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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

The 'no government' movement.
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I find it dubious that a country in which everyone has a gun of some sort would suddenly begin pimping out a tenth of it's population. We do tend to be more subtle about being fucked over.
Except we were smart/foolish enough to write our rights down, so the second amendment is here to stay! Also, did you ever have the right to bar arms? Doesn't seem very feudal, and I'd have figured y'alled be up in arms if arms were a tradition.
Except we were smart/foolish enough to write our rights down, so the second amendment is here to stay! Also, did you ever have the right to bar arms? Doesn't seem very feudal, and I'd have figured y'alled be up in arms if arms were a tradition.

Behold the place your constitution was ripped off from, the English bill of rights.

The Bill of Rights laid out certain basic rights for (at the time) all Englishmen. The Act set out that there should be:

no royal interference with the law. Though the sovereign remains the fount of justice, he or she cannot unilaterally establish new courts or act as a judge.
no taxation by Royal Prerogative. The agreement of the parliament became necessary for the implementation of any new taxes
freedom to petition the monarch without fear of retribution
no standing army may be maintained during a time of peace without the consent of parliament.[7]
no royal interference in the freedom of the people to have arms for their own defence as suitable to their class and as allowed by law (simultaneously restoring rights previously taken from Protestants by James II)
no royal interference in the election of members of parliament
the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament
"grants and promises of fines or forfeitures" before conviction are void
no excessive bail or "cruel and unusual" punishments may be imposed
Peasants might have had farm implements that could be turned to war-like uses - pikes, flails and pitchforks, say - but they certainly wouldn't have had the high-end stuff like swords and armor.

That would've been way, way too costly, even if it wasn't caste-inappropriate (which it was).

What are you writing, Mike?
Last edited by Red Barn on 19 May 2013 00:41, edited 1 time in total.
The Peasants' Revolt, also called Wat Tyler's Rebellion or the Great Rising, was a major uprising across large parts of England in 1381. The revolt had various causes, including the economic and political tensions generated from the Black Death in the 1340s, the high taxes resulting from the conflict with France during the Hundred Years War and instability within the local leadership of London. The final trigger for the revolt was the intervention of a royal official, John Bampton, in Essex on 30 May 1381. His attempts to collect unpaid poll taxes in the town of Brentwood ended in a violent confrontation, which rapidly spread across the south-east of the country. A wide spectrum of rural society, including many local artisans and village officials, rose up in protest, burning court records and opening the local gaols. The rebels sought a reduction in taxation, an end to the system of unfree labour called serfdom and the removal of the King's senior officials and law courts.
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