Israeli aircraft strike Gaza targets - Politics | PoFo

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Israeli aircraft strike Gaza targets
By Josef Federman
Associated Press
2 hrs 42 mins ago
JERUSALEM – Israeli aircraft attacked two suspected weapons-making factories and a smuggling tunnel in the Gaza Strip early Sunday in what the military said was retaliation for Palestinian rocket fire into southern Israel.

The airstrikes, which wounded at least seven people — including one seriously — came despite an announcement by Gaza's Hamas rulers that the territory's military factions had all agreed to stop firing rockets. The Hamas announcement came late Saturday, after the rocket attack.
Hamas' interior minister, Fathi Hamad, said the proclaimed halt in rocket fire was designed to prevent Israeli retaliation and provide stability for Gaza, which continues to suffer from the aftermath of a massive Israeli military offensive in December and January.

The offensive killed some 1,400 Palestinians, according to U.N. and Palestinian estimates, and damaged or destroyed thousands of homes. Thirteen Israelis also were killed. Most of the damage in Gaza has not been repaired due to an Israeli blockade that has prevented construction materials from entering the territory.

Israel said it launched the offensive to crush Palestinian rocket squads, who had severely disrupted life in southern Israel for years. While Hamas has all but halted its own rocket fire, smaller militant groups have continued to launch attacks, though the number of attacks has decreased dramatically.

On Sunday, Islamic Jihad, a smaller faction responsible for much of the rocket fire, said there is "no formal truce," but confirmed it would temporarily stop its attacks.
"Yes, there is a halt, but if there are attacks by the Zionist enemies, as there inevitably will be, there will be a response," said Khader Habib, a spokesman for the group.

An end to Palestinian rocket attacks could be an important step toward a broader prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hamas. The Iranian-backed Hamas is demanding the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchanged for Sgt. Gilad Schalit, who was captured by Hamas-allied militants more than three years ago.

Usama Mazeini, a Hamas official involved in the German-brokered negotiations over Schalit, told Hamas newsletter al-Risala on Saturday that the talks are close to resolving the "obstacles" that remain.
He gave no further details, but the publication quoted anonymous Hamas officials as saying a deal is "reaching completion."

Later Sunday, Israel's army chief, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, said he was "sober" about the prospects for a deal but said media reports about the matter threatened progress.
"We have a deep commitment ... to bring him home, but I prefer to leave this effort behind the scenes."

Yes I know...ceasefires in the The Conflict have the life expectancy of mayflies but still, less than 24 hours?
That has to be an all-time record!
It's as if Israel decided this time "Oh just ignore it, it won't last anyway. Besides, calling 'ceasefire' right after they launch rockets at us? Weak!"

New standard operating procedure in the I/P conflict: instead of talk-then-fight-then-talk-then-fight, it'll now be talk AND fight at the same time.
No more ceasefires that'll inevitably break down and be blamed on the other side.....holding negotiations while engaging in combat simultaneously will streamline the process and save time!
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By ThereBeDragons
They even got Islamic Jihad on board this time.

Not that it matters anymore.
User avatar
By Nets
Wait, what ceasefire?
User avatar
By ThereBeDragons
Technically Israel didn't agree to a cease-fire they just responded to a Palestinian announcement that all factions would cease rocket attacks if there were no more Gaza bombings by dropping bombs on Gaza. Either the world's largest cock-up just happened, or Israel's primary motive for killing Palestinians is revenge and retaliation and they actually don't give a fig about stopping rocket attacks and the peace process.
User avatar
By LehmanB
Nets wrote:Wait, what ceasefire?

They have decided to make another Huddnah (a breaking time to re-arm yourself). apperently they have decided it without arraging it as an agreement with Israel but just declared it. Ofcourse today another rocket have been falled on Israeli soil.
Last edited by LehmanB on 23 Nov 2009 17:59, edited 2 times in total.
User avatar
By QatzelOk
For every rocket that is fired by one of them, a thousand of them will pay.

This is the reality of the Israeli project.
User avatar
By LehmanB
For every rocket that is fired by one of them, a thousand of them will pay.

count how many rockets they have shot please.
User avatar
By Captain Sam
For every rocket that is fired by one of them, a thousand of them will pay.

This is the reality of the Israeli project.

Tens of thousands of rockets and mortars have been fired in to Israel since 2001. Shouldn't Gaza be void of life?
User avatar
By ThereBeDragons
LehmanB wrote:They have decided to make another Huddnah (a breaking time to re-arm yourself).

They declared that they would stop firing rockets.

Why do you assume that Palestine is incapable even of comprehending the concept of peace with Israel?

LehmanB wrote:Ofcourse today another rocket have been falled on Israeli soil.

"[I]f there are attacks . . . there will be a response." Are you surprised that Hamas's statement "we will stop rockets barring Israel bombing" wasn't "we will stop rocket launches no matter what Israel does"?
User avatar
By QatzelOk
Captain Sam wrote:Tens of thousands of rockets and mortars have been fired in to Israel since 2001. Shouldn't Gaza be void of life?

If this is true, shouldn't Israel?

Or were those actually fireworks that were shot off?
User avatar
By Captain Sam
Apparently Qatz thinks Qassam rockets are just some sort of oversized firecrackers.

User avatar
By QatzelOk
Why are the men in the rocket-photo op wearing masks?

So you can't tell which part of the Mossad they belong to?

(the photo op division - warning: spoiler)
User avatar
By Captain Sam
Why are the men in the rocket-photo op wearing masks?

Part of the militant Hamas uniform, which you know.

So you can't tell which part of the Mossad they belong to?

(the photo op division - warning: spoiler)

God damnit Qatz. Stop trolling.
User avatar
By Beren
Captain wrote:Apparently Qatz thinks Qassam rockets are just some sort of oversized firecrackers.

Really serious weaponry, Captain. It almost looks like 13th-century Chinese technology.
By Kman
Really serious weaponry, Captain. It almost looks like 13th-century Chinese technology.

If it lands within 10m of where you are, you will either die or be severely injured, but hey thats ok, because they are just ''toys''.
User avatar
By Beren
Hamas, the Gaza Strip Army if you like, can make some toys which are able to severely injure or even kill some people in Israel near by the common border. It is an outrage.
Last edited by Beren on 23 Nov 2009 20:14, edited 1 time in total.
User avatar
By QatzelOk
If it lands within 10m of where you are

And cluster bombs have what kind of range (in meters and years)?
By Kman
Hamas, the Gaza Strip Army if you like, can make some toys which are able to severely injure or even kill some people in Israel near by the common border. It is an outrage.

Your right, it is an outrage for them to deliberatly target civilians, the IDF doesnt do that.
User avatar
By Beren
You're right, the IDF does not use 13th-century Chinese technology to do that. What the hell can you do with such weaponry?
Last edited by Beren on 23 Nov 2009 20:34, edited 1 time in total.
By Kman
You're right, the IDF does not use 13th-century Chinese technology.

I didnt write that anywhere?

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