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PostPosted:05 May 2009 21:12
by ingliz
I hereby nominate Potemkin to represent us in one seat.

I would do it now but I am not 'Party Leader', PM Honi.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 21:16
by Mazhi
Honest criticism of Party policy is necessary to build concensus, nobody should be afraid to speak out.

I disagree. Party discipline is of utmost importance. This is not a democracy. Subversion should be dealt with brutally.

Just messing. :p

PostPosted:05 May 2009 21:41
by Subversive Rob
Cheers LeRouge.

Ingliz - I thought that the formal merger was already pretty much complete?

PostPosted:05 May 2009 21:46
by ingliz
So did I, but should that decision be made by a Joint Deputy Leader when the Party Leader has already ignored his 'advice' on the matter? Although there has been no opposition maybe Honi would be happier with more input from his own party, the RF, as I doubt there is time for a formal internal ballot.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 23:24
by Zyx
I don't see why we are nominating, but I'll nominate ingliz.

Maybe we should think of how others will receive our nominations.

As it appears, our MPs need to do some wheeling and dealing for the sake of political action.

Whereas we should have stubborn people, if we don't concede enough, our MPs may largely be ignored. We shouldn't let that happen.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 23:31
by Subversive Rob
Our MPs (or the SN one's at least) are not going to be free floating agents, whilst their personal characteristics and 'style' will be important, they will not be empowered to make too many completely autonomous decisions.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 23:52
by Zyx
Agreed. Anyway, I hope that those in the SN will inform us when they can not make an election or a debate. Maybe even resign a seat or something. As it looks, once our party has our MPs, we need to send it to the Clerk and whatever whatever. Most important, though, is that if an MP does not vote, that seat is empty.

We need to quickly alert each other when seats need to be given away or something.

That's all that I am saying.

*getting tired, making less sense.*

PostPosted:05 May 2009 23:56
by Demosthenes
I'll nominate Potemkin, even though he is a dirty Scot.

For the record, I should not receive a nomination unless there is no one else to fill the seat. If I should end up with one, my seat will be donated to teh party leadership, as a special exemption to the bloc voting rule.

If the game advances to a point where a GM is no longer needed, I shall content myself to learn ever more red politics, and participate where it seems prudent. ;)

PostPosted:06 May 2009 03:39
by HoniSoit
The merger has been officially recognised, and in the upcoming election we should vote for 'SN-RF' rather than SN or RF.

Thank you.

Regarding nomination of seats, I think it's still a bit too early. We shall see how many seats we will get in the next election, and we probably should in my opinion distribute them based on one's activity - which is partially the reason why the number of parliamentary seats was reduced in the first place.

PostPosted:06 May 2009 05:01
by Zyx
Indeed, that's why I asked who would be available for MPship.

Still, given that no one declined a nomination [except Potemkin who did not mention anything,] it's safe to assume that they'd be available.

PostPosted:06 May 2009 10:53
by Potemkin
Still, given that no one declined a nomination [except Potemkin who did not mention anything,] it's safe to assume that they'd be available.

*a walking stick appears from the side of the frame and prods Potemkin*

Hmm hmm, what's that? What? Who? Where am I? ... Oh yeah, the elections.

I am grateful for being nominated, and I am willing to accept the nomination to serve the new united party as an MP, provided there are no objections of course.

*settles back down to snooze again*

PostPosted:06 May 2009 11:04
by ingliz
Nominations from the floor:


Subversive Rob



I venture FallenRaptor would make a good candidate if he will stand.

PostPosted:06 May 2009 11:12
by HoniSoit
No need to rush, ingliz.

Let's see how many seats we will be able to get first.

PostPosted:06 May 2009 11:16
by ingliz
I think we should be prepared and offer a provisional party list on the ballot at least then people will know who they are voting for. The vote is on Friday?

It shows transparency something the other parties lack

PostPosted:06 May 2009 15:09
by Demosthenes
FallenRaptor would be great actually.

I don't think it's too much to get a potential list of MPs together ahead of time.

It may not to be wise to name more than say 5 or 6, but it's not a stretch to imagine we would at least seat 5 MPs.

PostPosted:06 May 2009 16:01
by FallenRaptor
I venture FallenRaptor would make a good candidate if he will stand.

And I am willing, if the party wishes. :)

PostPosted:06 May 2009 19:04
by ingliz

Vlad has been in touch, he is former Chairman of the SN, he has a seat, and so with FallenRaptor that makes 6.

The Party list:

Honi, Party Leader (RF)
Subversive Rob(SN)

Past electoral results SN = 14:RF = 8

Any objections make them known

PostPosted:06 May 2009 20:22
by Subversive Rob
I suspect we need more people from the RF, also given that we will no longer be voting for individual elements (the RF or the SN) we need to work out how we will divide the the seats among RF and SN members. Furthermore, I think we have to work out the specific way that MPs are going to vote.

PostPosted:06 May 2009 21:47
by ingliz
To ensure former RF members are represented bump the RF representative, me, up the list.

Done :D

If we end up with more seats than the list can support, Honi can choose a former RF member to take a seat or we can put a name at #6 which would mean equal representation by both wings of the Party if our electoral hopes are fulfilled. I have asked Gletkin if he wishes to stand

If we gain the same support as last time, 22 votes, we should have 7 seats as 3 votes approx.= 1 seat

ps. One man, one vote; each MP has one seat and one vote, there are no "votes" to divvy up

PostPosted:08 May 2009 02:47
by Kon
I resign; you are all spineless reactionaries.