Philip K. Dick - Politics | PoFo

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By Antihero
Your opinion on this author? I think the guy is awesome. His book "Flow My Tears, The Policemen Said" made me high and now I'm addicted to his books. As of now I read "Ubik", "Zap Gun", "The Man In High Castle", "A Scanner Darkly", "Flow My Tears". And I'm guessing it's gonna take a while to read most of his books.
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By MB.
He's great and there are plenty of entertaining movies & screenplays based on his books.

This thread is in the wrong forum.
By Antihero
Yep. Scanner Darkly is an awesome movie.

Move please this thread to the right forum plz.
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By Noelnada
I can't remember the title but i even read a book from another author where the ghost of Philip K. Dick come back in an alternative world where Richard Nixon has stayed president :)
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By Suska
Read a few of his books, they tend to be quite rewarding even when they don't seem promising early on.

I've been reading Stanislaw Lem lately. You'd like him too.
By Zerogouki
A Scanner Darkly was one of the most unique movies to come along in a long time. The Alex Jones cameo was one of the best parts.
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By Red Star
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By Potemkin
Like all the best American writers, he was a paranoid genius suffering from drug psychosis. 8)
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By Wellsy
I still don't understand structurally how he made me experience such a jarring disconnect with some sort of grounded reality in his book UBIK. Just in reading it, it was if the rug was pulled out from under me but I wasn't sure exactly when. I noticed only sometime after the fact that it's gone because I felt its lack more so than knew there was a shift. It was an amazing experience for a book to produce.
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By Potemkin
Wellsy wrote:I still don't understand structurally how he made me experience such a jarring disconnect with some sort of grounded reality in his book UBIK. Just in reading it, it was if the rug was pulled out from under me but I wasn't sure exactly when. I noticed only sometime after the fact that it's gone because I felt its lack more so than knew there was a shift. It was an amazing experience for a book to produce.

This is why PKD is generally regarded as the greatest science fiction writer America has ever produced, far greater than Asimov or Heinlein. PKD is the sf writer Heinlein wanted to be, but wasn't. PKD made good use of his drug psychosis. Lol.

By late
Back then optimism ruled the day. You don't get to the Moon by being a pessimist, just sayin'.

Phillip K Dick was at the other extreme. He was a dark, paranoid pessimist. I find him overly dark.

My current fave is The Expanse; which starts with Leviathan Wakes. That book is my all time fave scifi. I have no idea how many times I've read it, but you wouldn't be far off if you guessed 20 times.

The Expanse got me through the Trump years, as bad as Trump was, every book has humanity in a usually existential crisis. The message was that if we got through a couple World Wars, the Cold War, and a handful of plagues; we'll get through this..

Parts of it stuck, ideas or quotes that have become part of the way I look at the world.
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By Wellsy
Potemkin wrote:This is why PKD is generally regarded as the greatest science fiction writer America has ever produced, far greater than Asimov or Heinlein. PKD is the sf writer Heinlein wanted to be, but wasn't. PKD made good use of his drug psychosis. Lol.

But how does he do it Pote? What’s the secret sauce?
I’m perplexed of how it was possible for words to mess me up like that.
It doesn’t even jive with how I think about reality but he made me experience something. It’s some sort of book magic.
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By Potemkin
Wellsy wrote:But how does he do it Pote? What’s the secret sauce?
I’m perplexed of how it was possible for words to mess me up like that.
It doesn’t even jive with how I think about reality but he made me experience something. It’s some sort of book magic.

Great writers can do this @Wellsy. What’s their secret sauce? Being a genius, that’s what. :smokin:
By pugsville
Antihero wrote:Your opinion on this author? I think the guy is awesome. His book "Flow My Tears, The Policemen Said" made me high and now I'm addicted to his books. As of now I read "Ubik", "Zap Gun", "The Man In High Castle", "A Scanner Darkly", "Flow My Tears". And I'm guessing it's gonna take a while to read most of his books.

patchy Genius (within each work) , Great ideas but often not worked thorough, some of the writing a bit pedestrian.
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By James Redford
late wrote:Back then optimism ruled the day. You don't get to the Moon by being a pessimist, just sayin'.

Phillip K Dick was at the other extreme. He was a dark, paranoid pessimist. I find him overly dark.

My current fave is The Expanse; which starts with Leviathan Wakes. That book is my all time fave scifi. I have no idea how many times I've read it, but you wouldn't be far off if you guessed 20 times.

The Expanse got me through the Trump years, as bad as Trump was, every book has humanity in a usually existential crisis. The message was that if we got through a couple World Wars, the Cold War, and a handful of plagues; we'll get through this..

Parts of it stuck, ideas or quotes that have become part of the way I look at the world.

Here is my position on US President Donald J. Trump, given in response to William N. Grigg in three replies by me on October 25, 28 and 30, 2016, respectively:

* William N. Grigg, "Sheriff David Clarke: The Warlord of Milwaukee County", Pro Libertate, Oct. 20, 2016, ... rd-of.html , ... rd-of.html , , ... rd-of.html , .

Of which said three replies by me are reproduced below:


[My October 25, 2016 reply:]

Hi, Mr. William N. Grigg.

The reason I provisionally support Donald Trump is because he does not appear to be a Bilderberg Group candidate, whereas Hillary Clinton is. That is, Hillary is simply a completely owned tool working for the installment of the globalist oligarchy's self-termed New World Order world government and mandatory world religion, accompanying massive worldwide population reduction via world war, pathogens, death-camps, and other means. Both the Republican and Democratic political establishment act like they hate Trump's guts, and the US government-owned corporate media are blatantly aligned against him.

Further, Hillary Clinton is a mass-murderer due to her invasion operations of Libya and Syria, backing radical Muslims against secular governments, and leaving those countries in ruin. Whereas Trump has so far not murdered anyone, and is far less a warmonger than Hillary (although Hillary is more than a mere warmonger, she is also a warlord). And Hillary is attempting to gin-up war with Russia, which is demented as Russia hasn't done anything to the US and unlike the other countries that the US decimates, Russia has hydrogen bombs that can be delivered to the US via intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Hillary is very deliberately working to collapse Western civilization, a.k.a. Christendom--a term which here is more to the point--including especially the United States. She is collapsing secular Arab governments and installing radical Muslims in order to cause humanitarian crises and their resulting mass-immigration of Muslims into Europe. US President Barack Hussein Obama II has also been mass-importing Muslims into the US--but not Christians, even though they are the ones who are being slaughtered and persecuted the most by the radical Muslims that Obama and Hillary install.

Whereas Trump does not appear to want to actually destroy the United States, nor Europe. I disagree with some of Trump's proposals, but Trump appears to be motivated out of a desire to uplift the common people. Whereas Hillary is motivated out of an elitist and misanthropic desire to inflict extreme pain, suffering and death upon the common people--as she has already so amply done.

More deeply, Trump appears to motivated by a belief that Jesus Christ is his Savior and that he will be judged upon his death. Whereas Hillary was a Communist who obviously still holds Christians in disdain.

Since it's either going to be Trump or Hillary who become US president this election, I would rather have a president who is not actively and consciously seeking to hurt the commonality, rather than one who very deliberately wishes to do so (and very much has already done so) and who is working with an anti-Christian globalist-elite criminal organization to bring mass-death upon the planet.

Now, perhaps Trump is not what he appears to be. Perhaps he is a deep-insider ringer for the establishment. But the way the political establishment is reacting to Trump is as if he is holding a lit blowtorch under their feet. Further, Trump is actually exposing serious crimes by the Clintons and their cohorts. So I say, give me more of that.

For those who would like a deeper examination of our present globalist plutocracy spoken of above, see Sec. 8.2.1, pp. 87-98 of my following article:

* James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network, orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011, doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, ... of-God.pdf .

This article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies (i.e., transhumanism) in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.


[My October 28, 2016 reply:]

Hi, Mr. William N. Grigg.

There is no downside to provisionally supporting Donald Trump. The worst that can happen is if Trump turns out to be as evil as Hillary Clinton, as she is as evil as anyone comes. One already knows with certitude that one is getting a mass-murdering maniac with Hillary. At least with Trump there's a chance that he actually does intend well. You seem to account that chance as slim, but regardless, we are left in no worse position personality-wise than what is certain with Hillary.

As I previously said, perhaps Trump is a deep-insider ringer for the establishment. However, Trump is doing many things which are fundamentally damaging to the political establishment, and which cannot be taken back whatever the outcome of the election. Trump has been very congenial with the Truth and Liberty movement, such as appearing on the Alex Jones Show. Jones isn't a perfectly consistent libertarian, but he's far more libertarian than the usual corporate media pundits. Jones also elaborates on many of the crimes of the deep state, including false-flag terrorism. Moreover, Jones interviews numerous people from the Truth and Liberty movement. And Trump himself is exposing many very serious crimes of the Clintons.

If the globalist oligarchy wish to send masses of people to the Truth and Liberty movement, then I do not object to that.

The only reason for the establishment running a campaign such as Trump's is because they actually intentionally want to reveal their own crimes to the public--or rather, the segment of the public which cares about the truth. If that's the case, then that means that they are hoping to incite a mass-revolt, particularly in the form of a violent civil war, which would then allow them to crack-down on the public at large. If the US experiences such a collapse, then one can imagine that UN forces could be called in to help put down such an uprising and to merge the US into a global governmental body.

However, the biggest names on our movement's side consistently warn against such violence, as we understand that it empowers the state. And we should continue to do so.

I can't control what society does, but what I can do is help convey truth to people. Really what our side is doing, whether everyone on our side knows it or not, is helping to save people's souls (i.e., the computer program of people's minds, currently operating on the wet-computer of people's brains). In that vein, I recommend everyone read my above-cited article "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything".


[My October 30, 2016 reply:]

Hi, Mr. William N. Grigg.

I have to disagree with you in your above October 29, 2016 comments.

You are presenting the situation as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as both being self-owners who are representing their own worldview and interests.

But that is not actually the case. Hillary is a representative, a front-person, for a ruling-elite agenda that has been in operation for well over a century. What this agenda ultimately entails is the literal extermination of mankind, as this is the *magnum opus* of alchemy, the desire of so many rulers throughout history: immortality.

It's coming fast upon us, with the exponential advancement of technology. But they--the highest members of the ruling elite--do not intend that the common masses be partakers of it. For the fuller details on this, I will here refer you to my above-cited article "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything".

Now, maybe Trump is a deep-insider ringer for this same globalist oligarchy. In which case we are disadvantageously coitioned both ways.

But if Trump is not a puppet of this globalist oligarchy, then whatever Trump's flaws might be, mankind is in a much better position. For then he is not part of a century-and-longer operation by the top ruling elites on this planet to warp mankind into their demented New World Order world government and mandatory world religion agenda.

Moreover, Trump is actually doing good in the here and now (!), not when he does or does not eventually take office. Trump is actually sending people to our side, and in droves!

Whereas Hillary is openly hostile to our side.

So if Trump is actually a tool of the globalist elite, then I do not object to them sending masses of people to us.

The war is not with society. The war is not with the globe. The war is internal. My real goal is to help save people's souls.


And below is what I wrote regarding Philip K. Dick on August 20, 2018. From:

* Jamie Michelle, "Jamie Michelle's Greatest Sissy School Hits", Internet Archive, Sept. 2, 2022, ark:/13960/s26t45wxbtx, ... chool.html , ... chool.html , ; download website: ... , .


MsOlivia wrote:Jamie you made me think of something --- have you heard the theory that we are NOW living in a computer generated "game" created by a high intelligence --- I was listening to hmmmm I can't remember, it might have been Gaia ... anyway, I was like WHAT? You can't be serious --- I looked into it and some highly intelligent people think that's the case. Oh MY! Right? Alls I know is that right now -- second life is tons of fun and the shopping is less expensive than in the "real" life. Haha
A girl's GOTTA shop, right?

Hi, Ms. Olivia. Yes, a shopping girl has got to shop.

Regarding the simulation theory that you mention above, see the following 4:45 min:sec video, which is part of a speech that science-fiction author and nonfiction essayist Philip K. Dick gave at the second Festival International de la Science-Fiction de Metz, France in September 1977. I couldn't find the full video of this speech.

* "Philip K Dick Speech Excerpts", Revlin ( ), June 3, 2011,

Mirror: "Philip K. Dick Discloses Real Matrix in 1977 ?!.flv", sammysmithazt, Apr. 10, 2012, . Mirror: "Philip K Dick exposes the matrix in 1977!", David Saoirse ( ), Oct. 21, 2012, .

The full text of the speech was published as the nonfiction article "If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others", pp. 147-165 of the following work:

* Philip K. Dick, edited and "Introduction" by Lawrence Sutin, The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings (New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1995), ISBN 0679426442, LCCN 94027812, [ ... %20The.pdf ].

Some of what Dick writes about in the above is correct, such as the pantheism of God (more exactingly, panentheism); and the existence of parallel universes. As the world's leading quantum physicist and inventor of the quantum computer (being the first person to mathematically formulate how such a device operates) Prof. David Deutsch has pointed out, there has actually only ever been one interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, and that is the Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI): all other supposed "interpretations" of Quantum Mechanics are simply attempts to avoid the MWI. The parallel universes of Quantum Mechanics really do exist.

And the below is an excellent lecture by neuroscientist Dr. Sam Harris, one of the main leaders of the New Atheist movement, at a June 2016 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference.

* "Can we build AI without losing control over it? | Sam Harris", TED ( ), Oct. 19, 2016, .

As Dr. Harris points out, unless there is something literally magical about the operations of our brains, then it is a purely physical process that can be replicated via advanced-enough technology. Harris further points out that given any rate of progress, it is inevitable that superintelligent godlike machines will one day be constructed. So Harris believes in the existence of gods, it's just that he knows--as do I--that they exist in the future; and the not-so-distant future, at that. Therefore we come to the ironic insight that materialistic atheism, consistently applied, unavoidably results in theism. Consistent atheism turns out to be theism.

* * * * *

Regarding the Dickian simulation theory, it could well be the case that we are in a computer simulation being run by a highly-advanced society. However, there would be no possible tests that we could perform that would reveal that to us unless said society wished to disclose their existence. This Dickian hypothesis is actually a variation on the Gnostic heresy.

I like playing around with such concepts, but regarding my actual beliefs, I do not believe that is the case. I would think that a superhuman society would create a far more pleasant simulation. If they were malicious--and for various reasons that I've gone over elsewhere, I don't believe they could be--they would certainly be capable of creating a reality far more horrific than this one, bad as this world can be at various times and places.

Rather, the world appears to be more or less what I would expect it to be like if humans are naturally-evolved apes. In a certain very real sense, humans *are* trapped in a computer simulation: that of their mental programs operating on the wet-computer of the human brain. Humans are trapped in the matrix of bad ideas. Almost all of the main societal problems are due to false and destructive ideas.

* * * * *

Now here comes one of the strangest creations ever published, by one of the strangest people who ever lived. Edgar Allan Poe considered his following nonfiction book to be his magnum opus--and he was quite correct in considering it so.

* Edgar A. Poe, Eureka: A Prose Poem (New York: Geo. P. Putnam, 1848), , ... erich.djvu , .

(The best format to get the above book is DJVU, although it is also available in PDF at the first link. DJVU files can be viewed with the free and open-source, cross-platform program DjView: .)

In his above book, Poe gives an excellent description of essentially the entire Tiplerian Omega Point cosmology, from its Big Bang beginning to its Big Crunch end. Poe describes the universe starting at a "primordial Partictle" (i.e., an atom in the ancient Greek sense of indivisible unity), then expanding and evolving, and then collapsing into Godhead and unity in a state of infinite complexity. I wonder if Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was influenced by Poe, since Poe was very popular in France.

Throughout the book, Poe is at pains in attempting to describe the 3-sphere topology of the universe, but doesn't possess the technical mathematical terminology. On p. 29, he describes creation from nothing. On p. 100, he solves Olbers's Paradox. On pp. 102-103, he describes the parallel universes of Quantum Mechanics, i.e., the multiverse. On p. 117, he even gives an accurate summation of Special Relativity, that "Space and Duration are one." That is, space and time are actually different aspects of the same thing, i.e., spacetime. And that is just a few of the surprising gems to be found throughout this work. Poe isn't completely correct in everything he presents here, though he gets far, far more correct than wrong, and all his major conclusions are correct.

Poe knew that he would be laughed-at and derided in presenting this information--that he would be thought of as quite mad. Yet Poe also had not the slightest doubt that he would get the last laugh in the end. And Poe was right. How did Poe know? In publishing this work, Poe presented to mankind a deep riddle, a preposterous enigma. The commonly-credited inventor of the detective genre wrote a real-life nonfiction mystery for mankind to unriddle.

Interestingly, in one of my entheogenic psychonautical voyages well-before I had ever heard of any variant of the Omega Point cosmology, I experienced myself as a living, superintelligent 3-sphere that was collapsing to a single point, and that this point could never actually be reached but that this process would continue forever. Indeed, that I was part of a superhuman society whose goal was to reach this point, even though they knew that they never actually could reach it, just getting closer and closer to it--like some existential itch that can never be scratched. At the time, I didn't even have the mathematical terminology to describe this 3-sphere topology, or even know of its existence, yet I experienced what it was like to *be* a living, self-aware 3-sphere. This would have been circa 1999.

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