Israeli soldier shoots incapicitated Palestinian in head - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Current "Israel Today" cover. 59% of the youth - right wing, only 13% have left wing views. Recall Israel was founded by the Labor party which ruled it for 30 years. What changed? The image of the left as fifth column. EU bought the Israeli left and it's now manipulating its agenda by extra parliamentary opposition, NGO's and its media organ, Haaretz. Seems the scheme was back fired. Right now there are no terrorists actions against EU by Israelis, who knows what will bring the future?


A right wing campaign of people awareness to the fact that EU bought the left.

Pongo wrote:Current "Israel Today" cover. 59% of the youth - right wing, only 13% have left wing views. Recall Israel was founded by the Labor party which ruled it for 30 years. What changed? ...

Indoctrinating the youth in the ways of Zionist racism was bound to happen over a couple of generations given that the reason for Israel's existence is to be an exclusively Jewish state. Being a warlike country with a conscripted military used to subdue the indigenous Palestinians has created a bigoted fascist youth. Since 20% of Israelis are Arabs, this means that about three-quarters of Israeli Jews are radical Zionists. Democracy, equality, and peace is a lost cause for the Jewish state whose youth see themselves surrounded by hostile Arabs, feeling misunderstood and beleaguered internationally, with only the U.S.A. as an ally.
It's not the business of EU to indoctrinating them away. They only helped to destroy the left. German-led EU may believe that since the Nazi days they invented themselves and today they are anti racist and democratic and have the right to manipulate the Jews as they did in the death camps. But for their victims they are as antisemitic as they were in the past. Today everyone call the Israeli left Quislings, Judenrate and Kappos. It's not fun to be lefty in Israel. The blame should be laid upon EU meddling on Israel affairs.
So Pongo, if I understand you correctly, "The EU bought the left" is one of the propaganda memes that have pushed Israeli society towards ethno-centric hatefulness (right wing)?

And you're saying that it was actually a more left-wing Israel that ethnic-cleansed the Palestinians?

Were the European terror gangs that created Israel actually "socialist" in some way?
QatzelOk wrote:So Pongo, if I understand you correctly, "The EU bought the left" is one of the propaganda memes that have pushed Israeli society towards ethno-centric hatefulness (right wing)?

And you're saying that it was actually a more left-wing Israel that ethnic-cleansed the Palestinians?

Were the European terror gangs that created Israel actually "socialist" in some way?

Correct. The EU is the worst enemy of the left. Giving the history, there is no chance the Israelis at large will ever accept it. Only the Quislings.
Pongo wrote:The EU is the worst enemy of the left. Giving the history, there is no chance the Israelis at large will ever accept it. Only the Quislings.

Well, since the vast majority of Israel's elite are Europeans themselves... it's unlikely that they have much more love than the EU for any kind of real socialism.

In fact, seeing as the Israeli elite got where they are through land-theft and violence, it's virtually impossible to imagine them supporting any kind of real socialism.

The original "socialist" leanings of Israel were just necessary to get the project off the ground. It was never really the reason behind Israel's creation. Israel was created as a watchdog for the colonial races of the Middle East. The Euro-jewish terror gangs understood this, but it was important for Israeli propaganda that virtually no one else did.
Pongo wrote:Current "Israel Today" cover. 59% of the youth - right wing, only 13% have left wing views.

In Israel 'left wing' and 'right wing' mean slightly different things compared to the rest of the world. They not used ideologically as we understand it.

I guess I could ask what does 'being right wing on the occupied territories' or 'being left wing on Jerusalem' or 'right wing on Pal. prisoner releases' means but I doubt most would instantly understand. I'll let Israeli posters explain further if they wish.

EDIT: EG: if we were talking about Begin and his treaty with Egypt, he'd be denounced as 'left-wing on Sinai'. He withdrew from the Sinai. He negotiated with an enemy state of Israel (Egypt) He let an Arab dictator into the Knesset. He hugged a Jew-killer! Etc.

So in Israel, there is a foreign policy level added to what is traditionally understood in the left/right pendulum of political thinking. Outside Israel, asking people questions with this kind of basis would be puzzling to say the least.

EG: I ask a Canadian "Are you left-wing on keeping Quebec?". At first they'd think I'm talking nonsense. Maybe it'd take 10 seconds for them to realise what I meant. Because it's an extra level on the use of the terms, etc.

Otherwise, here's a podcast overview;
Last edited by redcarpet on 14 Apr 2016 09:07, edited 1 time in total.
Redcarpet, the survey is amongst kids alone. For them right and left means traitors or loyals. Your view is of older generation.

QatzelOk wrote: "The EU bought the left" is one of the propaganda memes that have pushed Israeli society towards ethno-centric hatefulness (right wing)?

Current Israel Today cover. As QatzelOk noticed, the EU is used as propaganda meme. According to the headline, one of the NGO (Mi Marviach) that helped BDS cause is financed by EU. Of course this makes both the EU and left hated. The left is seemed Quislings.

Likud Party activists have warned the the Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon is a marked man for allowing the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to court marshal Cpl. Elor Azaria and for criticizing those who want the medic released. These Zionists have circulated a poster of the racist politician in crosshairs. Although the world has witnessed a clear case of murder on video, the charge has been reduced to manslaughter by Azaria's IDF comrades.

Pongo wrote:European themselves? Most of them lost their entire families by these Europeans.

Europeans are always killing one another, by the millions, for money.

This European social disease was spread to Palestine by terror gangs who defame Judaism by calling themselves "Jewish," in much the same way that is was brought to America by people who defamed Christianity by calling themselves "Puritans" (as in pure evil).
QatzelOk wrote:Europeans are always killing one another, by the millions, for money.

This European social disease was spread to Palestine by terror gangs who defame Judaism by calling themselves "Jewish," in much the same way that is was brought to America by people who defamed Christianity by calling themselves "Puritans" (as in pure evil).

I implore you, QatzelOk, please stop cooperating with other posters who seek to derail this topic by writing about Europeans. The topic is about the Israeli medic who murdered a wounded Palestinian prisoner and who is about to be cleared after a show court marshal. Let's not get deflected to other stuff.
Heinie wrote:I implore you, QatzelOk, please stop cooperating with other posters who seek to derail this topic by writing about Europeans. The topic is about the Israeli medic who murdered a wounded Palestinian prisoner and who is about to be cleared after a show court marshal. Let's not get deflected to other stuff.

Oh, I'm not changing the subject at all. My post above is totally on-topic.

See, a yuuuuge part of the problem with Israel is that it's full of scared Europeans faced with scary (for them) Ayrabs. The Europeans who invaded Palestine were used to living in isolated enclaves full of "their own kind".

This is a problem with the invaders, and not with the invadees.
QatzelOk wrote:Oh, I'm not changing the subject at all. My post above is totally on-topic.
See, a yuuuuge part of the problem with Israel is that it's full of scared Europeans faced with scary (for them) Ayrabs. The Europeans who invaded Palestine were used to living in isolated enclaves full of "their own kind".
This is a problem with the invaders, and not with the invadees.

You did not mention Cpl. Elor Azaria once in your post. He is an Israeli with an abiding hatred of Palestinians who was originally charged with murder which has now been reduced to manslaughter. The IDF medic is not a European. I urge you to exercise discipline and not wander all over the place. Please start a topic of your own if you want to chat about Israeli European ethnic origins and such.
Israeli tokenism doesn't prove anything except how manipulative and forced the whole Israeli narrative is.

It's always the same crap:

Proposing a possible Israeli Heritage Minute, Ramzy Baroud wrote:...Nor is the Israeli perception of Palestinians ever linked to a specific period of time, for example, a popular uprising or a war. Consider this eyewitness account from August 2012, cited in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, years before the current uprising in the West Bank and Jerusalem:

“Today I saw a lynch with my own eyes, in Zion Square, the center of the city of Jerusalem … and shouts of ‘A Jew is a soul and Arab is a son of a –,’ were shouted loudly and dozens of youths ran and gathered and started to really beat to death three Arab youths who were walking quietly in the Ben Yehuda street,” the witness wrote.

“When one of the Palestinian youths fell to the ground, the youths continued to hit him in the head; he lost consciousness, his eyes rolled, his angled head twitched, and then those who were kicking him fled while the rest gathered around in a circle, with some still shouting with hate in their eyes.”

Imagine this graphic account repeated, in different manifestations, every day in Occupied Palestine, and consider this: rarely does anyone pay a price for it. Indeed, this is how Israel’s culture of impunity has evolved over the years.
The British case. Royal Marines Sergeant Alexander Wayne Blackman murdered a wounded Taliban fighter. ... board.html

British campaign


His former commanding officer, Colonel Oliver Lee, quit in disgust after being snubbed when he tried to give mitigating evidence in favour of Sgt Blackman. Prince Harry is said to have told friends the sentence is ‘ludicrous’. ... feral.html

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