Amexistan... The New Modern America. - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

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Do keep in mind that internet access is accessible anywhere in the world.
Thanks to the George W. Bush era when him and his stupid ass administration thought it would be a marvelous idea to give those Iraqi's and Afghanistanians cell phones and laptops to just about everyone in hopes to coexist with our longtime foes for their precious and useless oil.
Great to know they could now send one of our own missles right back over at us from the comfort of their own cave in the middle of their hot, lonely and jealous filled desert.
Sure does explain Americas mysterious Muslim president.
Although many of my topics are most likely to be no big deal by many peaceful people who already live in a peaceful Nation... but in America... where I currently reside... and where a free country and the freedom of speech will only get you imprisoned just for speaking the truth... is becoming a very unfair place to live and especially when the outsiders who are sneaking on in over our border are given more rights, opportunities and assistance than their very own people will ever get.
You want to know why I have a bad taste in my mouth... Walk a few miles in the shoes of a true blooded, born and raised, badly beaten and way too exhausted American.

If you are serious about wanting to get things in balance of powers the Original Constitution was drafted to accomplish where genders had liberty and character's rights were old world traditions left behind, then you better stop acting like society's child pointing fingers blaming and name calling.

America wasn't a dream state of mind where characters directed within reality had rights. "Give me liberty or give me death" didn't ask to tip the scales of natural balance to favor one ideology over the rest, it was about sharing ideas that made life better for each lifetime present each generation ancestry created their own ancestors equally.
onemalehuman wrote:If you are serious about wanting to get things in balance of powers the Original Constitution was drafted to accomplish where genders had liberty and character's rights were old world traditions left behind, then you better stop acting like society's child pointing fingers blaming and name calling.

America wasn't a dream state of mind where characters directed within reality had rights. "Give me liberty or give me death" didn't ask to tip the scales of natural balance to favor one ideology over the rest, it was about sharing ideas that made life better for each lifetime present each generation ancestry created their own ancestors equally.


Like a snowball that is rolling down a steep hill...
It starts off all clean and pure until it picks up speed, size and momentum until it gets so damn big to where it can only pick up the dirt from below.
Kind of sounds like the common version of the modern day societies child.
Quite frankly... that's not me at all.
Never confuse what once was to what now is.
A common mistake in which I notice you often make.

joeylyrics wrote:A common mistake in which I notice you often make.


I make to many mistakes to have time saving humanity directing me away from understanding how to stop making them. I atleast comprehend ancestry and economic principles of compounding that establishes this moment as the pysical center of universal balancing going on all the time.

You follow string theories of belieiving there exists yesterday and tomorrow physical dimensions of time, while now is eternally present everywhere self containment keeps the universe balanced between contracting results and expanding details in fixed locations.

Common sense makes common cents, but playing coin toss gambling in a stack reality where subjects objectively never win relatively with heads governance owns and tails characters lose their instinctive liberty to comprehend now is forever here, emotionally. You are protecting an ideology sir. I am attempting to rescue ancestors from ancestry's repeated mistakes of simply ignoring the self evident natural balance of the moment forever present before each lifetime's eyes and echoes between their ears.

But the show must go on. Great act by the way, but I understand the physical real moment inside out as well as it was defined to me by humanity's governances of time mangement to remaining in this pay to play reality outside in.

In order to not make the same mistakes over and over again... you need to first admit to yourself that you're the one at fault for having that hard habit to break.
What happens tomorrow reflected on what you couldn't fix yesterday.
Blaming everything and everyone else just to cowardly cover up ones unstoppable addiction is why things have gotten far too out of hand in the first place.
Greedy people feed off of honest people which adds to their many problems.
The more problems greedy people create... the more profit they undeservingly get to bank on.
Scams and con artists had taken over our lovely planet and they'll stop at nothing to willingly ruin any hopes of a happy life for the rest of the dwindling honest people who fefuse to end up corrupted themselves.
Lack of a proper punishment for those who need more than just a slap on the wrist only gets criminals to quickly multiply even faster.
Our modern day problems had gotten way out of hand by our forever evolving ancestors.
Mixing ingredients to make something delicious is one thing...
Mixing people with different beliefs and expectations in hopes that one day we can all play nice together is (and always will be) a recipe for disaster.
This my friend is the reality for which you overlook.
Please make a note of it.

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