Third Intifada - Page 18 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By skinster
What did I say weeks ago that suggests otherwise?

I think the majority of those killed weren't carrying weapons nor were a threat to the stormtroopers you support who shot them to death, no. The knives line is just another propaganda lie, like rockets were last time. None of this shit poses any real threat to the 4th most powerful army in the world, but continue to support and play the victims, it's serving the Israeli reputation worldwide very well.
By wat0n
skinster wrote:What did I say weeks ago that suggests otherwise?

I think the majority of those killed weren't carrying weapons nor were a threat to the stormtroopers you support who shot them to death, no. The knives line is just another propaganda lie, like rockets were last time. None of this shit poses any real threat to the 4th most powerful army in the world, but continue to support and play the victims, it's serving the Israeli reputation worldwide very well.

The majority of those killed were, maybe, getting into the no man's land in the Gaza-Israel border?

Just wondering
By skinster
Yes of course, all those killed have been guilty of something or other, especially the unarmed kids that are shot repeatedly at checkpoints after already going through checkpoints where they've already been searched for weapons. Their crimes were coming out of their mothers vaginas in a land under a brutal apartheid regime.
By wat0n
Oh no, certainly innocent Palestinians have in fact been killed by the IDF. But looking at the data by BT'selem, it would seem it's around half since the Second Intifada began and around a third (for those in Gaza) in the last 6 years or so, which would seem that they weren't for the most part purposefully killed.
Last edited by wat0n on 29 Oct 2015 20:49, edited 1 time in total.
By wat0n
Well, that's what collateral damage is about don't you think skinster? Innocent people being affected by an attack, even though doing so isn't the aim of the attacker.
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By Pisa
skinster wrote:

What a surprise, considering her agent has dealings with illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Can you pretty please kindly reveal to my humble self when and where have the West Bank settlements been deemed illegal? Is my memory taking a holiday, or is it yours?

skinster wrote:
However, she has since put out another letter admitting to the awful treatment of the Palestinians from the Israelis, perhaps she's been schooling herself on the truth behind all of that hasbara we see everywhere.

By skinster
Pisa wrote:Can you pretty please kindly reveal to my humble self when and where have the West Bank settlements been deemed illegal? Is my memory taking a holiday, or is it yours?

They're illegal according to the entire world, including Israel's piggybank, America.

But thanks for displaying what level of a hasbara-troll you are.

Pisa wrote:Source?

Considering how ignorant you appear given your previous question, I'll spoonfeed you:

JK Rowling wrote:The Palestinian community has suffered untold injustice and brutality. I want to see the Israeli government held to account for that injustice and brutality. Boycotting Israel on every possible front has its allure. It satisfies the human urge to do something, anything, in the face of horrific human suffering.
By pugsville
Opinions is divided, there is Israel and Everybody else. There is near universal agreement that the settlements are illegal. ... ettlements

"The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law,[1][2][3][4][5] however Israel maintains that they are consistent with international law[6] because it does not agree that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the territories occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War.[7] The United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice and the High Contracting Parties to the Convention have all affirmed that the Fourth Geneva Convention does apply.[8][9]

Numerous UN resolutions have stated that the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law, including UN Security Council resolutions in 1979 and 1980.[10][11][12] UN Security Council Resolution 446 refers to the Fourth Geneva Convention as the applicable international legal instrument, and calls upon Israel to desist from transferring its own population into the territories or changing their demographic makeup. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal[13] as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice[14] and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The position of successive Israeli governments is that all authorized settlements are entirely legal and consistent with international law,[15] despite Israel's armistice agreements having all being with High Contracting Parties.[16] In practice, Israel does not accept that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies de jure, but has stated that on humanitarian issues it will govern itself de facto by its provisions, without specifying which these are.[17][18] The majority of legal scholars hold the settlements to violate international law, while others have offered dissenting views supporting the Israeli position.[2]"
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By Pisa
skinster wrote:

They're illegal according to the entire world, including Israel's piggybank, America.


Really? Then why had the said piggybank vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution on this? Why would the Security Council even think to push a resolution on a matter that is already unanimously agreed upon?

Care to answer that? The hasbara troll humbly awaits to be enlightened.

skinster wrote:
Considering how ignorant you appear given your previous question, I'll spoonfeed you:

Um...I'd say that ignorant is someone who never ask questions, but is quite sure he/she has all the answers...

Thank you for the source.
By Pongo
Zionist Nationalist wrote:skinster can you prove that most killed were not carrying weapons?
because as of now you are just spreading lies and talking bullshit

She bases her opinion on Jihadi propaganda sites. The government replied yesterday for their lies

I believe I have mentioned that it is unacceptable to post graphic images directly to the forum or without a warning, next ones a warning!

Today jihadi site

Yesterday jihadi site ... 21047549:0

Here the jihadi site says that terrorist kids were innocent by dramatization

CC camera captured the two child terrorists. The video shows the child victim getting out of candy store on his bike where suddenly the two Arab boys stabbed him with knife. The shop owner left his shop and run out to save the child and overpower the child terrorists.

Last edited by Typhoon on 31 Oct 2015 11:10, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Graphic
By skinster
Pisa wrote:Really? Then why had the said piggybank vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution on this? Why would the Security Council even think to push a resolution on a matter that is already unanimously agreed upon?

Care to answer that? The hasbara troll humbly awaits to be enlightened.

The State Dept opposes the settlements despite the US vetoes. Your own article talks of the US's opposition to settlements.

And again, along with the US, the rest of the world considers the settlements to be illegal because they're on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the latter of which Israel last week was kicking out Palestinian families from their homes in order to place settlers in.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:skinster can you prove that most killed were not carrying weapons?
because as of now you are just spreading lies and talking bullshit

1. Most of the news coming from the mainstream media has been flooded in by the Israeli press office and most journalists who want to keep their jobs and get benefits etc. are regurgitating it. This is mainstream media for you.

2. I never trust the MSM when it comes to reporting on Israel/Palestine, and neither should you, I mean, beyond checking to see how the hasbara machine is reporting.

3. To answer your first question, yes, when stuff like this comes out it opens your eyes to Israeli propaganda. And this. Then you can think for yourself and wonder how many kids are likely to go up against the IDF armed with merely a knife, after seeing all the snuff films of their fellow Palestinians shot so mercillessly. It doesn't make sense. But what does make sense, is that the Israeli party line always needs some excuse to demonize and justify killing Palestinians so easily.

There are tons of videos and photos on social media if you care to look at what's really going on.
By wat0n
So skinster's evidence is basically a conspiracy theory of Zionist control of the media, instead, we should trust blogs and other shit-tier sources which are just as biased as she alleges the MSM is, but with a pro-Palestinian line.

And to that, we should also add videos uploaded to the internet, but only those she likes as she most certainly doesn't believe in the photos and videos showing Palestinian attackers holding knives such as some that have been posted ITT.

By skinster
I said that mainstream media reports the pro-Zionist position; watch any cable news show in the US and all they'll report about is Palestinian violence, omitting firstly the cause of the violence and what will forever be the cause of violence until it ends: the occupation.

Before reports starting from the beginning of October, did you see any MSM source report on settlers burning to death most of a family in the West Bank, the "price-tag" settler attacks on churches and mosques there, the restrictions on Palestinians entering Al-Aqsa?

Of course you didn't.
By wat0n
skinster wrote:I said that mainstream media reports the pro-Zionist position; watch any cable news show in the US and all they'll report about is Palestinian violence, omitting firstly the cause of the violence and what will forever be the cause of violence until it ends: the occupation.

Before reports starting from the beginning of October, did you see any MSM source report on settlers burning to death most of a family in the West Bank, the "price-tag" settler attacks on churches and mosques there, the restrictions on Palestinians entering Al-Aqsa?

Of course you didn't.

I recall reading about the Duma attack on the NYT and CNN, though I don't know if it appeared on American TV for obvious reasons. I also recall reading reports on al-Aqsa on the NYT as well.

You'll rarely see in American media, for instance, reports about rocket attacks on Israeli territory unless there is a war.

It seems to me that they rarely show the attacks that usually precede the major confrontations between Israelis and Palestinians, unless they leave a high body count or are unusual in some other way. Makes sense since there are plenty of other conflicts going on worldwide and in the region as well, with a higher body count too.
By skinster
wat0n wrote:I recall reading about the Duma attack on the NYT and CNN, though I don't know if it appeared on American TV for obvious reasons. I also recall reading reports on al-Aqsa on the NYT as well.

Can you share these reports?

Where do you live?
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