Australia - Police State? - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Australia.

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By Ocker
This is an article from the Communist Party of Australia website.


Are you a terrorist?

There are new laws before Parliament that attack our democratic rights and criminalise militant unionism, direct action by social movements and other social dissent.

These laws will be used to further harass and intimidate the Islamic and Arab communities and other minorities in Australia.

The definition of 'terrorism', includes actions made 'with the intention of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause'. It is so broad that it would cover civil disobedience by peace groups, M1 and other anti-globalisation blockades, union pickets and strikes, actions to stop logging in forests and similar activities. The demonstrators who pushed over a fence at the refugee detention centre at Woomera would be defined as 'terrorists'.

The Attorney General will be able to ban organisations 'likely to endanger, the security or integrity of the Commonwealth or another country.' Members and those 'assisting' a banned organisation may be sentenced to 25 years jail. Bank tellers could face criminal charges for taking a deposit from a group which -- unknown to the teller -- was a 'proscribed' organisation.

ASIO will move from being a spy agency and become a secret police. With new powers it will be able to:

* Arrest and detain people for questioning for 48 hours. Detention warrants can be renewed every 24 hours which means detainees could be held indefinitely.

* Detainees would have no right to a lawyer.

* Detainees could be held incommunicado with no contact with family and friends.

* Detainees could face up to five years in jail for refusing to answer questions.

* There are no rules for interrogation of detainees. Will torture be used?

Answer this 5 point quiz:

1. Have you ever disagreed with any government policy and joined with others to express this by sending emails or phoning any politician, government department or bureaucrat?

2. Have you ever joined or been associated with the activities of a trade union, local protest group, or political or religious organisation?

3. Have you ever participated in a non-violent protest, rally or strike?

4. Have you ever donated money, bought raffle tickets or in any other way supported an international environmental, political or human rights organisation such as Amnesty International or Greenpeace?

5. Have you ever provided any professional advice for any political or religious organisation?

If you reply Yes to any one of these questions the Government could brand you a 'terrorist' using its proposed legislation.


By Efrem Da King
OH and we all know how reliable the communist party of austrlia is.. HAHA

Give me a better source and then I'll read it more carefully.
By Nox
Sounds like good legislation to me. The Aussie's started this Jun 7 ... with Bali coming on Oct 13. Too bad it wasn't more effective sooner ... might be a few more Aussie's alive today.

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By Yeddi
Except we don't have juristiction in Indonesia... so nothing would have been effected. :hmm:
By Efrem Da King
Wadda ya mean we don't have juristiction in indonesia???

ITs about time we did then!!! TO the tat mobile!!!!!
By Ocker
Yeah, I fail to see how it could of prevented the Bali Bombing...

Unless people think what Efrem and Aussie always talk about is true, god help us :eh: :*(
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Question 1: Why does Aussie have Castro as his avatar?

Question 2: Why does Aussie make all his posts written in letter form e.g.


Blah, Blah, Blah stupid ranting.

Thank you

By Catria
Aussie is right when he points out the infringement to our rights in The Howard governments anti-terror legislation. There is not much to be gained in enacting legislation which erodes those very democratic principles it purports to be protecting.

However, as I understand it, owing to objections from Labour, the Democrats and civil liberty groups, a review committee was formed which recommened several amendments to the original proposal as cited in the OP. If Howard had been allowed to push through his original legislation unfettered, those communists criticisms would have been completely justified. Thank god for the senate...our safegaurd against over-zealous government policy. I'm not sure if the new legislation has been passed yet or not, nor do I know exactly what the *new improved* laws entail. Does anyone here know...?

If it had passed:

*The Attorney-General would have had the power to ban at will virtually any organisation involved in political activism...including unions, conservation groups, active charities and a whole range of groups.

*The original Bill could have criminalised activities that are unrelated to political violence and have potentially restricted freedom of expression.

*The proposed legislation contravened internationally recognised human rights standards, most importantly, the right to be presumed innocent and the right to a fair trial. By reversing the onus of proof there is no requirement for government to prove its accusation of *terrorism* on any person. This is what has happened at Guantanamo Bay where suspected terrorists can be held indefinitely without trial or legal representation.

"Terrorism" is a broad label and you don't have to be a swarthy Arab with a Koran under your arm to be picked up and held at the governments pleasure. This legislation would have stripped us of essential protections and made us all potentially vulnerable.
By Efrem Da King
AHH NOw I'm confused!!! Whos side am I supposed to be on here??

LEts put it his way which side is yeddi on?
By Ocker
So if this legislation was passed, it would of been like the war time censorship (forget proper name) all over again, which was a dark day of Australian history. :hmm:
By Catria
JT123 wrote:Oh no, is the sky falling in the outback too?

Well that's an intelligent response. Whenever someone criticises government policy don't bother arguing the points...just label them a Chicken Little and leave it at that.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Well that's an intelligent response. Whenever someone criticises government policy don't bother arguing the points...just label them a Chicken Little and leave it at that.
Same issue, differnt people, different place. Same chicken little antics. The argueing is now leading nowhere.
By Catria

If your sense of political ennui on this topic is so overwhelming, then why post anything at all? As far as I'm concerned the Chicken Little squawk is just another catchword from the conservative grab-bag of disposable putdowns....designed to deflect criticism.

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