California Uni proclaims: Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism - Politics | PoFo

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University of California debates listing anti-Zionism as form of anti-Semitism. One more step against Islamic apartheid war against Israel. Ironically they say they are in fact fighting Israeli apartheid. The only country in the Middle East where all religions and races are working and studying together (the Israeli universities are crowded by hijab wearing students). The Arab world already flashed out the Jews and Christians and other non Arab or non Muslims minorities yet they pretend they are fighting apartheid but in Israel. In Europe they already won their day and the continent is now sinking into Islamic hell hole. ... SKCN0WK081

University of California board weighs statement on anti-Semitism

The governing board of California's flagship public university system is to vote next week on a statement condemning anti-Zionism as a form of anti-Jewish bigotry, a proposal sparking sharp faculty debate over the line between free speech and intolerance.

The controversy playing out at the University of California reflects a broader clash between pro-Israel groups and Palestinian rights activists over what constitutes legitimate criticism of Israeli polices in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The UC's Board of Regents is slated to act next Wednesday on a draft document produced by a working group to address the issue. Both sides in the debate say they believe that if adopted it would be the first such policy statement by the leadership of a major U.S. public institution of higher education.

The University of California is considered one of the most prestigious public university systems in the country, comprising 10 campuses, among which are the University of California, Berkeley and the University of California, Los Angeles.

Supporters say the document grew out of a recent rise in anti-Semitism on UC campuses stemming from heated anti-Israel protest frequently expressed as anti-Zionism, which supporters define as calls for Israel's destruction or denials of its right to exit.

According to proponents of the draft, such rhetoric constitutes a contemporary brand of anti-Semitism that is often accompanied by or escalates into more explicit forms of anti-Jewish hatred.

Foes of the proposal say it would trample on academic freedom. Some call it a thinly veiled attempt to squelch political criticism of Israel, including student movements pressing for divestiture or boycotts against the Jewish state.

A letter of opposition signed by more than 250 UC faculty members argued that anti-Zionism is a "loose term and is often deployed against any number of political positions" that should "not to be conflated with anti-Semitism."

"We urge you not to adopt a position that will censor political viewpoints that are rightly considered to be constitutionally protected speech," the letter said.

A separate letter from 130 other faculty insisted the proposal was necessary to address "a lack of understanding of when healthy debate about Israel and the Middle East ends, and anti-Semitism begins."

Critics, however, says the draft's very formulation is ambiguous.

As currently written, references to Zionism are confined to a brief introduction stating: "Anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and other forms of discrimination have no place at the University of California."

But the term is omitted from the 10 "Principles Against Intolerance" that follow, with anti-Semitism condemned, along with forms of bigotry based such factors as race, national origin, religion and gender.

It remained unclear whether the regents would vote on the principles alone or adopt the entire document as enforceable policy.

(Editing by Leslie Adler) ... tism-19870

University of California document proclaims: “Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism”

The clashes on college campuses surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are more turbulent than ever. In an unusual step in Israel’s favor and in order to deal with the violent atmosphere that exists at the University of California, the management of the institution formulated a document that defines anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism and it sparked a new debate about the limits of freedom of expression.
image description Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2 News
The Executive Committee of the prestigious University of California at Los Angeles is going to vote next week on a document condemning anti-Zionism since according to them “anti-Zionist expressions are another form of anti-Semitism.” The voting sparked a debate on campus about the limits of freedom of expression and the need for a lack of toleration for bigotry.

The unusual step is part of a wider struggle between the pro-Israel groups and anti-Israel activists. The Board of Directors appointed a committee in order to formulate a document to take care of the issue. If the document is adopted, it will be the first of its kind on a campus of this size.

Supporters of the document stressed that the need for its drafting indicates that there is an alarming rise in anti-Semitic statements being uttered on college campuses across the US by anti-Israel activists. Among the anti-Semitic statements uttered are calls for the destruction of the State of Israel, comparisons between Israel and the Nazis, and other instances where the State of Israel is demonized, delegitimized, and has double standards applied to the country.

These include calling Israel an apartheid state, portraying Israelis as blood thirsty, comparing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians to how the US treated the Native Americans as well as the Hispanic and African American community, and even in some instances glorifying terrorism against Israelis. There are also frequent calls to boycott the State of Israel and anti-Israel activists often harass Jewish students, which in some instances results in violence.

According to Nathan Sharansky, the 3 D’s test that includes demonizing, delegitimizing and applying double standards towards the State of Israel is what we call the new anti-Semitism and this test helps us to differentiate between anti-Semitism and legitimate criticism of the State of Israel. The document essentially agrees with Sharansky’s 3 D test that such expressions constitute anti-Semitism. 130 members of the university support the document, believing it is necessary in view of the present situation where there is no distinction for where “a healthy debate about Israel and the Middle East ends and anti-Semitism begins.”
We are dominated by an ideological dialectic: Judo-Islamic supremacism.

Those in the centre ground, in the establishment try to maintain the absurd contradiction that Jews are the most wonderful people ever, that they have been oppressed by wicked Gentiles for the last three thousand years and that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, totally compatible with modern liberalism and individual human rights. This allows people of seemingly opposing views who hate each other to support the ruling paradigm. There is nice spectrum for people to fit in. The extreme Zionists can mutter darkly about whether Islam is a religion at all and not an ideology. The extreme Muslim lovers can question the legitimacy of the Israeli state.

Note I have no problem with Israel pretty much all modern states involved treading on some else rights at some point in their history. My issues with Judo supremacism is the way Zionists can dominate our foreign policy while openly admitting they prefer ISIS to Iran and Hezbollah. That so many Zionists support the destruction of our ethnic-identities. And the twisting of history into apologetics for the vile racist religion of Orthodox Judaism. Portraying these bigoted racist tyrannical murderous monotheist terrorists into the victims of the Medieval and Ancient world.
My issues with Judo supremacism is the way Zionists can dominate our foreign policy while openly admitting they prefer ISIS to Iran and Hezbollah

You keep saying this. Not sure you have a source for that. Any way, up until now ISIS doesn't mess with Israel, yet Hizbollah stocked 100,000 rockets and missiles against Israel. So if your claim is right and not some sort of demagogy than there is some logic to keep away Hizbollah.
Pongo wrote:You keep saying this. Not sure you have a source for that. Any way, up until now ISIS doesn't mess with Israel, yet Hizbollah stocked 100,000 rockets and missiles against Israel. So if your claim is right and not some sort of demagogy than there is some logic to keep away Hizbollah.
Israeli Defense Minister: We Prefer ISIS Over Iran

Or from yesterday's Wall Street Journal: Israel’s Main Concern in Syria: Iran, not ISIS
One Israeli official joked that his talking points on the regional confrontation have become virtually identical to those of his Sunni Arab counterparts.
Lightman wrote:There are Arab citizens of Israel who go to Ariel University. Non-citizen Arabs (i.e., the actual Palestinian population of the West Bank) are excluded, it seems.

Yes, this is the hypocrisy of the so-called university; citizens of Israel are permitted to enroll but Palestinians who live in the West Bank where Ariel is located are barred.
Pongo wrote:The Palestinians work in Ariel

"According to the workers’ rights group Kav LaOved, at least half of settlement companies pay Palestinian workers less than Israel’s minimum hourly wage of 23 shekels ($5.75), with most of these workers receiving eight to 16 shekels per hour ($2 to $4), no vacation, sick days, or other social benefits, and no pay slips."
Israelis exploit cheap Palestinian labor in the maintenance of illegal settlements.

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