Do you have a problem with interracial couples having kids? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Do you have a problem with interracial couples having kids?

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By Dave
I should also add that looking like Sonia Sotomayor is extremely undesirable and any such alleles must be kept out of Northern European gene pools at all costs.
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By Ter
Einherjar wrote:The genetic distance per geographical distance in Europe is extremely low.

Ah! Cavalli-Sforza ! Thanks for the reference, Einherjahr. I see that local genetic variability is obfuscated by the use of mathematical formulas to generalise the findings per continent. Still, it looks as if my perception of the high degree of variablity was inaccurate. Sadly for Dave, America has a higher number of alleles circulating than Europe, lol. Which is logical as it is a continent of immigrants.

Dave wrote:I should also add that looking like Sonia Sotomayor is extremely undesirable and any such alleles must be kept out of Northern European gene pools at all costs.

:lol: Fine, but she is now in a position to determine what you can and cannot do :lol:

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By Donna
Dave wrote:I should also add that looking like Sonia Sotomayor is extremely undesirable

Could it be that she was born in 1954 and has an above-average weight?
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By Dave
Ter wrote:Sadly for Dave, America has a higher number of alleles circulating than Europe, lol. Which is logical as it is a continent of immigrants.

Naturally, but we're not mongrelized per se as people assume and the relative sources of our white and black populations are more narrow than thought. Most of the white population here is Northern European (~16% Southern and Eastern European, ~4% negro and indian), and most of the black population West African (though blacks here have 18-25% caucasian admixture).

Ter wrote: :lol: Fine, but she is now in a position to determine what you can and cannot do :lol:


We'll see. Perhaps a patriot will take care of her.

Donald wrote:Could it be that she was born in 1954 and has an above-average weight?

Those certainly don't help, but please, her face is busted.
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By SpecialOlympian
I voted yes, not because I have a problem with other races but because interracial couples teach their kids about all that liberal anti-racist nonsense.

It's not so much that peoples I dislike are breeding, but ideologies I dislike are breeding. And an interracial couple is far more likely to teach their children anti-racist nonsense.
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By Donna
Are you saying that Puerto-Ricans are ugly or something?
By Oblisk
For my nation, yes.

Koreans these days make a big fuss about marrying foreigners. Every young Korean wants to marry a white woman/man. But if this continues, the Korean ethnicity will cease to exist.
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By Figlio di Moros
Oblisk wrote:For my nation, yes.

Koreans these days make a big fuss about marrying foreigners. Every young Korean wants to marry a white woman/man. But if this continues, the Korean ethnicity will cease to exist.

Good; let Korea and Japan get absorbed into America; they'd make fine colonies.
By Syd
Dave wrote:I should also add that looking like Sonia Sotomayor is extremely undesirable and any such alleles must be kept out of Northern European gene pools at all costs.

Therefore, yes.
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By SpecialOlympian
C_M what happened to the post where you quoted me and said I was being sarcastic?

I wasn't being sarcastic. I was empathizing with you as hard as I fucking could.
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By danholo
If two people work as a couple, I couldn't care less about their skin color. It's values that are important. Actually, looks wise I might even take black or Asian.
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By Dr House
Dave wrote:I should also add that looking like Sonia Sotomayor is extremely undesirable and any such alleles must be kept out of Northern European gene pools at all costs.

Sonia Sotomayor is an ugly old hag and unrepresentative of the apprearance of the average Puerto Rican woman. Should I base my judgement of Northern European aesthetics on Margaret Thatcher?

Puerto Rican women are very attractive.
By Syd
Dr House wrote:Should I base my judgement of Northern European aesthetics on Margaret Thatcher?

Most definitely you can; an individuals view won't change a large groups view.
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By dudekebm
Dr. House wrote:Sonia Sotomayor is an ugly old hag and unrepresentative of the apprearance of the average Puerto Rican woman. Should I base my judgement of Northern European aesthetics on Margaret Thatcher?

Puerto Rican women are very attractive.

Actually I second Dr. House on this one. I work with a woman of Puerto Rican descent and she's pretty hot (don't tell my fiance :) ). Also, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 20 years, Jennifer Lopez anyone ?

But you have the aesthetically very ugly and very beautiful no matter what the ethnic background. And there is also the statement that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

As far as Sonia Sotomayor and her genes being kept out of the gene pool: if they can isolate the genetic marker for 'self-serving politician with an agenda', I'd agree with this. Of course, this would not only exclude not only her but pretty much every politician, even those with Dave's Northern European genetic ideal.

Dave, normally I respect your views and agree with a lot of them but I can't abide by racial purity thing. Letting America go down the tubes as far as losing our European cultural heritage I can agree with; I frankly hate the bullshit revisionist history being taught to our young people today all in the name of being politically correct.

But from a scientific standpoint all attempts at racial purity only ends up eventually with inbreeding after a few generations. Look at the British Royal Family and their whole history; they should be thankful they had some Germans come into that family in the beginning of the last century and that Princess Diana actually got married in and produced a couple of heirs to let the gene pool breathe a bit or else the next generation or so would have been freakish pinheads you'd normally see in the backwoods of East Texas where people marry their first cousins.

My views on this are probably affected by my own background and my fiance's: I'm pretty much a mutt with Western European mixed with Slavic and possibly Ashkenazi genes, and my fiance is as well, Irish-German combined with Hispanic (Mexican) and Lord knows what else.
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By Dr House
dudekebm wrote:Actually I second Dr. House on this one. I work with a woman of Puerto Rican descent and she's pretty hot (don't tell my fiance ). Also, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 20 years, Jennifer Lopez anyone ?

But you have the aesthetically very ugly and very beautiful no matter what the ethnic background.

Puerto Rican women tend to be very attractive on average, which is what I was referring to. Isolated examples do not speak to the general trend.

dudekebm wrote:And there is also the statement that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

There are traits which are more or less universally considered beautiful.

dudekebm wrote:My views on this are probably affected by my own background and my fiance's: I'm pretty much a mutt with Western European mixed with Slavic and possibly Ashkenazi genes, and my fiance is as well, Irish-German combined with Hispanic (Mexican) and Lord knows what else.

Hispanic is not a race or an ethnicity, just FYI.
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By dudekebm
Dr. House wrote:There are traits which are more or less universally considered beautiful.

Agreed. Two arms, two legs, and no freakish features, along with a nice smile, good hygeine and not grotesquely obese or skinny is pretty much the universal here.

However, there are differences in people's perception of beauty. For example, as far as female beauty, some folks like the current model aesthetic (i.e. tall, svelte, subtle curves) whereas there are others who prefer the more shapely woman (i.e. any height, very curvy, "baby got back"). Some may even focus on the aspects of certain body parts (i.e. female breasts). As far as male 'beauty', (to probably give a bit of TMI here) I'm actually glad I landed a fiance who didn't like the current metrosexual norm as far as male hirsuteness as for one thing I grew a beard mainly because shaving became such a pain to do twice a day and for another I didn't feel like getting waxed all over my body every few months (can put the $$$ to better use).

Dr. House wrote:Hispanic is not a race or an ethnicity, just FYI. bad...I should have just said Mexican Mestizo on her mother's side instead. She does consider herself pretty much a 1/2 Latina though. Frankly, I couldn't care less either way - I love her and we're getting married end of October. ;)
Last edited by dudekebm on 19 Aug 2009 19:03, edited 1 time in total.
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