There's always strength in numbers - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
If this forum is popular enough, would it not be a good idea to play further with this PoFo parliament idea?

What I have in mind is that we could have an internal political system, and somehow make it meaningful. For example, the ruling party proposes notions that then get communicated to real political figures as an "official" PoFo line. It might attract more people, and get people engaged.

Just an idea that came to mind, I haven't thought of any of the subtle points, just putting it out there...
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By Holt
It's been tried long ago. PoFo grew out of the ruins of the old Soviet Empire, an experiment in online democracy which originally evolved from a Red Alert discussion board. What happened was something along the lines of:

Koba and other Stalinists drive Sergei nuts.
Koba openly tries to split the community and move all his "followers" to his own website.
Sergei snaps and bans Koba and other Stalinists.
Most of the remaining self-styled 'hardliners' go to Koba's own forum.
In an effort to reunite the community as one crowd again, it is being moved to

What you end up with of course, is a political forum disproportionately dominated by commies. What's to say?
By Falx
It has been years since those names have been spoken on pofo.

The last to do so got a yellow card (me). Mind you I did use their rl names. Apperantly the admins don't like being stalked online, who'd've thunk it.
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By Demosthenes
Which one of those is Fox again? I know the general story, but I didn't know some of those details.
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By Rojik of the Arctic
What I have in mind is that we could have an internal political system, and somehow make it meaningful. For example, the ruling party proposes notions that then get communicated to real political figures as an "official" PoFo line. It might attract more people, and get people engaged.

Something along the lines of: "Today PoFo. Tomorrow the world" :knife:

The official Pofo line should be interesting: A facist, leftist rigime with a democratic outlook but pandering to monarchists.
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By Kapanda
PoFo doesn't have to split. I think it can be kept civilised so long as it is well moderated.

And yes. Today PoFo, tomorrow, the world... I had that kind of thing in mind.

Just putting an idea out because I think it will be good and PoFo will be doing a great share in getting people involved in politics. In that kind of activity, the masses will be tripping over themselves to get involved.
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By Dr House
Kapanda wrote:PoFo doesn't have to split. I think it can be kept civilised so long as it is well moderated.

Take a look around. We have seven parties, and we used to have nine but two of them (which actually used to be one but it split up) are now defunct. I think a split may be inevitable if we take this to the real world.

And I, for one, will have no part in collaborating with communists on real-World policymaking.
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By Potemkin
The fear of Fox is the beginning of wisdom.
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By Kapanda
^^ :lol:

Potemkin, I see you gave up convincing the world on the virtues of communism, and took up comedy instead!

House, that's what parliaments do. Not everyone agrees, so just because you're part of the organisation does not mean you're part of specific policy lines.

A pretend-parliament only goes so far in terms of interest, but actually seeing production at the end of the tunnel motivates the masses!

A split is not necessarily inevitable, even if because the origin of the idea stems from this board, not everybody has to be part of the "PoFo Parliament", and this website serves for things other than the Parliament. I'm not even part of it and I come back from time to time (every day).
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By Kapanda
I'm just saying, I got hit with a great idea!

It would bring excitement and life to politics and to this forum!
By Falx
It would be the quickest death that it could die, and again stop saying anything about this matter and let it die.
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By Kapanda
Well, now you got me curious...

Why is it such a bad idea? Because it could go wrong?
By Falx
Because it will bring the wrath of Fox upon us all. And when he gets pissed off he hits with lots of splash damage, meaning I don't want to die on the internet because of you.
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By Kapanda
He can't get mad at an idea! He can say no I guess... but he can't get mad!

Seems like I'm the only one that hasn't learned yet to fear this awesome deity you all speak of.
By Falx
You will learn fear soon enough when he sees this thread.
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By Kapanda
... NOBODY thinks this is a good idea?!
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By Brio
Demosthenes wrote:-New users should not be recruited simply to play the sim, nor should the sim be exported outside the forum

In a PM to Demosthenes Siberian Fox wrote:I have got serious reservations about the whole thing... you guys really have to keep the forum under control. Buy which I mean, it must be kept strictly confined within that forum, no 'spin-off' websites leeching off the board...Eventually a group will get so wound up in the whole thing, so unable to take things as a bit of fun, that they will 'break away' in their disillusionment and set up their own website for their own 'country' where they can do their own thing. At that point the line of not getting PoFo involved with other websites will be crossed, as they try to get users to go to 'their country' and I'll probably have to pull the plug on the whole thing. [/crystal ball]

What you are suggesting will get the Pofo Parliament killed.

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