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By onemalehuman
Sceptic wrote:
You and I both sought to clarify OMH's thought process but whereas I sought to understand elements relevant to the OP, you asked him about how he can understand another's brain functions. However, I am sceptical that there is any reason in OMH's posts anyway; they are just randomly strung together complicated words. I sometimes find the odd sentence that oddly seems to be relevant to epistemology or what have you. Anyway, I don't care if you stay in the thread just keep on topic.

The topic of this thread is separating a governance of philosophy within the subject of politics. However in a society moving in multiple philosophical governances to axioms of spirituality, economic status, social significance to humanity, the ability to control everyone else around one's own skin to where the others are willing to do anything to become part of your objective ideology of trying to rule the moment, not the world or universe.

Power, wealth, and fame. Earth, wind, water. Fire is a result of the first three existing coming apart as fast as it comes together.
What is power? What is wealth? what is fame? How does natural balance control the nature of behavior? Why do humans prefer to act in character rather than remain as conceived? The threshold of real and reality is understanding now always being this moment here.

Words are tools created within and by a species communicating with the lifetimes living within the moment each generation that has become a total sum of everything that functioned here so far upon a self contained planet of contracting molecules making up the molecular elements shaping and forming everything being done now.

The future is now, the past is what became here. Adapt or become extinct doesn't give liberty or rights, it balances everything together and how each individual results behaves is why things become as they move. A lifetime cannot go beyond this moment physically, but can be remember by the other details remembering they existed. History is a recorded interpretation from those that created the reality replacing understanding now will always be here.

The ruling class doesn't lead from governmental institutions like church, state, and economic existential philsophical interpretations competing between metaphysical science hypotheses and metaphorical spiritual hypotheticals selling the hyperbole of national identities of character roles in social justifying titles of significance to societal evolution keeping the rule of law incharge of natural balances never completely understood equally by every lifetime living each generation ancestry reproduces it's specific ancestors here.

Life isn't a gift by some metaphysical entitiy beyond this moment. It is a result of compounding interests of combined molecular elements that framed the inorganic eroding and contracting into organic compounds.

Think of this silly origami figure where the larger 6 points of separation contain the 8 inverted moving diagonals of the 6 points of top half, bottom half, and the four corners spinning in the horizonal center. Now birth of lifetimes within cellular adaption come at the peak of each of the 8 diagonal corners and death of those conceived lifetimes arrives back at the center of molecular expansion within self contained spheres of universal panced results like Earth.

Again the six larger points are the maximun reach of each element of the balanced periodic table of gaseous, liquid, and mineral mass of this planet and the 8 corner peaks are lifetimes of ancestry so far. Action and reaction. magnetism contained within it's own generated electromagetism. Now is that perpetual motor humanity cannot recreate as there can only be one.

Now is that engine that does everything here where energy cannot be created or destroyed while details never stay the same or duplicated twice. Reality makes it next to impossible to see real by design of the language arts ruling the moment's being perceived by characters of humanity.

Humanity isn't a species, it is speculation what the species will become when nobody understands the moment they live through.

By onemalehuman
One last thing, even though this is to deep for philosophical theories to comprehend in reality. Those 14 points of outside maximum limitations of shape and form thresholds in maintaining what results are in detail, like a wheel there is a hub that does the inverse as the outer rim.

So that makes those 14 constant diagonals 28 radi of spokes within the exponential wheel of time holding the spheres of universal balance balancing as they have done, are doing, and will continue to do now each next generation the human species keeps ancestors relative to everything else functioning the same way physically.

See how governance governs by removing understanding away from speculation no body can know.
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By Sceptic
This shit is starting to make sense :D

(I think).

onemalehuman wrote:The topic of this thread is separating a governance of philosophy within the subject of politics.

I.e. isolating the laws of philosophy and how they apply to political science (the original thread was 'What is Political Philosophy?')

However in a society moving in multiple philosophical governances to axioms of spirituality, economic status, social significance to humanity,

Referring to 7billion subjectivities in the world, also how people's beliefs are always changing.

the ability to control everyone else around one's own skin to where the others are willing to do anything to become part of your objective ideology of trying to rule the moment, not the world or universe.

Ergh...I think this is a reference to Lila. In an individual context, it also refers to shaping one's own destiny, I suppose concentration of power and status occurs when someone is unable to do this for themselves and so they leech off another person (the leader).

The leader's ideology then determines the ideology of the group.

Bah, but this is the very same meta-ethical relativism I've been trying to avoid in my analogy.

Power, wealth, and fame. Earth, wind, water. Fire is a result of the first three existing coming apart as fast as it comes together.

i.e. representation of these leadership attributes by the elements.

The threshold of real and reality is understanding now always being this moment here.

See Sunyata, also see Eternalism.

Why do humans prefer to act in character rather than remain as conceived?

We construct artificial identities rather than become at peace with the emptiness that defines our being (see above, sunyata).

Words are tools created within and by a species communicating with the lifetimes living within the moment

See above part about effect of hierarchy on ideology, also this is relevant to effect of hierarchy on language, which helps strengthen the ideology (through semantics and Newspeak - e.g., 'freedom is property') as well as maintain the status quo.

Note, it is the lifetimes 'living within the moment' who are in control, for they have attained mindfulness and from hence lila, a world of creativity and expression which is eagerly consumed by the masses, detached from the moment.

How then do the leaders use (or abuse) this trust?

each generation that has become a total sum of everything that functioned here so far upon a self contained planet of contracting molecules making up the molecular elements shaping and forming everything being done now.

Self-contained: all things constitute a complete and independent unit in and of themselves.

This is representative of human life forms and the inner completeness that can be found from emptiness, since an hole of emptiness is already full, because it can take no more water.

History is a recorded interpretation from those that created the reality replacing understanding now will always be here.

Another tool of psychological mass warfare.

The ruling class doesn't lead from governmental institutions like church, state, and economic existential philsophical interpretations

They create them.

competing between metaphysical science hypotheses and metaphorical spiritual hypotheticals selling the hyperbole of national identities

Ideological warfare amongst the elites to maintain status and power.

Furthermore, I wouldn't be surprised if OMH believes that the elites utilise western philosophy to keep the urban masses from attaining mindfulness, which would result in them losing their power base.

Hence his usage of 'metaphysical'.

Life isn't a gift by some metaphysical entitiy beyond this moment.

As I was saying earlier about eternalism.

Think of this silly origami figure where the larger 6 points of separation contain the 8 inverted moving diagonals of the 6 points of top half, bottom half, and the four corners spinning in the horizonal centre.

Probably some reference to self containment.

...Anyways, that was a pretty long definition of political philosophy.
By onemalehuman
Sceptic, at least you are looking out a window, but haven't opened the door. I Ching started humanity ruling the human species by symbolic values representing the desire to escape the ever containment of this current moment's constant changes.

Why and how does it remain now all the time each generation of ancestors exchange roles of ancestry the same way all the time?
The answers are in the event horizons time changing everying is calculated theoretically and theologically believing it must come from beyond the moment here.

It isn't because to exist here is to be adapting to the compounding exponential expanding of details added to results contracting from the additions. That explains the need for a food chain in cellular side of molecular perpetual balances naturally taking place as usual.

See theory can compromise with theology but reality cannot make concessions to understanding real. That is where corruption began with I Ching and spread through every other philosophical governances that made genders subjects to objective relativity to character matters and lifetimes are expendable to save the greater good intentions of humanity trying to escape eternity's results always taking place now.

The universal constant natural balances become with adapt or become extinct. This is the value of not procastinating which I do to a fault in my character. Since I will not swear blind alligence to symbolic values I become characteristics unfavorable to any type of societal evolution. Humanity cannot expand if understanding brings balance to an ever expanding universe of anything is possible? It isn't as there are limits of how and why natural balance remains self contained functioning by bing self maintaining, and self evident in the reflecting results of objects existing simultainiously changing the same way.

That way is contracting gaseous, liquid, mineral molecular elements combining into new details from results coming expanding apart. Let me repeat posting an origami figure that represents this process of ouside edges containing inside angles balancing out the time and space results change now.

Now compare the two objects and see how the left when expanded begins building 8 inverted diagonals to the original 6 degrees of separation from the center. The smaller figure has 12 outside edges the same as a squared cube but with the outside corners inverted to the center there comes a baalnce point between what survivies expanding and contracting conditions of combined 120 molecular elements functioning as the functions of one lifetime.

Conception brings the new lifetime into the moment at the outside peak of those 8 corners which are radi of 4 axises diagonals to the whole moment while the 6 points are the expanding side of the combinations created by compounding 120 molecualr elements.

Now the smaller one when looking at one of the points at a time gives a view of 12 triangualted spaces separated by 4 corners, do that 6 times and there are 72 variety of ways to interpret the view from the center.
The larger one has 16 more spaces half way between the 4 rotating corners relative to the top and bottom.
That is inorganic and organic migration working simultainiously.

Now here is a third origami figure that shows the 120 spaces of the table of periodic elements characteristic building each result universally here not in self contained locations humanity calls solary systems and galaxies perpetually balancing contracting results here already expanding into new details conceived by the exchange of the adpat or become extinct rule of survival as a sole gender or same ideological society thinking characters have more rights by vernacular tribalism than genders do adapting to this instant of compounding results expanding the details never duplicated twice.

Now the three color represent the axises of each state of molecular elements gaseous, liquid, and mineral being perpendicularrly opposing yet contracting into details here expanding the results for generations, or extinction of what fails to remain balanced with how and why now is eternity in the making now.

Fate and destiny are contracting results expanding details. But humans do have a choice and reality prevents individuals from understanding exactly what all choices are. That is where tyranny begins with vernacular tribalism and symbolism over substance governing the details staying the same results each generation humans are male and female ancestors of ancestry regardless the social rule of law mandating nobody remembers what they learned between conception by ancestry to be educated from birth to behave as society's child.

See where evil only arrived in the moment of natural balance as humanity attempts to regulate the nature to being human.
Tisk, tisk.
Now step into understanding what your first fertilized cell knew instinctively. Bet you won't.
Here is the complete book in origami figures describing humanity's interpretations to playing character roles of time changes everything. Notice every color is paired, can you guess the location of the second red one?

Simple compounding interests work inside as it does outside the skin.

edit add.
Now understand Issac Newton's for every action comes an opposite and equal reaction as cellular adaption is inversely proportioned to molecular migration. When inorganic molecules contract organic cells expand and when orgainc cells contract the amout of inorganic molecules expand. So simple it is unbelievable to humanity's theologies creating plausible deniability and theoreticals functioning planned obsolescence in what ancestry provides society takes away.

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