A Few Facts About The Palestinians - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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George Galloway doesn't tell you this stuff about his Palestinian and Arab buddies:


https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searc ... g5JC0QcxgJ

Did Israel Evict The Palestinians? Arab leaders say NO

http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revi ... c2284914da

Palestinian Rocket Attacks on israel

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_ ... _on_Israel

The Charter of HAMAS:

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searc ... q7noqvWKsJ

Read article 13. They are opposed to any peace treaty with Israel.


http://groups.google.com/group/soc.cult ... a0846f5141



The New Hezbollah Manifesto

http://www.lebanonrenaissance.org/asset ... -Nov09.pdf

See sections 2 and 3.

Taquiyyah-Holy Deception Ordered by the Koran

http://sheikyermami.com/taqiyya-holy-de ... quran-532/

Yasser Arafat already admitted that he was practicing deception when he signed the Oslo Accords.

Jordanian Civil War

1969-70 Palestine Liberation Organization attempts a military takeover of Jordan, blows up 4 civilian airliners and tries to assassinate King Hussein


Palestinian Authority Pays Families to Blow Their Children Up in Israel.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -cash.html
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What's the point of listing facts to create a narrative ? It's not like the narrative emerging from your post is coherent or helpful to think about the conflit in some way after all...
Last edited by Noelnada on 27 Sep 2015 02:25, edited 1 time in total.
Noelnada wrote:What's the point of listing facts to create a narrative ? It's not like it's the narrative emerging from your post is coherent or helpful to think about the conflit in some way after all...

Facts speak for themselves. They are the basis for all conclusions.
I'll let the readers draw their own.
Facts speak for themselves. They are the basis for all conclusions.
I'll let the readers draw their own.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions [x].

Be nice now. T
The Palestinian claims are bogus:
1)They were not evicted from their land in what is now Israel. They left voluntarily to get out of the war zone that came about when Egypt, Syria and Jordan attacked the newly proclaimed state of Israel.
2)Once they left, they declared their intention to destroy Israel. This has been made plain by the charters of HAMAS, the PLO and Hezbollah.
3)Israel attacks Gaza and the West Bank only to get rid of the HAMAS terrorists who fire rockets into Israel, killing civilians.
4)The Palestinian history of terrorism, bloodshed and treachery eliminates any legitimate claim of victimhood on their part.

Most of the people their terrorists killed were not even Jews or Israelis, but innocent people chosen at random.
The Palestinians were evicted and prevented from returning to there homes by Israeli forces/Government.

Does the long History of Zionist terrorism and Bloodshed Negate anything,. Or or just looking at something in a totally one sided way here?

I suggest your got a fixed conclusion and are just cutting your "facts" to support it. \
1-palestine and jordan were occupied by britain which in turn gave the land to the zionists turning occupation by britain into occupation by zionists .
2-before israel was established ..zionists bought pieces of lands from traitorous arab land lords .lands that had people living most their lives in them causing them to be kicked out of it .thus causing conflicts between locals and new comers (jews)..some conflicts turned had many civilians killed from both sides...
3-jews started buying and recieving guns in order to protect their small communities...these defence forces developed into offencive forces such as the haganah group that started terrorizing arab locals and killing them by numbers causing the conflict to heat even more.
4-tribes like shoman tribe started selling lands to the zionists and leaving (latter on making them very wealthy like shoman owning the arab bank) ..
these actions spread the heat of the conflicts to other areas outside palestine between most arabs against tribes that sold the land and in hand spreading rage against the ones who bought the lands as these sales caused many to lose their homes .
5-in year 48 .zionists declared the establishment of state of israel starting a war with its neighboring countries causing more and more people to lose their homes and kicked out of their lands ...in turn spreading hatred against israel and attempts to destroy it ..
*the conflict kept on raging as more and more people by large numbers were harmed .impoverished and lost their homes ..

*israel in the following years kept on more brutal campaigns against civilians in order to intimidate the people and break social structures to insure its superiority
(people like saddam hussein learned these stratigies from israel and used it )

*rulers like king hussein started working on improving their relations with israel .causing division between the people..latter on causing black september ..which in hand turned the PLO to lebanon and breaking the civil war .

*durning the civil war in lebanon the conflicts took broader aspects into attacking israel .
durning the civil war shia tribal communities started arming it self in order to protect it self from the conflict .
in year 82 israel invaded lebanon in attempts to destroy the PLO and any other threat.due to the fact that the PLO was considered common enemy for both israel and most of the lebanese people .many lebanese people welcomed the comming of israel to destroy the outsider's army represented by the PLO
(welcomed with rice and flowers as israeli officials described it )
*israel went further than just attacking the PLO and palestinians to occupy beirut and lebanon and commit massacres and assaults against lebanese people causing resistence movements rising...and in year 85 the shia tribes formed the called hezbullah with support and guidence of the khomaini to fight off israel.

*hezbullah in the following years became more and more the leading force of the resistance which included many entities...
*in its starting years hezbullah also allied with syria which was occupying the rest of lebanon and also done many crimes and massacres against the lebanese which resulted in the structure of hezbullah dividing into political and tribal parts ...this founded structure played major role in many following events including the ending of the syrian occupation in one hand and attrition war against israel to withdraw from lebanon ..
*this structure also played major role in limiting civilian kills by the lebanese resistance due to the moral code of the tribes when dealing with civilians ...
which cant be said about israeli forces in any of its wars focusing its fire against civilian structures and civilians in general .
anasawad wrote:1-palestine and jordan were occupied by britain which in turn gave the land to the zionists turning occupation by britain into occupation by zionists .
2-before israel was established ..zionists bought pieces of lands from traitorous arab land lords .lands that had people living most their lives in them causing them to be kicked out of it .thus causing conflicts between locals and new comers (jews)..some conflicts turned had many civilians killed from both sides...
3-jews started buying and recieving guns in order to protect their small communities...these defence forces developed into offencive forces such as the haganah group that started terrorizing arab locals and killing them by numbers causing the conflict to heat even more.
4-tribes like shoman tribe started selling lands to the zionists and leaving (latter on making them very wealthy like shoman owning the arab bank) ..
these actions spread the heat of the conflicts to other areas outside palestine between most arabs against tribes that sold the land and in hand spreading rage against the ones who bought the lands as these sales caused many to lose their homes .
5-in year 48 .zionists declared the establishment of state of israel starting a war with its neighboring countries causing more and more people to lose their homes and kicked out of their lands ...in turn spreading hatred against israel and attempts to destroy it ..

Yes, saying "zionists" and thinking "jews".
Saying "destroy zionists entity" and thinking "destroy jewish state".
pugsville wrote:The Palestinians were evicted and prevented from returning to there homes by Israeli forces/Government.

Does the long History of Zionist terrorism and Bloodshed Negate anything,. Or or just looking at something in a totally one sided way here?

I suggest your got a fixed conclusion and are just cutting your "facts" to support it. \

Actually, I've got some good evidence:Here ya go:

Did Israel Evict The Palestinians? Arab leaders say NO

http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revi ... c2284914da
pugsville wrote:The Palestinians were evicted and prevented from returning to there homes by Israeli forces/Government.

Does the long History of Zionist terrorism and Bloodshed Negate anything,. Or or just looking at something in a totally one sided way here?

I suggest your got a fixed conclusion and are just cutting your "facts" to support it. \

Actually, I already posted a link to the evidence which supports my claim. Here is the text:

Subject: Did Israel Evict the Palestinians?
Date: 09/30/2000
Author: Dobrai55 <Dobra...@webtv.net>
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Here are some quotes from Arab sources on the issue:

Re: More trollery from RLA
Group: alt.revisionism Date: Sun, Sep 24, 2000, 2:11pm (PDT+7) From:
dlt...@ix.netcom.com (dltjxx)

<s...@millersfield.demon.co.uk> writes:

Are the Arabs afforded the same kind of accomodation ie housing, jobs,
education etc, as those who are Israeli nationals in Israel?
If they can afford it.
Did the allied forces, forcably turf the Arab families out of their
homes when land was err... "divided" in readiness for the formation of
The land was "err... divided" per UNR 181 for the formation of a Jewish

state AND an Arab state. The Arab state was not formed for the reasons
that: 1) No Arab political body could be found to proclaim an Arab
state, other than the pro-Nazi Arab Higher Committee headed by the Nazi

war criminal Amin al-Husseini; and Britain's ally, Jordan, according to

King Abdullah, believed that: 2) "Were an Arab state to be created in
Palestine, we would find ourselves surrounded by enemies." Some
comments from Arabs on the so-called "forcible turfing" of Arabs from
their homes:

"The refugees were confident that their absence would not last long,
and that they would return within a week or two. Their leaders had
promised them that the Arab armies would crash the 'Zionist gangs' very

quickly and that there was no need for panic or fear of a long exile."
George Hakim, bishop of the Galilee, Sada al Janub (Beirut) 16 Aug 48.

"The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of
the action of the Arab states in opposing the Jewish entity. The Arab
states agreed upon this policy unanimously and they must share in the
solution of the problem they created." Emil Ghouri, Secretary of the
Arab Higher Committee, Daily Telegraph 6 Sept 48.

"Various factors influenced [the Arabs'] decision to seek flight. There

is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the
announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging
the Arabs to quit." London Economist 2 Oct 48.

"This wholesale exodus was due partly to the belief of the Arabs,
encouraged by the boasting of an un-realistic Arab press and the
irresponsible utterances of some arab leaders that it could only be a
matter of weeks before the Jews were defeated by the armies of the Arab

states and the Palestinian Arabs enabled to re-enter and retake
possession of their country." Edward Atiyah, secretary of the Arab
League (London), The Arabs p 183.

"The Arab states encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes
temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies."

Falastin (Jordan), editorial 19 Feb 49.
"[Arab League Secretary General Azzam Pasha] pointed out that they were

already on the frontiers and that all the millions the Jews had spent
on land and economic development would be easy booty, for it would be a

simple matter to throw the Jews into the Mediterranean. Brotherly
advice was given to the Arabs of Palestine to leave their land, homes
and property and to stay temporarily in neighboring fraternal states,
lest the guns of the invading Arab armies mow them down." Habib Issa,
Al-Hada (New York) 8 Jun 51.

"Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their
homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only

a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the
United Nations to resolve on their return." Khalid al-Azzam, Syrian
prime minister 1948-9, Memoirs, pp 386-87.

"The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians, but
instead they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and leave their
homeland." Abu Mazen, PLO Executive Committee, Falastin al-Thawra, Mar

Joe Bruno
Alex Nevsky wrote:
Did Israel Evict The Palestinians? Arab leaders say NO

Yes, the Israeli armed forces did evict Palestinians from some villages and areas that were considered hostile and endangered Israelis and Israel's safety.
I am sure during the war and fighting in 1947-48 there were efforts on both sides to evict the other. The Arabs were told that they would smash the jews, and were advised so leave the area. Some fled because of the stories that jews were monsters. Some of these stories were true, unfortunately like the Dier Yassin massacre. Ironically the arabs that stayed have had and continue to have a far better life than any other muslim anywhere in the middle east. Funny how Israeli arabs never seem to want to move from Israel. We also know that in 1948 the term Palestinan was used to describe Jews living in Palestine. In the 1960's the term was reborn to be used to describe those living in Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon who had 'fled' the Jews in 48. These refugees had been kept as refugees and are still kept as refugees by these 'host' countries.
anasawad wrote:
1-palestine and jordan were occupied by britain which in turn gave the land to the zionists turning occupation by britain into occupation by zionists .


77% of British Mandate was lopped and made Jordan, no Jews allowed. (1922)


Jordan is 70% 'Palestinian'.
Leaving the other 23% divided roughly 13-10 for the Jews by Resolution 181/The UN partition plan in 1947.. You left out. Ooops
(and of course, the Arab population of Palestine GREW STRONGLY from 1860-1948)
("So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their
population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population."

-- Winston Churchill - 1939

Meaning the Arabs aka Palestinians got 87% of Mandate Palestine.
(the Pink AND Red Areas.

And ½ of the Jews 13% was the Negev Desert. (lower ½ the light Blue Area above)
So Jews really got about 6% of the usable land of the Original Mandate..and about 1% of the Ottoman land.
(The arabs got 99% of the land and 100% of the resources.
If you want to keep breaking Arabs down into small sub-groups like the nonexistant-at-the-time 'palestinians', one can always find small injustice.)

AND unlike in the surrounding states... Arabs still live in/make up 20% of Current Israel's population within that land. Had they not rejected the partition/started a war in 1948, They might even be a majority by now.

Also not seen on maps? 2/3 of what became Israel was State Land, passing from the Ottomans, to the British, to the Jews; owned by NO Arab.
This Includes the Half alone of Israel that was/Is the Negev Desert.


Yes, the lower half of that little that red spot/Israel- is the Negev Desert, State Land under the Ottomans, owned by No Arab....and about 15-20% more that was also state land.
And 20% of the population of the upper half of the Red Dot- is Arab.
The were large scale evictions by the IDF eg. Lydda and Ramla.


"Israeli operations labeled Dani and Dekel that broke the truce were the start of the third phase of expulsions. The largest single expulsion of the war began in Lydda and Ramla 14 July when 60,000 inhabitants (nearly 10% of the whole exodus) of the two cities were forcibly expelled on the orders of Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin in events that came to be known as the "Lydda Death March.""

Research by Historians has found that claims of orders to leave by the Arab leadership are almost all bogus. In general the Arab leadership urged the population to stay.

Alex Nevsky wrote:4)The Palestinian history of terrorism, bloodshed and treachery eliminates any legitimate claim of victimhood on their part.

If such is the case, then the early Zionists lost their legitimacy with their own campaigns of terrorism during the British Mandate. But no, Jewish people should be able to live in Palestine/Israel freely, just as Palestinians should be free to do so as well.

To punish an entire population for the crimes of a few, is collective punishment - and thus - wrong to punish people for a crime they never committed.

Yes, and those acts are criminal. But one should not condemn an entire population because of the evil deeds of a few. Should all the people of Israel be condemned for the firebombing of a house in the village of Douma that resulted in the deaths of those inside? Those who committed the crime, yes, but not all Israelis. Should all Palestinians be condemned for the stabbing deaths in Jerusalem? The criminals, yes, but not all Palestinians.

-jordan and palestine were historically never under one political order....
west of the jordan river (palestine) was mostly under central rule of Jerusalem ...while the east side of the river was split between damascus and ma'an and it was called badiat al sham (the desert side of sham)

-70% of jordan's current population is Palestinians true ...but the fact that jordan before the 48 was almost empty and Amman its capital was merely a town .....says that those palestinians came as refugees from their home land ..on the other side of the river ....both in 48 and in 67 ...
(there is still a legal distinguish between the 48 and 67 palestinians in jordan where each group is treated to some point differently and both very different than original jordanians )

-being a state land does not mean in anyway that it had no people on it .....and also by no means that its ok to kick them out of their homes on that land under the flag of foreign occupation

-to the 99% point.....
many israeli's have a principle in their attitude ....we do not forget we do not forgive .........
yes ..well ...same applies here ......if i had 10 dollars and you stole 1 dollar from me ..you still did steal it ..and it not being a large amount does not mean its ok or its not theft .....and by all means ...does not mean that we will just forgive and forget .......
palestine was a population center ....it was a cultural center ....it was connected to all the islamic lands in all aspects...
and when zionists came ...they did not come as refugees they came as conquerers and inflected suffery and death to the people of the land ....
and people will not forget and for sure not forgive ....

EDIT :mistaked names of omman and ma'an ....corrected
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