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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

Moderator: PoFo The Lounge Mods

...I reserve the right to make opaque ponderations. This is about drive, intelligence, and the futility of both.

Life is funny. You're born, you're exposed to an avalanche of sensory information, you sort, you categorize, you come to understand the world around you. You've developed this ability in order to survive. Over 3 billion years of evolution on this planet have produced that unique ability. But over time, the levels of complexity of the real world are exposed. Black and white conceptions that once made things simple no longer make sense -- things inevitably become, or are, more complex than we originally imagined. Is our entire life consumed with the attempt to understand things that are too complex for us to understand? There is no life in the universe that could comprehend the multitude of interactions of matter and energy that occur within it. So is our whole venture worth anything more than our own perpetual survival? And what is that worth, if we remain mired in the regressive, dogmatic, traditional ideas of our forefathers? And what is it worth, even if we are capable of extending the boundaries of human knowledge, pushing away ideas that were considered obvious, and drawing closer to ones that are considered outrageous?

This is the foundation behind my political motivation. I think... if there is anything most important about human interaction, it is the way that we organize ourselves as a unit, or not. It is the way that we choose to congregate, or not. It is the way that we choose to interact that will determine whether and how we survive on the long term, as a species. So what more important, influential, and noble goal is there than to attempt to unite us as a single human species, dedicated to the improvement of ourselves? We are entering a period where it will be determined whether we fight along sectional lines or whether the people of the world begin to identify with each other, and not with their elite leaders. The former view has been the prominent one in the past, but will it continue to be the case? Does anyone know the answer?

I believe in furthering human existence. I believe in fighting for our future and securing our future as a human species. But on the other hand I understand that ultimately, I will die. Human life is transitory, I am transitory, the Earth is transitory, matter itself might be transitory. So the futility of this venture is unquestionable... ultimately. In the meantime, there is literally nothing else for me to do.


Last edited by grassroots1 on 26 Mar 2012 19:18, edited 1 time in total.
I believe you should refrain from making arguments that are pretty much entirely rooted on the phrase "I believe." It's irritating.
grassroots1 wrote:I've noticed you prefer feigned certainty.

Concretely, I prefer facts and practical solutions. I shy away from merely asserting my ideals and calling that an argument, because it's dumb.
I think my op constitutes facts (you are human, you tend to sort and categorize by your nature, evolution exists, evolution has resulted in your ability to reason, etc.) and practical solutions (humanity should understand themselves as a single unit rather than warring groups that have differences important enough to kill and die over). So maybe you're just not looking hard enough BRUH.

Oh and by the goddamn way there's a reason I put this in "opaque ponderations."
Oh and by the goddamn way there's a reason I put this in "opaque ponderations."

I know right! I spent a good 20 minutes in this forum yesterday formulating and "opaque ponderation" of my own only to scrap it out of self consciousness.
Dr House wrote:I believe you should refrain from making arguments that are pretty much entirely rooted on the phrase "I believe." It's irritating.

Except that this forum, above all others in fact, is kind of made for JUST THAT!

Demosthenes wrote:Except that this forum, above all others in fact, is kind of made for JUST THAT!


This forum is meant for discussing and defending your political ideals. Ideally, your ideals should have some reasoning and factual grounding behind them, which would allow you to build an argument to defend them, other than stating them to be self-evident.

This seems to be beyond some people here, and Grassroots is in general one of the absolute worst offenders.
Dr House wrote:This forum is meant for discussing and defending your political ideals. Ideally, your ideals should have some reasoning and factual grounding behind them, which would allow you to build an argument to defend them, other than stating them to be self-evident.

Are you telling me what a forum is for? Really?

You are reading way too much into it. It is for exactly what grassroots1 did with it. Note the off topic section???

Demosthenes wrote:Are you telling me what a forum is for? Really?

You started it.

Demosthenes wrote:You are reading way too much into it. It is for exactly what grassroots1 did with it.

I'm not actually scolding him for posting something he somehow shouldn't have. I'm just venting my frustration at his debating style in general. I don't like it.
Demosthenes wrote:Are you out of your mind?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I lost my mind long ago and you're just a figment of my imagination.

But then if you were a figment of my imagination you'd look like Isla Fisher, so maybe not.
Now you're getting the hang of opaque ponderations Dr. House.

Ness, I probably could have deleted this one out of self-consciousness... it's one of those things that you write at night after having a few and then seems absurd in the morning when the sun is shining! Futility, ha!
I should poke House in the eye. People really underestimate just how funny it is to poke someone in the eye.

*Pokes House in the eye*

Tee Hee
grassroots1 wrote:...I reserve the right to make opaque ponderations. This is about drive, intelligence, and the futility of both.

Life is funny. You're born, you're exposed to an avalanche of sensory information, you sort, you categorize, you come to understand the world around you. You've developed this ability in order to survive. Over 3 billion years of evolution on this planet have produced that unique ability. But over time, the levels of complexity of the real world are exposed. Black and white conceptions that once made things simple no longer make sense -- things inevitably become, or are, more complex than we originally imagined. Is our entire life consumed with the attempt to understand things that are too complex for us to understand? There is no life in the universe that could comprehend the multitude of interactions of matter and energy that occur within it. So is our whole venture worth anything more than our own perpetual survival? And what is that worth, if we remain mired in the regressive, dogmatic, traditional ideas of our forefathers? And what is it worth, even if we are capable of extending the boundaries of human knowledge, pushing away ideas that were considered obvious, and drawing closer to ones that are considered outrageous?

This is the foundation behind my political motivation. I think... if there is anything most important about human interaction, it is the way that we organize ourselves as a unit, or not. It is the way that we choose to congregate, or not. It is the way that we choose to interact that will determine whether and how we survive on the long term, as a species. So what more important, influential, and noble goal is there than to attempt to unite us as a single human species, dedicated to the improvement of ourselves? We are entering a period where it will be determined whether we fight along sectional lines or whether the people of the world begin to identify with each other, and not with their elite leaders. The former view has been the prominent one in the past, but will it continue to be the case? Does anyone know the answer?

I believe in furthering human existence. I believe in fighting for our future and securing our future as a human species. But on the other hand I understand that ultimately, I will die. Human life is transitory, I am transitory, the Earth is transitory, matter itself might be transitory. So the futility of this venture is unquestionable... ultimately. In the meantime, there is literally nothing else for me to do.



I agree, procedural justice comes before substantive justice.

However, you can't have structure without agency. If you submit agency to structural dominance, who's to say structure is authentic?

Don't poop your pants again. It stinks.
Daktoria wrote:
I agree, procedural justice comes before substantive justice.

However, you can't have structure without agency. If you submit agency to structural dominance, who's to say structure is authentic?

Not taking sides but where does balance/equal justice come into play? This is all about chain of command rank has it's privileges in societal evolution and title value of character's rights and diplomatic immmunity for the gender playing the role.
I'm sorry you don't either. I wish you well in finding what is lacking from being able to comprehend self evident results working in natural balance where justice for getting out of control is extinct from remaining in the balance of natural functions functioning beyond reality's interpretations.

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