Revolutionary Front Program - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.

PoFoites of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your virginities!

Down with the state, yadda yadda...let's firebomb this joint.

Actual contributions welcome.
By Kon
The day I join a coalition with those Marxists is the day I die.
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By Red Star
With the help of all the rest of our great members (mainly albion):

The abolition of private property, in favour of private possession, which conflates individual liberty with socialization.

Complete direct democracy, decentralisation of power and federal organisation on a wider scale.

Complete freedom of movement.

Economic cooperatives and communal ownership of the means of production.

Police force to be disbanded and replaced by local militia - the armed populace.

Also, Skinster likes Chomsky and Floyd. So that makes us cool.
By Kon
I refuse to vote in any sessions of parliament until our goals are achieved.
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By albionfagan
We're going to be a stumped then, I understand ultimately for anarchists they don't trust the parliamentary system but surely we can make an exception online :hmm:.

I myself am quite prepared to use the parliamentary system, it may not be perfect democracy but it's all we have.
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By Red Star
The State is a condition, a certain relationship among human beings, a mode of behavior, we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently toward one and other... We are the State and continue to be the State until we have created the institutions that form a real community...
-Gustav Landauer

The Revolutionary Front should aim for local, community action outside of parliament. Votes for us should be seen as votes of protest. A viable alternative to the PoFo oligarchyhas to be built.
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By Demosthenes
It would be nice if you could expand on some of the positions of the other parties, for those of us having a look around, who may or may not be unsatisfied with the direction our current party leadership is taking us.

Specifically for we, uninitiated, a deeper sense of what points 1-2 actually mean, would be helpful... :eek:
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By Red Star
Shall be expanded on - this will turn into the new Anarchist FAQ!
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By Demosthenes
Red Star wrote:Shall be expanded on - this will turn into the new Anarchist FAQ!

To specify:

Demosthenes wrote:It would be nice if you could expand on some of the positions of the other parties,

Obviously I meant your take on their policies and positions.
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By Red Star
Duly noted.
By Mazhi
This party lacks pragmatism. All I see is...all I smell is.... Hmmm... Skinster, what are you smoking?!
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By Donna
This is a bourgeois system. It will never work.
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By Shah
I'm a "bourgeois liberal" so I can't join. Fuck!
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By Red_Army
Haha, fucking anarchists are more organized than us Marxists. Looks like we're more legit so far, you bunch of parliamentarians!

The rest of the commies are too cool for school, and we are sure to be outnumbered by the swarms of conservative automatons, how depressing. If things don't change I might join this team - anarchists are fine by me.
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By Demosthenes
Red, you should get skype.
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By HoniSoit
We seem to be gaining a lot of support in the poll. :eh:

Seriously, where did all the libertarian socialists come from?

Should we have a party platform, or since we are against everything we don't need a platform? ;)

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