Joint RF-SN Platform? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Vladimir
Yes I agree with that, I only object to any forced work; we can provide but not force.
Although I think a good policy would be to enable local worker organisations like district councils to sort out the forced/voluntary balance?
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By ingliz
Fine by me

ps. How are the shadow ministerial portfolios going to be divided up? We will need to hit the ground running if a minority government mandate is up for grabs. We are the largest voting bloc.
By Mazhi
Economic Platform

Points of special interest:

1. Bank nationalization; democratisation of control by replacement of manager bureaucracy by civil committees of workers’ delegates and state advisors, open publication of all accounts

I agree with the rest, but what do you mean by 'open publication of all accounts'?

2. Heavy progressive tax (10%, 50%, 70%)

Seems okay, but personally I'd make 4 brackets: 15 %, 30 %, 45 % and 60 %.

3. Abolition of tax for low incomes, increases of tax on profits (70%)

I'd make it 60 % tops.

4. Price freezing or imposing of narrow price boundary (through buffer stock operation, which instead of being sold off can be used for charity) on staple items, namely those with a low price elasticity of demand)


5. Higher inheritance tax for capital inheritance (95%)

Again, I'd say 60 tops.

6. Abolition of interest rates on small loans, individual debts, minimisation of rent rates (and possibly abolition in some cases, as well as expropriation in certain cases)


7. Democratisation of trade unions, namely via a transfer to a delegate base from the current representative one


8. Legislation for all employment contract negotiating to go through trade unions with membership as a prerequisite


9. Guarantee of legalization of factory occupations as "cooperatives", as well as expropriation and handing over to its workers and their community of any enterprise in risk of being plundered by its owner; grant of a 0% tax status to such environments.


10. Minimum wage 5 times the calculated minimum living necessity, pegged to inflation; applied universally stating 16, working not allowed prior.


11. Guaranteed employment for all above 16, guaranteed professional work for all graduates.


Social Platform

Points of special interest:

1. Freedom of political activity within unions and workplaces


2. Universal and unabridged right to firearms, with individual ownership regulated by criminal records


3. A power division contract between workers' councils and state; we promise to push through in the parliament any demands councils make

Any demands, no matter how irrational?

4. Abolition of police, standing army, and nuclear program. Establishment of a universal workers' militia in their place.


5. Reservation of at least half of the court jury seats for worker council delegates

I don't really like the idea of juries, I'd say professional judges should have all the decision-making powers in trials.

6. Full financial and material support to union, council and "cooperative" organisations as well as entrusting large local budgets to them


7. 100% separation of church and state.


8. Free universal healthcare regulated by system by doctors' and nurses' councils


9. Free education from kindergarten to doctorate


10. Regulation of the entire education system by teachers' and students' councils


11. Legalisation of all narcotics, with a direct tax of 10% which will be put towards rehabilitation infrastructure

Ok but I'd say prevention of addiction works better than rehab.

12. Vast-scale construction of heavily subsidised (half of the market price) multi-story proletarian residences with modern infrastructure, sanitation and transport access, basing on the Russian/Chinese microdistrict model. Make ready non-interest loans available for future dwellers. The slums will be turned into “garden cities”!


13. Zero tolerance for any form of discrimination


14. Environmental protection by means of handing vast “green” funds and executive rights to local workers’ environment committees.


International Platform

Points of special interest:

1. Solidarity with workers of all countries; we will work to establish global democratised trade unions


2. Recognition of the right to self-determination for all oppressed nations; recognition of every separatist movement and territory

I'd say we should decide on an individual basis, and not simply say 'every'. But I generally support self-determination.

3. Heavy taxes on the export of capital and outsourcing of jobs

Why? Isn't that sort of against point 1: Solidarity with foreign workers?

4. Against all imperialist wars and wars of aggression


5. Abolition of NATO, the World Bank, IMF, WTO, and all other imperialist cliques & agreements. Democratic control to be established over their funds by means of international workers’ unions


6. Withdrawal of all military personnel from all foreign countries


7. Make decision making in foreign policy open and transparent to the people; Open publication of all secret treaties and actions made by the previous government

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By Demosthenes
About work and whatnot:

The PNL has a platform that only pays for higher education should you excel in a technical field. My personal specialty is an arts field. While I realize we do not necessarily aspire to duplicate the Soviet Union, one of the particularly great aspects of Russian culture has always been in the arts.

My question then is, should one prove to apt at the arts, be it as a painter, sculpter, creater of literature, or any other artistic endeavor that is not covered by one of the sciences, will our social programs still allow these people to prosper?
By Mazhi
Also, something that's sort of related to that? What do we do about intellectual property? Is it enforced? If not, on what basis are artists, writers, musicians... paid?
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By FallenRaptor
recognition of every separatist movement and territory

I am against this for two reasons:
1. Not every nation is in favor of separatism, nor is separatism preferable in all cases.
2. There's no reason for us to recognize bourgeois separatist movements when there exists a working class that is strong enough to lead such a movement.

Besides that, I approve of the other additions.

Why? Isn't that sort of against point 1: Solidarity with foreign workers?

Letting domestic capitalists to exploit workers abroad at a higher degree for super-profits goes against workers' internationalism.
By Mazhi
But it does give them a job, when they'd otherwise be possibly unemployed and/or starving.
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By albionfagan
I pretty much agree with the platform in its entirety, hopefully this will stabalise us and allow for electoral victory, comrades for power 8)
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By albionfagan
Also I think we should expand our foreign policy, what our positions on China and North Korea :eh:
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By Vladimir
I agree with the rest, but what do you mean by 'open publication of all accounts'?

the bank's balances etc. Not peoples' accounts :lol:

Any demands, no matter how irrational?

I think irrational in our case would mean too extreme; and since the sharpness of our voice channeling the demands into parliament would be severly dampened by the rightists swamp and pass through (if at all) in a rather mild form I think we shouldn't be scared of channelling all demands

I don't really like the idea of juries, I'd say professional judges should have all the decision-making powers in trials.

but that means taking away peoples' power and legal organisation - something we want to maximise??

and you points about taxes are fair enough; our figures are estimates anyway.

also FallenRaptor can you edit our platform in the party platforms topic??
By Kon
I oppose the concept of a joint platform, as I desire to retain as much autonomy as possible.
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By Vladimir
do you have problems with the the current proposed joint platform?
By Kon
I propose that we include a clause regarding seizing the assets of the upper 5% of the tax bracket and deporting them, as well as my already mentioned shadow cabinet position agreement and I will support coalition fully.
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By Vladimir
but the tax is based on income and not assets. Do you mean the upper 5% of asset holders?
By Kon
No, I mean we take the richest people in society, take their money by force redistribute it and kick them out of the country. I would also like to include something about phasing out the current monetary system in favour of either one based on the labour theory of value or a gift economy (this would require extensive communisation of society).
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By Dave
a gift economy

is that a joke?
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By Dr House
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By Brio
Konulu wrote:No, I mean we take the richest people in society, take their money by force redistribute it and kick them out of the country.

Our defence forces had better be very good then since such an expulsion would probably mean a combined intervention from the capitalistic countries. I don't think such countries would stand for an alternate example from the way countries are currently run; with the elites in full control.
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By Vladimir
No, I mean we take the richest people in society, take their money by force redistribute it and kick them out of the country.

well the richest would be the top asset (capital) holders;
I find this acceptable.

I would also like to include something about phasing out the current monetary system in favour of either one based on the labour theory of value or a gift economy (this would require extensive communisation of society

can you elaborate? Bear in mind we are working in a capitalist economy and not with an alternative proletarian power base required to advance beyond commodity exchange

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