Biographies - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Dave
albionfagan wrote:Bloody hell children it's your biographies, surely there are more important things to engage in warfare about

Dave wrote:Worse from my end of it, I come off as a douche in bringing it up.

Vladimir, look at it this way. Let's say the next poster claims to be a trade unionist in your labor organization. Said trade unionist writes that you spent union funds to elevate yourself to great luxury, and that you invested illicitly skimmed off funds in a capitalist sweatshop which brought you further profit. This led to that trade unionist becoming a crusader against corruption and a reformist, ultimately rising to lead the Social Liberal Democrats.

None of that would conflict with your official narrative, but it would completely contradict the spirit of it.
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By Oxymoron
H-2-0 Negro Inc does all the security for Dave, that is why your Commie criminals could not get at the great leader of the PNL. Further more I urge the Members of the SN-RF to act within the law, any acts against the the goverment or its members will be seen as an act of Treason and dealt with.
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By albionfagan
Why just the SN-RF, surely that should be aimed at all parties.

We will act within the law, if we deem it to be corresponding with our own ideology, if we have to act outside the law we will. (seen as there's no way of replicating paramilitary activity etc in this scenario that would be never). :lol:
Last edited by albionfagan on 18 Apr 2009 01:15, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dave
Paramilitary activity could be simulated through wargaming, actually. It might be a fun activity, but there's so much yet to be done to get just this modest project working. If this turns into a success and is still going a few months from now, then we could try to incorporate it.
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By Vladimir
Dave I understand, and if it happened I'd have a good laugh over it. While protesting it of course :lol:

Paramilitary activity could be simulated through wargaming, actually. It might be a fun activity, but there's so much yet to be done to get just this modest project working.

which means we would have to select a game we can all play on...
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By Dave
Vladimir wrote:Dave I understand, and if it happened I'd have a good laugh over it. While protesting it of course :lol:

Exactly what I've been doing. ;)

Vladimir wrote:which means we would have to select a game we can all play on...

I did not mean a computer game, but a traditional wargame. Certain functions could be done via a simple computer program to automate the process, of course.
Last edited by Dave on 18 Apr 2009 01:20, edited 1 time in total.
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By Oxymoron
Why just the SN-RF, surely that should be aimed at all parties.

Surely, surely.

if we have to act outside the law we will

Please do that it would make my day.
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By Dave
I will be suing Vladimir for libel. If the SN-RF chooses to disseminate his falsehoods, I will demand an injunction against them from the electoral commission.
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By Vladimir
I did not mean a computer game, but a traditional wargame. Certain functions could be done via a simple computer program to automate the process, of course.

like battleships?

I will be suing Vladimir for libel. If the SN-RF chooses to disseminate his falsehoods, I will demand an injunction against them from the electoral commission.

ahaha good luck :lol: you can never silence the truth, capitalist.
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By Dave
Vladimir wrote:like battleships?

Battleship is an extremely simple traditional wargame, but yes of that nature.

Vladimir wrote:ahaha good luck :lol: you can never silence the truth, capitalist.

No, but I can silence malicious slander spread for opportunistic reasons.
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By FallenRaptor
Felix Liebknecht(Nom de guerre: Fallen Raptor) is a PoFoese Marxist, revolutionary, political activist, and writer. He was born May 1st, 1963, in Gorkiy City to Karl and Rosa Liebknecht, who were both trade-unionists and politically active in the Social Democratic Labour Party(the 'Old Labour' predecessor of the SLD). He had good grades in school but was known by the teachers for his rebellious conduct. At the age of 13, his parents mysteriously disappeared after organizing a sit-in against Drakkar Industri.

Dissatisfied with his abusive and careless foster parents, Felix left them at the age of 15 for a life of organized crime. At the age of 19, he was arrested for drug trafficking and sentence for 5 years of hard labor and prison. While in prison, he began to extensively study the works of Malcolm X, Karl Marx, and Vladimir Lenin. He also met and talked to several political prisoners, most notably Ingliz, who would become a life-long friend and comrade. In 1984, Felix and Ingliz escaped prison with most of the political prisoners. After the prison break, the group swore to remain united until the CIA backed regime of Thomas Ryan was overthrown. This was the moment the PoFo National Liberation Army was formed.

For the next two years, Felix(now going by the codename 'Fallen Raptor' or 'Raptor') used his connections in the criminal underground to smuggle weapons and launder money for the PNLA. He also wrote several articles criticizing the regime and promoting Marxism. The Basics of Marxism, a series of articles explaining the fundamentals of Marxist theory to average workers, was among his most popular works.

The PNLA began it's insurrection against the dictatorship on October 25, 1986, after bombing Thomas Ryan's palace in the capital to dust. The PNLA then moved from the urban scene into the mountains and launched an 8 year guerrilla warfare campaign, making various hit and run attacks against military bases and fighting directly against the contra forces of Admiral Gustav Ricochet. Raptor proved himself to be an exceptional fighter, and rised to the rank of commander alongside Ingliz. Raptor was shot twice in battle, but managed to recover successfully.

The PNLA was not successful in directly overthrowing the CIA puppet regime, but it did weaken it's military capacities to a severe extent. The crippled army was incapable of stopping the wave of general strikes in 1994. The regime was dissolved shortly after Thomas Ryan committed suicide. After the PNLA was disbanded, Raptor and Ingliz both joined Socialism Now!, the newly formed communist party.

Picture taken in a 1994 interview. Often mistaken for a picture of Che Guevara.

Raptor became well known amongst the party and the workers for his fiery speeches which could last hours at a time. From 1995-1996 he spent most of his time carrying out party work and training workers' militias. From 1997-2000, Raptor accompanied Red_Army on a world tour to form a basis for a Fifth International, but were ultimately unsuccessful due to the sectarianism of the coffee shop trotskyites in various first world countries.

There have been rumors that Raptor was having sexual relations with two of David Ragnargrímsson's daughters and one of his wives between 1995-2001. When a reporter asked Dave whether these rumors were true, his face turned bright red and punched the reporter in the face, effectively dislocating his jaw and knocking out four of his teeth.

In 2005, Raptor was elected Chairman of Executive Committee of the Gorkiy Worker's Council with the resurgence of the socialist movement amongst the workers. Raptor has been nominated by the SN-RF coalition for Minister of Internal Affairs in 2009. Currently he is in a relationship with Alexandra Kurylenko, a Ukranian-born college graduate who Raptor met in an SN students meeting in 2002 and the hot cousin of model/actress Olga Kurylenko.
Last edited by FallenRaptor on 18 Apr 2009 18:19, edited 1 time in total.
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By Red Star
Victor Stoyanov Borisov (Alias: Red Star) is a PoFoese historian, activist, writer and musician. He is currently active in the libertarian socialist Revolutionary Front and in organising a nationwide Federation of Collectives, as well as continuing activity with his band Miscreant Mandarin. Between 1999 and 2004 he held a post as Senior Lecturer in East European History in New Clausewitz University's History Department, but resigned in protest of new admissions criteria set by the institution.

Victor Borisov, c. 1988, university years.


Borisov was born to Bulgarian parents in Varna, Bulgaria on the 12th February 1970. His father was a mathematical lecturer in the city's Technical University, while his mother was a doctor in the municipal hospital in Balchik, 40 km north of the city. Due to the careers of both his parents, he was often left to his own devices. Despite this, he still managed to get through school unscathed in an academic sense, excelling in English, History and Mathematics, graduating a year early. Throughout his childhood he developed a liking for football, tennis, skiing, petty thievery and urban exploration. Due to his "un-socialistic" activities (which included listening to Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd and Judas Priest) and the dissident nature of his father's political views, he was barred from enrolling in any of the country's universities.

Early Life

Faced with an uncertain life in his own country, Borisov entered the Merchant Navy and escaped in Tangiers on his first trip abroad. Making his way into Europe, he applied to the prestigious Oxbridge University in PoFo, and was accepted to read History at Camford College, Oxbridge. His university years were filled with sonic and chemical experimentation, and he freely admits that "What happened in Camford is not exactly clear, although I distinctly remember a run-in with the university authorities over phallic imagery on their administrative building." Trying his hand at stand-up comedy (a venture abruptly ended when he fell off-stage, losing his balance after being pelted with eggs, and shattering his collarbone) he graduated in 1991 and went on to complete a PhD at the same institution. His thesis, Origins Of Symmetry: State Formation in Europe was a sprawling survey of the formation of hierarchies in European history, and his controversial theses sparked much debate. The thesis was published in an abridged form in 1997 by OUP (Oxbridge University Press).

Academic Career

Gaining his doctorate in 1995, he continued work in the Department of History in the university, publishing a number of articles and studies on Balkan history, consumerism, nationalism and state formation, always from a far-left perspective. Somewhat of an oddity in the stuffy corridors of Oxbridge, Borisov often abandoned tweed in favour of Lycra, although he found that this was not conductive to lecturing. Sexual miscreancy with a student nearly cost him his job until it was discovered that in fact Borisov had been drugged by his own student. The youth in question now holds a high-ranking position in Drakkar Industri. He made a move to New Clausewitz University in 1999 and taught Eastern European history there. He published his second major work whilst there, in 2001, a study of intellectual and social life in the socialist Balkans, concentrating on the nationalism-socialism relationship between 1944-1989 and what this meant for the region afterwards - Dangerous Paths: The Balkanisation of Socialism (eliciting criticism from many scholars of the region for the use of the term "balkanisation", Borisov responded with "Read the book, not just the cover, you lazy sods."). In 2004 he left after leading an attempted lecturer revolt against the University's decision to discontinue its "ACCESS" scheme aimed at attracting state school applicants, commenting "The attempts to turn this place into Oxbridge are laughable, pathetic, scary and loathsome." Faced with such a shrewd and well-argued case, the lecturing body still overwhelmingly voted in favour and Borisov left.

Political Career and Activism

Formed as an anarchist in his first years in Oxbridge, Borisov has participated in and set up a number of far-left initiatives which have often failed. In 1989 he formed the Oxbridge Autonomous Forum, which led the occupation of the university for a full 8 hours, demanding free education for all. In 1991 he ran for the local council on the platform of the local Green Party, but pulled out when he realised it was actually a party. In 1994 he organised the first and for now the last PoFo Climate Camp in the south-west of the country, which attracted over 10,000 activists from around the world. In recent years he has been involved in No Borders and Antifa work, as well as helping radical student groups in NCU and steering them towards actions that show solidarity with workers. He was a founding member of the Revolutionary Front and has declined any official position.

Musical Career

Self-taught guitarist, bassist and keyboardist, it is evident that Borisov had a lot of free time in university. His first 4-track self-titled demo under the alias Miscreant Mandarin came out in 1990 and was described as "Either the best or worst thing to ever come out of Oxbridge." by Tumbling Pebble, PoFo's premium rock magazine. In 1993, whilst working on his PhD he recorded and released Boss (Or How I Started Worrying and Was Taught to Hate the Comb), a concept album centred on one man's fight with his hair (he has declined to comment whether this is auto-biographical). The style was described as "Metallica, Yes, Pink Floyd and a man who can't sing having a fight in a room full of sitars." by Kerching!, PoFo's second best rock magazine (curiously, this was almost the same description Iron Chisel, yet another rock magazine, would use for Dream Theater a few years later). An unlikely hit in the PoFo, the album also made it big in Peru. In 1996, Miscreant Mandarin undertook its one and (so far) only European tour whilst Borisov was having a break before starting to teach in Oxbridge. This was followed up by the much more successful 1997 Where Now? album, that went platinum in PoFo and entered the UK Top 10. Since then, Borisov has released another three albums and two EPs, mainly with session musicians. As to the money acquired during this moderately successful music career, it has transpired that most of it went on Jaffa Cakes and first-edition copies of Oscar Wilde's works.


Apart from his academic publications, Borisov published pieces in six issues of National History, held a weekly column in the Daily Tribune, the nation's third-biggest broadsheet for a full two weeks and has reviewed music for a number of magazines. He has also published the Totally Ace, ostensibly a collection of poetry that in fact mainly contained of dirty limericks and hand-drawn pictures of nothing in particular.


Apart from being accused of sexual miscreancy (he is openly bisexual), "corrupting the nation's youth", crimes against music and a disregard for fashion, Borisov also had a run-in with Dr. Ombrageux after publishing a few pieces in his National History journal and then quitting in a fit of jealousy over the latter's ability to come up with longer articles than himself.
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By Demosthenes

Marc "Demosthenes" Antony

Born in 1954 as a single child of wealthy, mostly absent parents, young Marc Antony from an early age learned to go his own way. He was never a champion of rebellion for rebellion's sake but merely made choices on right and wrong regardless of the trendiness. Little is known about his early history beyond stories of truancy and the terrorizing of neighbor children in the Utrecht province of PoFo. Though mostly rural farms dot the province, known for being one of the least well off in PoFo, Antony's family were the exception. His father had gotten in bed with big capitalist farming and became of thes second in command of a large farming conglomerate. This wealth changed the family's life. They moved to northern Utrecht and there Antony began to see the first naked vestiges of the evils the system. His father ran the conglomerate with an iron fist, when workers were injured or sick, they were simply replaced and their familes were left to suffer without income. When the workers would begin to gather with one another, he saw the death squads that ended them permanently.

Eventually after bearing mute witness to the Night of Long Terror, in April of 1970, he fled the family estate, and never returned again. He made his way around the country doing odd jobs here and there and gaining a better understanding of how the vast majoirty of PoFo lived. A growing sense of discust began in him that would eventually culminate in a life of politics.

In his twenties, still restless and undecided on where he might settle he found work on a ship and ended up in Sweden. He stayed abroad for 5 years. He eventually returned and began working at the local college in Hiemdall. The small port city seemed to finally quench his restless spirit as he settled in to a comfortable existence. He was engaged briefly, but broke it off due to unknown circumstances. He began to attend the college as well as work there, and eventually graduated with an arts degree. Unsatisfied with the few propoects facing him, he began teaching and eventually enrolled in law school. The more he became aquainted with the law the more he realized how truly corrupt the entire system was.

Now in his early 30s, the 1980s were a time of upheaval for most of PoFo but Heimdall was spared most of the horrors of the conflicts. Still, Antony gazed on as multinational corporations came in and replaced many of the homegrown businesses. Growing dissatisfaction among the populace with extremely low wages and growing povery among the relatively high immigrant class eventually led to the formation of several Marxist cells who organized the workers, opened soup kitchens, funded free clinics, and served as community leaders. Yet among the upper circles he noted the sense of illigitmacy they were viewed with. When eventually the Marxists won the majority of seats in the city council, he watched in horror as the elites rebelled, had most of them arrested and either imprisoned, disbanded or killed. In 1988 over 1000 Marxists or sympathizers were dispatched in this way. Realizing his once peaceful town was now in complete disarray he began to try and organize the middle classes to fight the menace. Unfortunately he encountered more resistance than he ever thought he would. His efforts proved unsuccessful and he left Heimdall in 1990 for Bifrust.

Over the next 15 years he lived in Bifrust, eventually being granted a doctorate for his works of critisism of English literature. He wrote three novels during this time, which were all published to middling acclaim. Finally during the years where the tyranny hit the poluation the hardest he met up with the Marxists and began to try and understand their platform.

In 2006, he officially joined Old Labour, hoping to avoid the illigitimacy he knew the rest of the upper classes viewed the Marixists with. Remaining mostly quiet an neutral he maneuvered himself around the internal party splits and alliances until he came to know and befriend both Gnote and Falx. He formed more distant ties with Zagadka, and held members like Attica and Nattering Nabob in some regard. Eventually with the tyrant falling in 2008, the organization of the party had begin.

With elections in 2009 He became distrubed that those he'd come to know, with only a few exceptions, were largely moving to support the system, and appeared convinced from the beginning that an alliance with the Marxists was not possible. Instead the right wing of the party led them to deal most exclusively with the PUC and even began serious negotiations with the SNL. Once it became clear that the rest of the SLD would not listen to reason, and with his two biggest party allies away tending to personal matters, he felt it was finally time to make the move he should have made years ago.

Defecting from SLD to SN in the middle of the election, he has not looked back since.
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By ingliz

Very little is known about this man who is said to have organised the recent overthrow of the old regime, he was once described as "PoFo's only professional revolutionary". A former political prisoner, he was rearrested in June 1980, the Summer of Discontent, and charged with membership of an illegal organisation (thought to be the Revolutionary Bolshevik-Leninist Fraction). He was tried 'in camera' in April 1981 and sentenced to 14 years under the Emergency Powers Act. He escaped from the Haze high security prison in the Spring of '84. He is a founder member of the SN(R), the armed wing of the SN; Commander of the PNLA; former Chairman of the Army Council; a left communist? He enters parliamentary politics for the anarchist Revolutionary Front and is Deputy Leader of the RF/SN alliance.

- Who's Who in PoFo Politics Today? A Pocket Guide
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By MistyTiger
Dave wrote:I will be suing Vladimir for libel

You must mean defamation of reputation. Libel is an obsolete term. ;)

The biographies look good.
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