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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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skinster wrote:I dedicate the quote at the beginning of the film to you, Zam. You should watch this.

One of the primary indications of schizophrenia is the belief that everyone -else- is deluded. I know you're not deluded, you're just getting your kicks. Does watching violence turn you on? If so. I guess that video is just the thing for you. Personally, I find "Violence Prone Populations" are generally the result of manipulation ... They do not generate or finance the leadership that advocates violence, the leadership generates the violence, through many forms of deceitful manipulation. The pattern is so repetitive in recent history, it's readily apparent to anyone actually seeking to understand it.

In the Lebanese civil war, the PLO was attacking everyone including Israel, we were fighting the PLO to kick it out after it commited massacres against the Lebanese people, when Israeli army came in, the Shia in the south welcomed them with rice and flowers, we had no problem with the Israelis, and the Shia society in Lebanon while representing most of the working class didn't side with anyone nor fought anyone except for self defense.
If Israel is just defending it self, why did it attack he Shia and make them its enemies, and even now is trying to wage more wars against the Shia to make them truly its eternal enemies ?
anasawad wrote:In the Lebanese civil war, the PLO was attacking everyone including Israel, we were fighting the PLO to kick it out after it commited massacres against the Lebanese people, when Israeli army came in, the Shia in the south welcomed them with rice and flowers, we had no problem with the Israelis, and the Shia society in Lebanon while representing most of the working class didn't side with anyone nor fought anyone except for self defense.
If Israel is just defending it self, why did it attack he Shia and make them its enemies, and even now is trying to wage more wars against the Shia to make them truly its eternal enemies ?

Israel didnt attack the shias it was hezbollah that was sponsored by Iran that started to attack Israeli army in Lebanon than all the problems begun. as I said before Israel dont have any problem with Lebanon and returning the sheba farms is not an issue the only problel is hezbollah threat to Israel security that is driven by Iranian money and hate
anasawad wrote:Shia society in Lebanon while representing >>>most<<< of the working class didn't side with anyone nor fought anyone except for self defense. If Israel is just defending it self, why did it attack he Shia and make them its enemies, and even now is trying to wage more wars against the Shia to make them truly its eternal enemies ?

That word -most- is where the problem lies ... because SOME of the Shia felt it was OK to lob Rockets and Mortars across the border into Civilian Israeli towns ... and the rest of the Shia were OK with that ... to the extent of DEFENDING those extremists ... are you defending them too ?

skinster wrote:You need more than half an hour to watch the film I posted, Zam.

Pornography doesn't interest me.

Last edited by Zamuel on 22 Feb 2016 19:14, edited 1 time in total.
Hezbollah formed 3 years after Israel occupied Lebanon.

Most in representing most of the working class, not most were ok with Israel.
The Shia in Lebanon are mostly tribes, and they have been there since centuries and didn't have any problem with anyone, no one as well does any problems with them.
The Shia in Lebanon are different than the Shia in Iran, in Iran there is tribes and there is normal people.
Tribes put the tribe and the bloodline first because its always mixed between religions.
In Lebanon the Shia, being tribes, were moved by Iran not because of religion, but because we found our selves under aggression from the PLO, Israel and Syria, and we were being killed by numbers.
3 years after Israel occupied most of Lebanon, and Syria occupied the rest, and the Palestinians managed to commit crimes against all sides of Lebanon, the tribes moved to support Iranian clerics and formed Hezbollah and the resistence in general.

Was Israel defending it self when it occupied Beirut and officially attacked not only the PLO or the Druze but also the Shia and the Christians of Lebanon ?

Those extremests you talk about only started rising after they were already attacked, that is easily noticed and cant be denied since there was no such thing as an armed Shia in Lebanon before the 80s nor was anyone planning to get armed.
Last edited by anasawad on 22 Feb 2016 19:18, edited 1 time in total.
Read the edit.
And Israel seems quite interested in gaining new enemies, or how do you explain the far right in Israel always calling to attack a new country ?

Hezbollah have no authority unless we give it to hem, we're the ones with the money, and we're the ones with the guns, and those will keep going to Hezbollah until Israel stops entering Lebanese airspace and throwing bombs randomly, and the Israeli jets stop breaking sound barrier at low altitude just to intimidate people, and Lebanese lands return to its people.
If Israel wants peace, all it has to do is send 1 diplomat to the tribes in Beqa', generally presented with the Jafari court, work out a deal, and thats it, no more Hezbollah, atleast the military wing not the social development part, no more war, no more threats, nothing.
The Israeli command knows this, and everyone knows this, by reading history it always went like that, but they're not doing it, because they don't want peace.

Let me tell you something, your government don't care about the people, not in our side nor on your side.
As long as there is an enemy and there is a threat, then the government gets resources and aid as support, and the ruling class gets richer, and gets more contract, the defense sector expands and gets more money, and the people can go fuck them selves, thats how it is.
If your government wants peace, it can ask for it.
There was supposed to be a peace deal in the 80s, but it was immediatly disgarded by practically all outside parties fighting each other in Lebanon, including Israel.
Last edited by anasawad on 22 Feb 2016 19:27, edited 1 time in total.
The government in Israel is the most rightwing government Israel has had and Israel is always looking to create enemies, because that's what happens when you attack other countries.

Feel free to read all about it here: The Israel Lobby & U.S. Foreign Policy by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago & Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Zamuel wrote:Pornography doesn't interest me.
skinster wrote:It's not porn, it covers the basics of this so-called conflict, something I feel you need to understand.

Same old Anti-Semitic BS ... interspersed amongst an Hr. or so of Graphic Violence / Abuse Video ... I'm sure all the sicko's love it.

anasawad wrote:Your government is right wing and the far right is always putting pressure on it and succeeding.

Yeah this government is definitely rightist, but I think they RESTRAIN the extremists a LOT more than is perceived. Israel, as a nation, is growing tired of the situation and becoming more agreeable to radical solutions ... the extremists are trying to capitalize on that frustration ... Just the fact of THIS Israeli governments continuation in power should tell you what the future holds in store.

Last edited by Zamuel on 22 Feb 2016 19:37, edited 1 time in total.
anasawad wrote:Your government is right wing and the far right is always putting pressure on it and succeeding.

government is right wing but not extreme right and it wont make any crazy decisions unfortenatly the more far right naftali bennet party is indeed putting pressure on the government in many things especially settlments and religion and thats something I personally dislike

I actually always vote for the green leaf party they support marijuana legalisation and seperation of religion from the state
Yeah this government is definitely rightist, but I think they RESTRAIN the extremists a LOT more than is perceived. Israel, as a nation, is growing tired of the situation and becoming more agreeable to radical solutions ... the extremists are trying to capitalize on that frustration ... Just the fact of THIS Israeli governments continuation in power should tell you what the future holds in store.

Yes, and if they want this situation to end, they use diplomacy to end it and bring peace, they don't support more bombings and more wars.
In 2006 Israel went against Hezbollah, it had barely 5000 fighters back then, only small missiles, not much advanced weapons, and it recieved barely a 20-30 million dollars a year from local tribes.
What did the war do ?, Hezbollah has now 30000 fighters, if it went to war the tribes are going by its side with atleast anther 50-100 thousand fighters armed to the teeth with high training.(< we're also have mass mobilization and all members are trained from very young age.)
Hezbollah had small weapons, now because of that war, and because Israeli special forces challenged the tribes by dropping right into our areas, Hezbollah has access to tanks, to long range missiles, to Anti air cannons and missiles, to anti armour ammunitions, it has access to billions of dollars, and tons of resources.
Why? because we saw clearly that Israel doesn't want peace with us they want to destroy us, and if Hezbollah is the defense force then we'll put everything with it.
Whats going to happen if Israel invaded again ?, the Iranian defense sector owned mostly by tribal members is going to start moving bigger weapons into Lebanon, balistic missiles, Aircrafts, advanced tanks.
The tribal mullahs in Iran are going to start sending more people to live in Lebanon and be ready to fight a bigger war to secure our lands.
You don't get peace by challenging bigger opponents. Trust me if no one in history managed to break us, Israel is definitly not going to do so.
And if history taught anyone anything about the Persian tribes, its that if we were under aggression, we don't mind doing massacres to stop it. And to make it even better, the Iraq-Iran war ended the 200 years long dispute between the tribes, and for the first time in 200 years we're all united together.
If Israel want to protect its people, it would make peace with us, not wage more wars against us and call for bigger and bigger response.

A fact everyone is not looking at here, when Israeli civilians die, its a media booster and gives more excuses to the defense sector to grow even more.
putting pressure on the government in many things especially settlments and religion and thats something I personally dislike

BTW, settlements is a really stupid idea and worsning relations with the Palestinians.
Extremest tend to go live in those settlements and there is always a dispute of authority in them, making any crime easily done.
And that booster hatred against the Israelis.
anasawad wrote:Whats going to happen if Israel invaded again ?

If provoked, Israel doesn't need to invade ... they just wipe out southern Lebanon with Cluster Munitions and Napalm ... you know this ... just as you know that Israel can interdict the passage of any weapons or munitions they choose to. Lebanon is not a threat and should KNOW BETTER than to act like one.


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