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By onemalehuman
Wolfman wrote:Note for Mods: Not sure where this should go, but it seems generally off topic, so I'll put it here for now.

Let's say it's about 100 years in the future, where do you think we, as a species, will be?

Think within Issac Newton's universal constants. Then add the old expression "We are what we eat and what eats us." Our lifetimes are a byproduct of this planet being here all the time within a universal moment it doesn't matter where the center of the universe is as it balances the same way everywhere contained within this instant everything changes position and remains as it balances while only details come and go at separate constant rates depending upon the composition of the molecular elements at each location.

Time is a relative idea, not a physical part of functions functioning physically. Survival is a balance of all extremes added into the same instant contracting results expand self contained details.

Change the specific gravity of the results and they will not retain the same constant and decay in structure for lack of the stability they came from.

Hypothetical invented theology. Hypotheses invented theories. Hyperbole created economic theorems and all three of these working together create a stage of incomplete realities where character matters and ancestry is just a thing in the past that doesn't count now.

Where is the problem humanity cannot repair in plain sight? All societies want to escape this real moment on this real planet living their real lifetime as a sole result of ancestry each generation added by conception of the species inception to compounding results never duplicated in the same self contained contents of the periodic table that doesn't work in thought, just functions the functioning contracting combinations into expanding details taking place now all the time.

See how simple life is and how complicate it becomes denying the self evident so a few malcontents can direct everyone else's lifetime to serve as characters in their made to believe ideology the ruling class receives royalties for generations after their copyrighted material becomes law, their patents become the means each generation forgets how to take care of themselves individually, and trademarks to give ancestors something to believe gender doesn't count like character roles get paid to ignore.

Does that sound like what makes up the substance to "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."?

Self evident will not be recognized until self containment being self sustaining is completely understood by each lifetime every generation the homo Sapien species remains as members of the food chain native to this planet's specific gravitational position in this ever changing moment universally balancing everything here now, individually.

So hypothetically, does the old idea no body can know everything about self containment, being self maintaining and self evident all the time now is home to the details never duplicated from the contracting results shaped and formed to forming and shaping everything taking place now still stand?
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By Daktoria
OMH, I hope your old age doesn't have to do with why you repeat yourself so much.

As the brain gets older, neurological pathways get ingrained, so neuroplasticity decays.

Best of luck.
By onemalehuman
Daktoria wrote:OMH, I hope your old age doesn't have to do with why you repeat yourself so much.

As the brain gets older, neurological pathways get ingrained, so neuroplasticity decays.

Best of luck.

funny stuff but it sounds like gloating that my post was moved.

The older I get, the closer to the point of origin my conception came from gets. Like a salmon swimming upstream. I am hitting the age where most ancestors get close to becoming great grandparents in their own lifetime of compounding genetic continuation or extinction without ancestors of their ancestors present.
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By Daktoria
I wish you would stand on your own two feet instead of comparing yourself to other generations.

People exploit you on a daily basis for this. They convince you that life is torture, and that you should be grateful for escaping it rather than enjoying it.
By onemalehuman
Daktoria wrote:I wish you would stand on your own two feet instead of comparing yourself to other generations.

People exploit you on a daily basis for this. They convince you that life is torture, and that you should be grateful for escaping it rather than enjoying it.

You really cannot escape your own adopted philosophy to walk in another ideological pair of shoes can you?

Nobody is exploiting me without exposing the true nature of their permanent intentions of misdirection. When caught in the crossfire of vanities one must not become vain. The only real safe place to hide is in plain sight.
By Social_Critic
I think it's time for me to inform you that you are a figment of my imagination, together with everything else. I decide what you perceive and what you really do. For example, right now you're cleaning toilets aboard a cruise ship belonging to the Princess line sailing offshore Vancouver, BC. But you think you're elsewhere because I kindly put that thought in your head.
By onemalehuman
Social_Critic wrote:I think it's time for me to inform you that you are a figment of my imagination, together with everything else. I decide what you perceive and what you really do. For example, right now you're cleaning toilets aboard a cruise ship belonging to the Princess line sailing offshore Vancouver, BC. But you think you're elsewhere because I kindly put that thought in your head.

the beauty of reality, and the ugly truth to how it destroys what matters most, understanding the real moment constantly present.

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