Colorless green ideas... - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

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Environmentalists can't stop jacking off. They're too boring, so it's the best they're gunna get.

Insanity moving forward ignoring the self evident of self containment being self maintaining. To much image and no matter, just IF.
onemalehuman wrote:Insanity moving forward ignoring the self evident of self containment being self maintaining. To much image and no matter, just IF.

Like an animated bee.
onemalehuman wrote:Insanity moving forward ignoring the self evident of self containment being self maintaining. To much image and no matter, just IF.

But what does that have to do with what I posted?
Colorless green ideas. Play on words as to colorless and green. Just mindless banter to occupy one's own boredom and another exercise in futility of escaping the moment.
onemalehuman wrote:Colorless green ideas. Play on words as to colorless and green. Just mindless banter to occupy one's own boredom and another exercise in futility of escaping the moment.

“Language is part of the dialectic of culture,” says Marx. The subject is contextualised into a nationalism that includes consciousness as a paradox. However, Derrida uses the term ‘cultural discourse’ to denote a mythopoetical totality.
Paradigm wrote:
Language is part of the dialectic of culture,” says Marx. The subject is contextualised into a nationalism that includes consciousness as a paradox. However, Derrida uses the term ‘cultural discourse’ to denote a mythopoetical totality.

So what about what Marx said? To use metaphors as the guidelines in framing a social framework of common opinions there should at the core be a common comprehension that fits the narrative of physical natural baalnce never leaving this instant.

Life is adapt or become extinct, period. Survival is based upon adaptation within everything adapting to the same moment.

Here is the paradox you got lost in thinking of past, present, and future details over focusing on results that never change functions functioning as usual.

With nothing of matter staying the same details absolute zero is this instant balance remains here, not in relativity of collective bargaining characters rights take precedence over gender liberty. This is that hole humans made for ourselves worshipping humanity.

Dare imagine life without time management of manmade calculations. Regardless the position living upon the surface of this spinning planet moving by event horizons, polarities of expansion and contraction, it is alsways this instant everywhere universally being what now is as details never stay as before or since.

My point is, if humans are to survive their own educated stupidity, now is the only place that is going to happen within regardless the generation of male and female lifetimes here doing it, or failed to make it occur. Incomplete theory compared to incomplete theology makes for inaccurate ideology at every level of societal evolution in governance to genetic compounding moving lifetimes thropugh the Eterntiy of this instant of self containment.

Critical thinking doesn't mean criticize everyone else's thoughts are less or more accurate than your own, it is comparing them all added together to find what each let out of the discussion and rules out in formal debates.

Consider now the only time everything exists within, which means just because the planet spins at one rate the moon orbits at another, while a third enenrgy flow is formed by revolving around the center star while the whole solar system spirals making a 4th source of force or energy.

All these motions are in harmony, not existential separate entities. That is where contracting results grow details never duplicated before or since within self contained sphere/planets such as Earth. Simple compounding interest is economic's central principle as it is life as we know it is instinctively while intellectually kidding ourselves that time changes everything here.

I do and did not ever adopt a philosophy because I haven't found one that answers the simplicity of simple compounding matter or metaphors.

This is most likely why I am not understood by any exercise of existential logic. 6 halves of the whole in each sole result never staying the same details twice. Move in that scenario.

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