Israel has frozen settlement building. Now where's peace? - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Many people argued that settlements were an obsticle to peace.

However, this Jerusalem Post article suggests Israel has actually frozen settlement construction unofficially for about 4 months. ... e/ShowFull

So, if those that said settlments were a signficant obsticle to peace are right, I would be expecting major movements towards peace.


Where are they?
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By redcarpet
They will come in a peace agreement.
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By Arthur2sheds_Jackson
You expect peace to break out on the basis of a 4 month de facto freezing of settlement expansion?

The related link in that article was a bit more revealing
While the government has not trumpeted this policy, in an apparent effort not to stir up unrest in the coalition, the fact that the government has not approved any new building has been known to "those who need to know," one senior diplomatic official said recently.

Less sanguine about the matter, however, were some of Netanyahu's coalition partners, with some right-wing ministers saying any construction freeze must be brought to the cabinet for a decision.

This demand adds further pressure on Netanyahu from the Right, a day after four of his ministers visited unauthorized West Bank outposts and called to legalize them. The ministers said the pressure was purposely timed to strengthen Netanyahu ahead of his meeting with Mitchell. ... 2FShowFull
So you quietly stop expanding the settlements but at the same time ministers visit illeagal settlements and call for them to be legalised.
Yet you wonder why peace hasn't broken out?

By pugsville
It also does not include the greater jerusalem, area around jersusalem part of the west bank , that Israel formally annexed (if this land is annexed and the rest of the west bank doenst that mean the rest of the west is indeed occupied and the settlements there illegal?) thus is not from the israeli piont of view "settlements". Or illegal settlements. Or most likely "natural growth".
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By Zionist Nationalist
This is a bad move for the Israeli government why do we listen to Mr. Obama in the White House? The settlements are legitimate part of Israel and there should be building like in other Israeli territories.

[Andres edit: Referring to Obama as a Monkey can easily be construed as racism. Unless you actually want to refer to him as a monkey because of the color of his skin, then please use a more neutral moniker, or better yet, since this is a site for adults, use a respectful term. While we are here, I would recommend you download a browser with a spelling check, it could help you with trivial spelling mistakes.]
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By clanko
So, if those that said settlments were a signficant obsticle to peace are right, I would be expecting major movements towards peace.

A major move towards peace from the Israeli side would involve their acceptance and adherence to international law and the overwhelming international consensus and the move away from their rejectionist stance regarding the settlements, Sebby.

It honestly says it all that because Israel has unofficially frozen settlement expansion you are at odds trying to figure out why the Palestinians are not laying down their arms and dancing arm in arm in the demolished starved streets of the OPT.
Last edited by clanko on 23 Aug 2009 02:13, edited 2 times in total.
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By Zionist Nationalist
Israel dont need the USA we can get along by ourselves it will be more difficult and we may have less weapons but we dont need to be puppets of USA one day it will coast Israel dearly.
Last edited by Zionist Nationalist on 22 Aug 2009 19:03, edited 1 time in total.
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By Guillotine
it will be more difficult and we may have less weapons

Important side note: You need more than weapons to run a country.

Israel dont need the USA we can get along by ourselvesm


Pretty good string of words. An obviously bold statement with poor grammar and a great choice for misspelling towards the end. Not the best work I've seen but still a good lulz.

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By Zionist Nationalist
I know my English is not so good. But I know it good enough to understand others, and i dont live in an English country so dont expect me to know English perfect.
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By Oxymoron
Israel dont need the USA we can get along by ourselves it will be more difficult and we may have less weapons but we dont need to be puppets of USA one day it will coast Israel dearly.

I wish more Israelis would realise being on our tit isnt beneficial to anyone. Also this is the kind of thanks we get for supporting your state for so long? You are an ingrate, you dont have to follow our agenda but have some respect when talking about our President and country.
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By Zionist Nationalist
USA wants Israel to buy only their weapons they dont allow us to trade with almost any country we could get dozens of billions of dollars by trading with countries like India and China but usa dont allow us to do so we lost alot of money bicause the "support" of USA

Israel dont need to thank usa bicause there is no true friendsip betwen countries. if USA give something to Israel its bicause its their interest to do so and they benifit something from it they dont do it bicause they love us so much.

And about respect....well i do have respect for bush but not for the current President in the White House.
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By Oxymoron
USA wants Israel to buy only their weapons they dont allow us to trade with almost any country we could get dozens of billions of dollars by trading with countries like India and China but usa dont allow us to do so we lost alot of money bicause the "support" of USA

Trading the technology that we give you? I mean Hummus is great but what exactly would you trade aside what we finance in weapons development?

Israel dont need to thank usa bicause there is no true friendsip betwen countries. if USA give something to Israel its bicause its their interest to do so and they benifit something from it they dont do it bicause they love us so much.

:roll: Your an embarrasment to Jews.

And about respect....well i do have respect for bush but not for the current Monkey in the White House.

A bird that you set free may be caught again, but a word that escapes your lips will not return.

Don't be sweet, lest you be eaten up; don't be bitter, lest you be spewed out.
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By Zionist Nationalist
Oxymoron you dont understand anything in military there is alot of stuff that israel can trade to other countries.

Like UAV,assault rifles,and diffrent kid of rockets and alot of other stuff.
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By Oxymoron
Oxymoron you dont understand anything in military there is alot of stuff that israel can trade to other countries.Like UAV,assault rifles,and diffrent kid of rockets and alot of other stuff.

Stuff developed with US financing :roll: .
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By Zionist Nationalist
Some of them yes. But once we will be able to trade freely with other countries we wont need the USA financial support.
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By Guillotine
How wise do you think it would be for Israel to talk shit to the U.S.? Do you know anything about our government's history?

To quote a great movie: "If I throw a dog a bone, I don't want to know if it tastes good or not. You stop me again whilst I'm walking, and I'll cut your fucking Jacobs off."
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By Zionist Nationalist
Its pathetic how all of you americans here want israel to stay your puppet i dont want it and i hope israel and USA will cut their relations one day Israel dont need any "friends" it need only partners for trading.
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By War Angel
I would like to point out that the vast majority of Israelis do see the USA as Israel's ally, quite possibly the only one in the world. Even with the election of Obama, a man of questionable morals and an even more questionable background, this tie has not been broken.

Of-course Israel wishes to be stronger and more independent. What country doesn't? But this doesn't mean we have any delusions that a country of 7 million could ever hold its ground against 1.6 billion people, without any sort of outside contact and help.
By kraychik
Important side note: You need more than weapons to run a country.

What did Zionist Nationalist say that had anything to do with "running a country"? He simply said that American support for Israel is primarily through weapons and funding for defense. Since when did American financial support for Israel become the same as "running a country"? Your statement is without context.


Pretty good string of words. An obviously bold statement with poor grammar and a great choice for misspelling towards the end. Not the best work I've seen but still a good lulz.


How many languages do you speak? I'm gonna guess.... one.

And how about the fact the the 'm' key is very close to the '.' key? Obviously his fingers grazed the 'm' key when they were moving to place period at the end of his sentence. The major irony is that you're trying to insult his spelling, when in reality you're just to simple to realize the reason for his typo. When people make typos, take a glance at your keyboard to see the proximity of the keys used in error.
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