Ratifying the new Constitution - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
The new parliament is in session tommorow, 08.30CET, The first business of the chamber is to ratify the Constitution, appoint a Head of State, and elect the Clerk and Speaker.

The Prime Minister, the Right honourable HoniSoit, Parliamentary Leader of the RF/SN-THP Alliance:

I suggest we make some amendments to Clausewitz's interim Constitution.

Below are my suggestions:

Article 1. Elections

1. The Clerk of the Parliament must administer a responsible election and its results must be tabulated and certified by the Clerk no more than 2 days after the preceding election's results were certified.
2. A simple majority in Parliament has the power to dissolve the government, demand a new election, and/or constitute a new government. However, if it is going to be a minority government we probably should make it 66%
3. Elections shall be conducted, tabulated, and certified by the Clerk of the Parliament, who will be designated by any successful act that forms a government.

Article 2. Convention of Parliament

1. Parliament will constitute the number of votes cast and seats in a single house apportioned by the D'Hondt method according to the results certified by the Clerk of the Parliament.I still maintain the number of seats in the parliament should be identical to the number of overall votes; it would make voting and counting much less complex
2. Each voter should be entitled to one seat; however, if expicitly indicated by the MP their seat can be transferred to the party leader if they are inactive at the time of voting
3.Only 'spare' seats should be in the gift of Party Leaders if we keep a 100 seat parliament
4. All current Clerks of the Parliament shall maintain, certify, and report the assignment of seats from the parties in good faith.
5. Once the Clerk of the Parliament certifies that a seat has been assigned an MP, that seat may not be estranged from that MP until the next general election conducted by the Clerk of the Parliament, except by the express and public consent of the MP (certified by the Clerk of the Parliament), or by a 2/3 vote of the Parliament to impeach that MP.
6. This document guarantees no relief or arbitration for disputes within parties. Relief and arbitration would need to be sought through further Acts of Parliament and amendments to this document.

Article 3. Legislation

1. Legislation may be introduced by any Party Leader that received seats in Parliament, or any MP assigned a valid seat by his party. Every piece of legislation will be a separate thread.
2. Any piece of legislation that receives more than 1/2 the votes of the Parliament becomes the law of the land.
3. Votes will be placed in the thread as for, against, or (optionally) abstain. Abstaining votes are not counted
4. Seats assigned to the party leader those not seats assigned to members of his party to vote with the party leader.
5. MPs (that is, people assigned seats in Parliament) have the right to break with their party leader if they so choose over a piece of legislation.
6. Legislation may be withdrawn by its author, in which case no further votes on that legislation are recognized.
7. No further votes will be recognized on any legislative thread originating with a previous elected parliament after the election that followed it has been certified by the Clerk of the Parliament. This means that all pending legislation dies when election results are certified.
8. Amendments to this document must receive more than 2/3 of the votes in Parliament to become law.
9. Laws inconsistent with this document (and any successful amendments to it) are prima facie invalid as inconsistent with the basic law of the nation, but this document guarantees no relief or arbitration if a law is challenged on a constitutional basis. The Parliament may ordain and empower bodies which have the power to grant relief and arbitration in disputes as to the constitutionality of legislation .

Article 4. Formation of Government

1. At any time, a piece of legislation may be introduced by a Party Leader or MP which forms a government. This legislation, like any legislation, will succeed if it receives the support of more than 1/2 of the members of Parliament.
2. An act which forms a government will designate, at a minimum, a Prime Minister and a Clerk of the Parliament. The act of government may designate as many other ministers as it likes. Those ministers will have the power to introduce legislation pertaining to their portfolio, and also the liberty to interpret the legislation passed by Parliament.
3. The first Clerk of the Parliament is The Right Honourable Dan of the Conservative Alliance. The first Parliament will be convened upon the moment of his certification of the election results.

My suggestions:

Election should be held every month.

edited to reflect MB's comments
Last edited by ingliz on 23 Apr 2009 18:36, edited 8 times in total.
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By Dr House
ingliz wrote:The Prime Minister, the Right honourable HoniSoit, Parliamentary Leader of the RF/SN-THP Alliance:

Jumping the gun a bit aren't we? The deadline you unilaterally set isn't until tomorrow.
User avatar
By ingliz
This is only a discussion document so that MP's know what to expect tomorrow and are prepared.
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By Dr House
I disagree with the amendments proposed to Article 2, but agree with the rest of the bill.
User avatar
By ingliz
What specifically do you object to in Article 2 - Democracy, ridding our parliament of oligarchy?
Last edited by ingliz on 23 Apr 2009 12:56, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dr House
Exactly. ;)
User avatar
By Demosthenes
Unfortunately for you then, it appears the SN-RF/THP coaltion has outlasted most of the rest of the parties...
User avatar
By Dr House
Nah. The GC is still in play.
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By MB.
elections once a month or every few weeks or this will never ever ever work.
User avatar
By ingliz
elections once a month

OK by me
User avatar
By HoniSoit
[quote=MB?]elections once a month[/quote]

I have no problem with that.
User avatar
By dilpill
If the 'Minority Government' thread gets enough yes votes, you should probably add my proposed amendment to Section 4, and
However, if it is going to be a minority government we probably should make it 66%

should be added on as an exception to Article 1.2 in Section 4.

  1. If 5 days have gone by since the elected MPs have been seated and no government has been formed, a special period of parliament begins that serves to create a minority government. During this period, Party Leaders or MPs may introduce government forming legislations. This introductory period lasts for 48 hours. After the introductory period ends, all proposed governments are put up to vote. The voting period lasts for 72 hours. After the voting period ends, the proposed government that gets the most votes becomes the acting government.
  2. If any other legislation forming a government is passed during either the introductory or voting periods, a minority government may not be formed.
  3. If the active government is a minority government, a motion of no confidence must have 2/3 of the vote to pass unless it is paired with a piece of majority government forming legislation.
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By ingliz
Well. we were a coalition within a few days, voted on by our membership and not imposed, and it has held together; we have a shadow cabinet, arrived at by consensus within our coalition; legislation ready to go, and we are the largest voting bloc. I don't think the people of Pofo are enjoying this anarchy. Tomorrow an RF/SN-THP government will be seated, a Head of State appointed acceptable to all, and Officers of the House elected. We can wait no longer, a start must be made.

But until the Constitution is ratified we will not introduce any legislation and when it is the first vote on an RF/SN bill will be a vote confidence. If we are defeated another grouping can attempt to form a government and we will act as caretaker until this happens or fresh elections are called. This has the advantage of allowing more talk within the various Parties to try and reach a majority government whilst still getting the vital work done. The "minority vote" has passed overwhelmingly and someone has to take charge. Your suggested amendments to the Constitution will be discussed tomorrow.
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By Dave
The SLD-PNL-PUC-CA coalition has been agreed upon, we need only to figure out ministries. The RF/SN-THP coalition is also smaller than a potential right-wing minority government, so cram it commie.
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By ingliz
I have seen no evidence of a coalition just more bickering between the Parties; no vote by the membership; no joint platform; no suggested cabinet, not even an outline of how the portfolios are to be divided up never mind named ministers. in short zilch. Tomorrow a government will be seated whether you like it or not.
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By Dave
SLD and PUC had votes which agreed to form a coalition, the PNL and CA do not allow voting on such matters.

Cabinet and joint platform are nearly finalized.
User avatar
By ingliz
Present your SLD/PUC votes on a coalition to parliament tommorow, they will be laughed at. I suggest you ratify the constitution, defeat us in a vote of confidence, form your government and face a vote of confidence yourselves and then you will be the legitimate government but until then continue your petty bickering and let us get on with the business of the Nation. I expect a vote of confidence on our mandate will take place Tuesday or Wednesday, if we work together, and then we will see how your hastily cobbled together "coalition", imposed upon your membership, holds up. Good Day Sir.
Last edited by ingliz on 23 Apr 2009 22:56, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dave
Since my party votes in a bloc, period, we won't be a problem. I believe the CA uses the same rules. Not sure how the other parties will handle it.
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By ingliz
If abstentions are counted as no votes, as the interim constitution suggests, both the SLD and the PUC rejected the Grand Coalition. I understand your Party and the CA act upon the 'Fuhrerprinzip" but you are hardly the senior partners in your alliance and together only control 20 votes, if that.
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By Dave
I don't think you understand the Fuehrer prinzip, ingliz.

Everyone in the PUC has voted in favor, and in the SLD only one person voted against.

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