Every one is Tempting Yisrael Beytenu - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Yisrael Beytenu party shall affect the new formed Israeli government policy & platform after the next elections. It is expected that the Likud or Kadima may gain slight majority out o the next knesset elections. With its probable gain of 12 or 13 seats Yisrael Beytnu party is looked at as a probable partner in the next government by both expected winning parties. It is important to review this party platform & vision in order to assess the new Israeli government policies. This party is headed by Avigdor Liberman who once was charged of being a member of the terrorist Kach organiation. The party platorm includes the following main features:-

1-Ideally, “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb”, but we are not living in ideal times. History has shown that there is a dangerous potential for conflict wherever members of two different religions dwell in the same territory. Such was the situation in Northern Ireland for hundreds of years, in the Caucus region of Russia, in the Balkans, and even in Canada. The above truism is even more relevant to our situation as the Israeli-Arab conflict is both religious and nationalistic, thus complicating matters all the more.
Members of arabs minority are likely to serve as terrorist agents on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. Many have already made explicit their lack of loyalty to the state. This situation could potentially lead to the collapse of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state and perhaps as an entity all together. Therefore in our view, the only possible solution is the exchange of territory and populations, with the goal of the separation of the Jewish and Arab nations, respectively. Only this solution can guarantee the Jewish character of the State, assure a clear Jewish majority in the short and long term, safeguard the security of our citizens, and encourage economic growth.

2-Territorial cession has never led to peace. A broader view of Israeli history leads to the same conclusion: the amount of land Israel has ever ceded is equivalent to three times Israel’s current geographical size, and yet it there is no peace, and the chances for peace seem to be shrinking.The principle of “Land for Peace”, which is based on the mistaken assessment that the conflict is of a territorial nature, leads only to foreseeable failures.

3-The introduction of a new citizenship law, which would make citizenship contingent upon one’s declaration of loyalty to the State of Israel as a Jewish state, its symbols, authority and a commitment to serve in the army or in an alternate civilian program. Anyone one who makes the above declaration is welcome to be a citizen of Israel, regardless of race or creed, and conversely, one who refuses to comply may reside in Israel and enjoy state benefits but will not have the right to vote or run for office.

4- A vital aspect of our vision is the belief that Israel must separate Gaza from the West Bank and cease to treat these territories as one unit – both in political and practical terms. Israel must relate to each of these territories as separate entities that require different policies based on the exigencies of security and other Israeli interests. This has become all the more critical in the wake of Hamas’s rise to power in Gaza.

5-One of the clear goals of “Israel Beytenu” is Israel’s joining of the European Union and NATO. To date, most of Israel's trade is with the European Union, and hundreds of thousands of Israelis hold dual European citizenships. Additionally there is a strong cultural bond between Israel and Europe; it is hard to imagine modern Europe without the influence of Jewish intellectuals, from Spinoza to Kafka and Freud. Membership in the European Union would gain Israel greater political influence in an ever-strengthening Europe and contribute much to the economy. We can achieve this goal in the near future and should make every effort to make it come about

The target of cleansing Israeli Arabs out of Israel is clear within this party published documents & leaders speeches. Together with its rejection & disrespect of Israel neighbors culture & rights, the expected new government policies shall be less welcomed among Arab states & communities.
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By muzioler5
When you have groups like Hamas getting votes on the other side, you're going to have groups like Yisrael Beytenu form as well. Both should be condemned.

Personally, I think that the one Yisrael Beytenu idea that could be good is giving up Israeli Arab territory to the Palestinians. I don't see anything wrong with it IF the Israeli Arabs want it to happen. Why should we decry against self-determination. Of course, Yisrael Beytenu is offering a more mandatory approach which is morally wrong, but I do believe it that the question should be proposed to Israeli Arabs whether or not they wish to be Israeli or join the Palestinians.
By Dempsey
Personally, I think that the one Yisrael Beytenu idea that could be good is giving up Israeli Arab territory to the Palestinians. I don't see anything wrong with it IF the Israeli Arabs want it to happen.

The plan should go on even if the "Israeli Arabs" don't want it to happen

"Osama Hamdan Said That Israeli Arabs Should Shake The Foundations of Israel... We Have Never Heard Any Israeli Official Telling [Jews and Israelis in the U.S.] to Shake the Foundations of Anything"

"Osama Hamdan said that Israeli Arabs should shake the foundations of Israel from within. The Jews and Israeli citizens in America serve Israel 24 hours a day, but we have never heard any Israeli official telling them to shake the foundations of anything in the service of Israel. On the contrary, they say to them: Assimilate in U.S. society, and serve the Israeli cause."
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By danholo
3-The introduction of a new citizenship law, which would make citizenship contingent upon one’s declaration of loyalty to the State of Israel as a Jewish state, its symbols, authority and a commitment to serve in the army or in an alternate civilian program.

This is against every value I'm for. They're creating false God and make us prospective citizens suck its dick. Israel is getting scared and the fascists are gaining power. How... familiar.

I'm afraid that this party will get a very large political standing. If Israelis would care more, they'd vote, and actually create some form of government that would be concerned for the well being of the country. Now we're just getting racist nutjobs into office. If Israel Beyteinu's "No Loyalty, No Citizenship" would come into play, I wouldn't even be eligible for citizenship anymore. :D
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By Sayed Zakerya
muzioler5 wrote
Personally, I think that the one Yisrael Beytenu idea that could be good is giving up Israeli Arab territory to the Palestinians
Is that all!! This party is asking for an exchange. They propose maintaining parts of WB in exchange to their defined Israeli Arab Territory. Their target is not liberating their national soil or compensating the Palestinians for their long suffering. Their Target is related with race nothing else. They want tp get rid of the Israeli arabs to secure a pure one race state.

Dempsey wrote
Osama Hamdan Said That Israeli Arabs Should Shake The Foundations of Israel... We Have Never Heard Any Israeli Official Telling [Jews and Israelis in the U.S.] to Shake the Foundations of Anything"
Dempsey, I believe you are aware of the strong reaction of the Israeli Arabs against Mr Hemdan calls. Mohammed Beraka & Al teiby (MK) rejected his calls & assured that they do not need any instructions from Mr Osama to express their support to Gazans. They refused his calls & confirmed that their struggle against discrimination & racism has nothing to do with Mr Hemdan.
Do not mix cards.

danholo wrote
I'm afraid that this party will get a very large political standing.
Most probable that will happen. The only explanation to the panic race between Likud & Kadima to secure this party alliance is that both do not reject Mr Liberman party basic platform.
The fact that the Israeli society is moving to secure a government with such a platform indicate the near-future type of threats that are going to be imposed against the Palestinians & the people in the ME .
By Dempsey

This is against every value I'm for. They're creating false God and make us prospective citizens suck its dick. Israel is getting scared and the fascists are gaining power. How... familiar.

I'm afraid that this party will get a very large political standing. If Israelis would care more, they'd vote, and actually create some form of government that would be concerned for the well being of the country. Now we're just getting racist nutjobs into office. If Israel Beyteinu's "No Loyalty, No Citizenship" would come into play, I wouldn't even be eligible for citizenship anymore.

Cool down. This is the Middle East. There is a fundamental problem with the existence of a large Israeli Arab minority in Israel. Israel exists as a Jewish state for the Jewish people and Israeli Arabs can only feel a limited identification with that state, if any at all.

Friday April 7, 2000
Poll shows Israeli Arabs feel more like Palestinians

JERUSALEM (JPS) — Israeli Arabs are beginning to see themselves more as Palestinians living in Israel than as full-fledged Israelis.

Forty-six percent described themselves as Palestinians or Arab-Palestinians in Israel, while 21 percent opted for the description of Palestinian Arabs, 9 percent as Arabs and just over 3 percent as Palestinians.

Only 11 percent chose the option of describing themselves as Israeli Arabs, which had been the common practice in the past. And just 4 percent described themselves as Israelis.

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