PNL, PUC/PUC-L, CA, SLD Grand Coallition - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Dave
The majority of SLD voters haven't voiced an opinion on anything.
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By Paradigm
Gnote wrote:The last I saw, the majority of SLD voters haven't even voiced an opinion on the coalition.

I've given them ample opportunity to do so, and the only dissenting shouts I've heard have come from you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a party to lead.
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By Nattering Nabob
I have a party to lead.

Lead Baby Lead!!!
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
Why not get the roster of SLD members and send out an 'email' (private Pofo message) to them all, explaining that we are voting on whether to endorse a grand coalition. Since we are having trouble getting all our party members to talk together at the same time, just contact them directly.
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By Gnote
I think if that were to occur, KB, you would hear a much higher level of dissent than you have thus far.

I think people fear they will not be seated in parliament if they speak against the coalition.
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By Donna
Gnote wrote:I think if that were to occur, KB, you would hear a much higher level of dissent than you have thus far.

I can't help but get the feeling that you're a bit out of touch with the game and had you been around when Falx and Demosthenes defected from the SLD, you would have left with them.
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By Gnote
I can't help but feel that you're a bit out of touch with internal business of the SLD.
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By Donna
I think we'll see soon enough whose sources are correct.
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By peter_co
Ok, so based on the results of an internal vote and previous discussion I am announcing that the PUC is officially entering the coalition. It seems that this pretty much seals the deal. I suggest we move on to forming a government. The PUC will have no objection to the prime minister being from the SLD, and I suggest the other ministries should be distributed according to the proportion of mandates that each party holds (minus one for SLD since they have the PM).

To start, the PUC requests the finance and foreign affairs ministries.
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By Dr House
peter_co wrote:To start, the PUC requests the finance and foreign affairs ministries.

We can certainly give you guys foreign affairs, but there's no way I will agree to allow the position of finance minister to a party that supports the current US corporate tax rate.
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By peter_co
We can certainly give you guys foreign affairs, but there's no way I will agree to allow the position of finance minister to a party that supports the current US corporate tax rate.

You have to take into consideration though that the positions of the SLD and PUC on the issue are extremely close (with the SLD being slightly to the left). So while we certainly intend to forge an economic policy as a result of negotiations with the other two parties, I believe that the ministry in question has to be directed by either the SLD or PUC (and I believe the latter will be more acceptable to the other parties, even if only marginally) in order for this coalition to function.
Last edited by peter_co on 23 Apr 2009 15:38, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dr House
Why does the ministry have to be directed by the PUC or the SLD? Both parties represent the economic left of the coalition, whereas the PNL's syncretic producerist economics both offer equality and prosperity to the left, and free enterprise and small government to the right. We represent the economic of this coalition and thus are the logical choice to control the ministry of finance.

EDIT: Paradigm, the problem is that, like I said, you represent a wing of this coalition. A finance ministry from the PUC, as well as one from the SLD, would essentially result in the CA (which we need as much as every other party in the coalition) being screwed.
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By Dave
The PUC has irresponsible positions on economics. The PNL and SLD have a good consensus on economics based on preliminary discussions, and as the PNL-SLD are larger than any other two party bloc in this coalition their economic views should predominate, with moderation of course to be acceptable to other coalition partners. Oh, and what ministries are we going to have exactly?

-Foreign Affairs

What else? We can't have too many.
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By peter_co
The PNL and SLD have a good consensus on economics based on preliminary discussions, and as the PNL-SLD are larger than any other two party bloc in this coalition their economic views should predominate

Dave, you cannot deny that the positions of the SLD and PUC are virtually identical (which the SLD affirms as well), and we have as many delegates as the PNL, in other words if you are going to use the argument that the largest block with the closest economic positions should predominate, than this would naturally fall upon the PUC-SLD. However, the fact that you have been able to harmonize your position with the SLD is a very positive sign, because as I've sad, since the positions of the SLD/PUC are so close, I am certain that we can find a compromise that will be acceptable to all be fractions. And the CA will of course not be left out of discussion either. If the PUC will control the finance ministry, we will implement economic policy on this principle. In fact, I can promise that we will not make any decisions until we will have established a common position with the other coalition partners. Would this be acceptable to you?

Oh, and what ministries are we going to have exactly?

I suggest the following:

# Prime minister
# Finance and Commerce minister
# Foreign minister
# Defence minister
# Interior minister
# Environment minister
# Health minister
# Justice minister
# Education and Culture minister
# Energy minister
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By Dave
peter_co wrote:Dave, you cannot deny that the positions of the SLD and PUC are virtually identical (which the SLD affirms as well), and we have as many delegates as the PNL, in other words if you are going to use the argument that the largest block with the closest economic positions should predominate, than this would naturally fall upon the PUC-SLD. However, the fact that you have been able to harmonize your position with the SLD is a very positive sign, because as I've sad, since the positions of the SLD/PUC are so close, I am certain that we can find a compromise that will be acceptable to all be fractions. And the CA will of course not be left out of discussion either. If the PUC will control the finance ministry, we will implement economic policy on this principle. In fact, I can promise that we will not make any decisions until we will have established a common position with the other coalition partners. Would this be acceptable to you?

The PUC suggested orthodox neoliberal economics, including an irresponsibly high corporate tax rate. The SLD proposed a radical heterdox platform which would abolish land rent and debt-based money. The PNL proposed a producerist platform which the SLD adores, and the PNL has a similar monetary policy. The PNL and SLD are closer to each other on economics than either party is to the PUC. The PNL is also more agreeable to the CA than other parties on economics.

We would potentially accept a PUC finance minister with some serious revisions to the PUC's economic policy, specifically but not limited to its dangerous position on corporate taxation.

peter_co wrote:I suggest the following:

# Prime minister
# Finance and Commerce minister
# Foreign minister
# Defence minister
# Interior minister
# Environment minister
# Health minister
# Justice minister
# Education and Culture minister
# Energy minister

We should probably consolidate justice & interior. Environment should be changed to natural resources and include fisheries, agriculture, forestry, etc. Energy should perhaps be infastructure, to include transport and such.
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By peter_co
The PNL and SLD are closer to each other on economics than either party is to the PUC.

I have to say that this is not a view shared either by the PUC or the SLD. If you disagree with me on the latter point, I am certain that a survey of the SLD would reveal this fact. It is based on this that I maintain that a PUC finance minister will be agreeable to the majority of the members of the coalition. As for changing our positions, of course we recognize that we will have to compromise for the coalition to work, and I have suggested (and opened) a thread were we can find an economic policy that is acceptable to as many delegates of our coalition as possible.

We should probably consolidate justice & interior. Environment should be changed to natural resources and include fisheries, agriculture, forestry, etc. Energy should perhaps be infastructure, to include transport and such.

I agree with all of those.
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By Gnote
You probably need a social services ministry, unless you are going to complete the shift to the right and provide no social services beyond education and health care. ;)

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