him apart through its spokespeople. I am the one who is left behind, who needs to defend her family which is torn by the situation that was forced on it, who needs to deal with the questions of the children, the crying, the anger over the fate of their brother.

Bring the child back to us, bring our lives back to us. Remember and don't forget that you stood in my son's place only in the room of Abu Jihad and you confirmed the killing of a despicable murderous terrorist. My son last Thursday also stood before a murderous terrorist, but the script has been flipped and the terrorist who came to murder has turned into a righteous among the gentiles, while my son became a murderer - have we gone crazy?!

I, the mother of soldiers of Israel who bears on her shoulders the burden of all the children of Israel, turn to you and ask that you return the trust in the system to our son, and that you don't forget who the attacker really is.

My son found himself in a complicated situation and I am sure that all of his intentions were to prevent a great tragedy from amid a feeling of risk that accompanied him from the moment he made the decision. Don't raise your hand against my son, stand by his side. He isn't just my son, he is the child of all of us, he is no different than many children who grow up in the state of Israel and yearn to reach the moment when they will enlist in the army to defend the citizens of the state, to defend me and you.

I turn to you out of hopes that you will listen to my weakening voice. To the voice of my son that shouts to you from the basements of his arrest and asks that your memories from your days as commander of Sayeret (Matkal) return to you and stand in his merit today, as they stood in your merit when you defended the security of Israel.

With blessings,

The mother of the child who was abandoned by the establishment.

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/ ... v0Tk3rXeK0

Who shot Abu Jihad when he was neutralized?

Moshe Ya'alon
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) was quick to join the wave of condemnation against an IDF soldier, who was filmed Thursday shooting a neutralized Arab terrorist after minutes earlier he stabbed and tried to murder a soldier in Hevron.

The soldier has argued he shot the terrorist over fears he was about to detonate a suicide belt, in an argument confirmed by a witness on the scene.

For a reserve officer who spoke to Arutz Sheva, the incident brought him back to the year 1988, when the arch terrorist Abu Jihad was eliminated in a special IDF operation in Tunisia.

Towards the end of 1987, the elite Sayeret Matkal special forces were given the mission of assassinating Abu Jihad, who led the forces of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorist group and was responsible for countless lethal attacks.

Among the attacks Abu Jihad masterminded were the Tel Aviv Savoy Hotel attack in 1975 in which eight hostages and three IDF soldiers were murdered, and the 1978 "Coastal Road Massacre," one of the most lethal attacks in Israel's history in which 37 Israelis including 12 children were murdered.

The two attacks were conducted by the PLO's central Fatah faction, with the terrorists launching them after having infiltrated Israel's coastline via rubber boats.

At the time when Sayeret Matkal was tasked with taking out Abu Jihad, Lt. Col. Moshe Ya'alon commanded the unit, well before later becoming the Chief of Staff and currently serving as Defense Minister.

According to reports in foreign media, the combat soldier who first shot Abu Jihad was aged in his 20s, but the man who several minutes later stood in the Tunisian villa and confirmed the terrorist's death by shooting him again after he was already neutralized was none other than the commander of the operation, Ya'alon.

Seconds later, Ya'alon's voice was heard on the communications device telling the command post that "the director and his three workers are on their way to a world that is wholly good."

A reserve officer who spoke to Arutz Sheva on Friday regarding the incident on condition of anonymity said he wanted to send a message: "before everyone pounces on a combat soldier in a situation that isn't simple and hands him a verdict, they should show a bit of sensitivity."

"Ya'alon rushes to condemn like other politicians, but if they judge the soldier why not judge Boogie (Ya'alon)?," he posed.

The source added that "this story from Hevron places him (Ya'alon) as a Defense Minister who preaches morals publicly to a soldier who shot a terrorist in a very negative, hypocritical and artificial light."

"After all what is the difference between the two situations, other than the fact that yesterday an Arab filmed the incident and spread it?"


And it was also debunked.

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