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By JohnRawls
It will plunge the gov't revenue to the point where it won't be able to control aggregate demand allowing price fluctuations and exchange rates to spiral out of control, reducing the demand of our exports; it will depress the aggregate demand further by reducing the population's purchasing power relative to the productive power, which coupled with reduced gov't spending will cause a local recession; meanwhile the untaxed profits will be poured into speculation, which when not backed by real commodities will turn the recession into a depression. It will be like Argentina 2001 all over again :roll:
You know if robbing the poor and giving to the rich sounds bad, it probably is bad ;)

What is our current tax system ? Why is 20% tax is too low ?
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By Vladimir
You current revenue law:

Article 1.

Income Tax

Starting rate: 10%: $10,000 - $20,000

Basic rate: 22%: $20,000 - $40,000

Higher rate: 40%: Over $40.000

Say you earned $50,000 the first $10,000 of earned income would be tax free, the second taxed at 10%, the next $20,000 at 22%, and your last $10,000 at 40%

$50,000 = $1,000 + $4,400 + $4,000 = $9,400 = approx 19% income tax

Article 2.

Corporate tax

Flat 19% rate with all investment and R&D immediately deductible (no depreciation schedule)

Article 3.

Capital gains tax

25% for capital gains realized in less than six months, 20% for those realized in less than one year, 15% for those realized in less than two years, 10% for those realized in less than seven years, and 0% all thereafter.

Article 4.

Tax relief on government bonds

If a portion of your wage is put into government savings bonds you get income tax relief capped at $20,000. This means that on a $50,000 wage if you put 10% of your income into bonds you wouldn't pay tax on the first $15,000, instead of the first $10,000, of that income.

Article 5.

Dividends and Bank interest

A 15% flat rate tax on bank interest and dividends if you allow the government to take tax at source.

Article 6.

Sales Tax

A flat rate of 2.5% on everything except food
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By JohnRawls
okay , Fair enough , then we just need to implement flat tax of 21 % and reduce the corporate tax to 14% , legalizing dope / prostitution and cazinos will help also.
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By ingliz
Sephardi wrote:The RWB (Right-Wing Bloc) will also fund, and train, paramilitary anti-Communist guerrillas that will fight Communists and Anarachists and Socialists and anybody who votes for them. We will stage rallies, and if the Communists still beat us in the voting booth, we will work towards a Right-Wing revolution to set up a Nationalist government.

ibid wrote:We are CIA-backed and are supplied by the United States

ibid wrote:The Right-Wing Bloc will prevent this Communist government even if it takes the death of ingliz and the rest of those tyrants!

ibid wrote:The Right-Wing Bloc – The Nationalist Guerrilla Forces Of Pofo

The Right-Wing Bloc is a political party and paramilitary organization. The party was created for the new elections, and hopes to include all Right-Wing and Anti-Communist parties within the Bloc, including the PNL, CA, and the LC. The RWB also runs a CIA-backed Nationalist paramilitary organization, which will participate in the destruction of Communism in our Republic of Pofo, and is skillfully trained and well equipped. The RWB hopes to create a platform that will be accepted by all Pofo Right-Wingers, because the RWB believes that all Nationalists and Conservatives and Libertarians need to unite under a common platform, as have the Communists and Socialists and Anarchists.

The Nationalists Guerrilla Forces of Pofo (NGFP) is the guerrilla organization that is under the control of the RWB, and has a growing amount of Nationalists, and Middle-Class members. The NGFP will do whatever it takes to stop the Communists from controlling the government, whether it’s in the voting booth, or whether it has to take place in fighting. We will not let the people of this great country fall under an authority that will abuse them, trick them, and leave them with nothing.

The NGFP and the RWB is supplied in weapons by the Pofo Defense Forces, the CIA, and is supplied in money by business owners in the Republic of Pofo. These business owners know that if the Communists take control, they will be killed, and those peasants know that if the Communists take control, they will not have any food or other supplies, because of the ruthless Communists who will take it away from them.

ibid wrote:Other then that, the Communists will die, the Nationalist paramilitary organization will defeat you all

JohnRawls wrote:DIe you damn communist . We will fight till the last drop of our blood for our Rights and Liberties.

After the "coup" it was decided that all participating parties would renounce violence and embrace parliamentary democracy. The RWB are refusing to do so.

I am loathe to throw you out but I don't know what else can be done.

I have introduced an amendment to the Electoral Act

If this passes and the RWB do not renounce ties to paramilitary forces by midnight GMT Wednesday July 8, 2009 they will be taken off the ballot.

ingliz, Clerk of the House
Last edited by ingliz on 05 Jul 2009 19:41, edited 3 times in total.
By DanDaMan
My tax is as fair as it gets. The first $30,000 that a person makes it not taxable. That means if you make as much or less then that amount annually, you don't pay income taxes. If you make $530,000 per year, you wont pay taxes for the first $30,000 that you make, but will have to pay the flat 25% income tax, for the next $500,000.

No. It's not fair.
Your tax is progressive.
It does not tax everyone equally.

A fair tax would be a vat tax on every good sold.
Then even criminals and prostitutes would be paying tax with every purchase.
That's a fair tax no one can avoid.
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By Vladimir
Why would you want to tax everyone equally :?:

okay , Fair enough , then we just need to implement flat tax of 21 % and reduce the corporate tax to 14% , legalizing dope / prostitution and cazinos will help also.

We certainly don't agree with your tax rates but that's your party's issue.

However I believe we were going to legalise drugs and prostitution.
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By JohnRawls
We certainly don't agree with your tax rates but that's your party's issue.

However I believe we were going to legalise drugs and prostitution.

Damn communists , stealing my ideas!

Aren't communist supposed to be against this kind of stuff ?
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By Dr House
I would recommend, instead of any taxes on earned income, you implement a 10% land value tax, to be increased to 100% over the course of around 5 years.
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By Vladimir
Aren't communist supposed to be against this kind of stuff ?

:lol: nope, you must be thinking of some demagogic moralists and conservatives or something..

House did they hire you as their advisor?
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By Sephardi
*The Right-Wing Bloc "denies" any cooperation with the Nationalist Guerrilla Forces of Pofo.

The Colonel of the infantry in the NGFP goes to the United States, in a private meeting with the President, to discuss current affairs.

On the surface, it seems like the group wants to run only as a political party, but the leaders are having secret negotiations with American, Israeli, and English leaders.*
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By Sephardi

40% tax on Prostitution.
25% tax on Marijuana.
25% tax on Alcohol.
25% tax on Cigarettes.
25% tax on Casino.
25% tax on Firearms.
5% tax on Gas.
3% tax on food and water.
7% tax for other products.

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By MistyTiger
Dr House wrote:Why is this necessarily so? the PNL party platform calls for a 44% top tax rate with investment and savings fully tax-deductible.

That's just how it seems to go, since rightists like to give businesses and business people more money, maybe as some sort of consolation that they won't interfere with business dealings, unless they absolutely are forced to. It rarely seems that they're compelled to do that. Rightist don't like government interference, while leftists think it's imperative.
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By Sephardi
Corporate Tax: 20%
Capital Gains Tax: 10%
Income Tax: 25%

All flat taxes.

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