Peace in Afghanistan - Politics | PoFo

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Talk about and show off personal signature and avatar images.
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By Xenonx
White on white, it hurts my eyes. And if you're trying to make it horrible, like the ones cats makes usually are, then you're spot on.
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By Okonkwo
See, that is why I have explained that I am illiterate in photoshop. You do not have to be arrogant about your skills in making pictures, however, if it boosts your ego do not feel the need to stop - go ahead, tell the world what a superior photoshopper you are, shout it out.
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By Brio
Okonkwo wrote:My illiteracy in photoshop can be excused then.

Don't worry I'm probably worse than you in this regard. Avatars I can easily do, but signatures (at least good looking ones) are beyond my abilities. That's why I sadly have to beg for ones in this forum. Speaking of that, I should probably get to changing my avatar as I have kept this one for a long while. Need to get some ideas first though.

Oh and your second sig is an improvement i.e. easier on the eyes.
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By Abood
Did you make Obama look brighter than he is? RACIST!!!

Just kidding!

I think that, generally speaking, when superimposing an image, you should add an effect, such as a drop shadow or something. Look at this sig by Attica for an example.

Not bad, though. Very well cropped. And great message.
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By Xenonx
Don't worry I'm probably worse than you in this regard.

If you want to improve it just add a stoke effect on the text, 1 pixel black outside. When you mention cats though he is proud that his sigs are horrible, I just thought you were doing the same "critique" of art he was. At any rate there are literally millions of tutorials around for it and you only need one gimmick per sig to make it work.
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By Abood
That's a brilliant sig.

User avatar
By Abood
I really like the contrast of Obama's red face to the greyness of the mountains. Plus how the flag folds perfectly around the mountains.

You have a future in the sig-making industry.

Maybe there should be a Nobel prize for that. :p

Actually, I have an idea. We should vote on which sig is the best.
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By Ombrageux
lolcalipse now
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By Nets
Can I get a sig with


that says "Help us end the American occupation and put women back in their place!"
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By Shah
There will never be peace in Afghanistan until the Taliban are eradicated.

Nets :up:
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By Nets
Abood wrote:Is this a joke?

Not at all; it is not the American forces that are oppressing women, it is the Taliban pushing back. Saying the deterioration in their status occurred at the same time of the invasion doesn't exonerate the Taliban and make the US the bad guy. It is like saying "don't try to fight crime, because it makes crime worse".

The US simply cannot surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Shah wrote:There will never be peace in Afghanistan until the Taliban are eradicated.

I agree. I generally don't call countries or organizations "good" or "evil" but it is my firm belief that the Taliban is one of the most wicked entities in existence today.
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By Ombrageux
It is like saying "don't try to fight crime, because it makes crime worse".

How about "don't do something if it doesn't help resolve the problem."

And certainly don't claim it does good if it doesn't do any good. The typical American rationalization has always been that the enemy's tyrant is just as bad as their own tyrant. But they'd rather have war and tyranny than just tyranny.
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By Xenonx
The US simply cannot surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban.

So put a ribbon on it and call it a present.

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