It’s Game Over for the Fed—Expect a Monetary “Rug Pull” Soon… - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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"It's the economy, stupid!"

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ckaihatsu wrote:
Is this your *blind spot* -- you think historical private monopolies over key economic industries ('robber barons') are *not* comparable to such private equity today -- ?

The latest *I've* seen is typical 'libertarians' starting to praise *robber barons* (yup), from the Gilded Age.

Ahh, finally, something that made sense.

Koch is an oil guy, that's The Curse of Oil, an extractive business, not an equity firm.

There are no libertarians, just fools full of crap.
Guys, what does this discussion have to do with the Fed doing a "rug pull"?

My MMT expert still says that there is no wage push part to inflation in the US or Aust. So, he asserts that raising interest rates will have very little effect on inflation. It will be hard to tell what is causing inflation to slow down, because thee are so many causes of inflation.
Steve_American wrote:
Guys, what does this discussion have to do with the Fed doing a "rug pull"?

My MMT expert still says that there is no wage push part to inflation in the US or Aust. So, he asserts that raising interest rates will have very little effect on inflation. It will be hard to tell what is causing inflation to slow down, because thee are so many causes of inflation.

How much more 'headroom' *is* there, Steve, and have you looked at the stock markets lately (YTD) -- ?
ckaihatsu wrote:How much more 'headroom' *is* there, Steve, and have you looked at the stock markets lately (YTD) -- ?

One line posts are frowned on because like this one, it is hard to know what the poster means.

So, what is headroom? And, what does the stock market have to do with "Should the Fed pull the rug out from under the American economy?"
Steve_American wrote:
One line posts are frowned on because like this one, it is hard to know what the poster means.

So, what is headroom? And, what does the stock market have to do with "Should the Fed pull the rug out from under the American economy?"

late wrote:
We have periods of growth and recession.

Guess which one is up next..

I knew you could do it..

Which is why I think the Fed has been overreacting.

*Frown away*, Steve -- all it takes is a *follow-up* for clarification.

'Headroom' just means how-much-leeway-does-the-Fed-actually-have-to-work-with.

Take a look at the *other* thread, which is more on-point:


Again, it's a classic *dilemma* that the Fed is facing, because the U.S. economy has been running on *government debt* for two decades now, and its 'credit line' (so-to-speak) is now *tapped-out*.

There's some speculation as to how much 'extra-mileage' the reserve currency status thing confers, but my guesstimate would be 'only somewhat' -- and then the debt-to-ratio thing kicks in anyway, regarding investment risk and foreign confidence in the dollar.
ckaihatsu wrote:

Again, it's a classic *dilemma* that the Fed is facing, because the U.S. economy has been running on *government debt* for two decades now, and its 'credit line' (so-to-speak) is now *tapped-out*.

There's some speculation as to how much 'extra-mileage' the reserve currency status thing confers, but my guesstimate would be 'only somewhat' -- and then the debt-to-ratio thing kicks in anyway, regarding investment risk and foreign confidence in the dollar.

There is money flight from countries where their economies are crap. That money is coming here, our economy has troubles, but it looks better than where they are.

So, sure, we have problems, but we also have a lot of luck.
late wrote:
There is money flight from countries where their economies are crap. That money is coming here, our economy has troubles, but it looks better than where they are.

So, sure, we have problems, but we also have a lot of luck.

That 'luck' is due to the dollar's world currency reserve status -- it's discussed here:

Could China's Currency Be The New World Reserve? | Economics Explained

ckaihatsu wrote:
That 'luck' is due to the dollar's world currency reserve status

It's not just being the reserve currency; but it's a big part of it.

Reserve status goes to the most stable currency, and because we're allied to the developed world. It boils down to trust, which is why Trump was, and is, a threat in many ways..
ckaihatsu wrote:
Well, that's always warm-n-fuzzy, but *another* way to look at it would be 'track record', or 'reputation'.

We've done a lot we shouldn't have done. But the global capitalist system we built to replace imperialism has resulted in the greatest wealth generation, and technological advancement, in history.
late wrote:
We've done a lot we shouldn't have done. But the global capitalist system we built to replace imperialism has resulted in the greatest wealth generation, and technological advancement, in history.

'Replace imperialism' -- ?

What has imperialism been 'replaced' with, *sanctions* -- ?

Is that what you have in mind as being 'non-imperialism' -- using *economic* means to mold the world?

GDP growth in Afghanistan dropped to 1.8% in 2018 as compared to 2.9% in 2017, partially because of drought. It then recovered to 2.5% in 2019, and was predicted to rise to 3.0% in 2020.[136][137]

After the Taliban takeover in August 2021, the country suffered from a major liquidity crisis and lack of banknotes. Because outside donors have severely cut funding to support Afghanistan health, education, and other essential sectors, millions of Afghans lost their incomes. Under the assessment system of the World Food Programme (WFP), almost 20 million people suffered either level-3 “crisis” or level-4 “emergency” levels of food insecurity. The crisis’ impact on women and girls was especially severe.[138] ... d_recovery
ckaihatsu wrote:
What has imperialism been 'replaced' with, *sanctions* -- ?

Is that what you have in mind as being 'non-imperialism' -- using *economic* means to mold the world?

Tired of your BS, seriously.

You wouldn't have gone there, after the Taliban took over. Neither did anyone else. They have no idea about how you run a country.

You missed the big problem, the Taliban has missed it's window of opportunity. Between Covid and the chaos Putin has caused, most of the 3rd world is going to be up sh*t creek without a paddle.

We aren't going to be able to help all the people that need it desperately. People that want to shoot us while we feed them will wind up at the back of the line.

You have what it takes to have a real discussion, but ya gotta lose that chip on your shoulder.
late wrote:We've done a lot we shouldn't have done. But the global capitalist system we built to replace imperialism has resulted in the greatest wealth generation, and technological advancement, in history.

Yes, but the Romans could certainly have made similar claims about their slavery-based system. Sure, capitalism is clearly better than primitive communism, agrarian despotism, feudalism, mercantile imperialism, or socialism. That doesn't mean it is the best system. Look at what China achieved in 40 years of geoism, even with the handicaps of its legacy of socialism and adoption of some of the worst features of finance capitalism.
Truth To Power wrote:
Yes, but the Romans could certainly have made similar claims about their slavery-based system. Sure, capitalism is clearly better than primitive communism, agrarian despotism, feudalism, mercantile imperialism, or socialism. That doesn't mean it is the best system. Look at what China achieved in 40 years of geoism, even with the handicaps of its legacy of socialism and adoption of some of the worst features of finance capitalism.

The truth has been slipping out of China, it ain't pretty.

Anyway, better is better. If you come up with something better still, the world awaits.

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