Getting out of the Global economic crisis--RESET!!! RESET!!! - Politics | PoFo

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RESET!!! RESET!!! Get rid of the albatross (Clinton Binge-drinking
Ponzi surplus)--return government+ to 1992, and government to the

version 1.0 JKY, 5/20/10

A Dark Cloud is hanging over the US and the world--government
overspending, deficits, and eventual bankruptcy ! Mostly due
to overspending, overcommitment of mostly unnecessary programs,
and outrageous wage and benefit gains in government and other
workers. Unless we erase these (the effects of the Clinton Binge-
drinking Ponzi surplus)--the world's economy is going to be
in chaos, and life as we know it will withered away.

We should elect in the 2010 elections only those people who will
support at least phase 1 and 2 below.

Phase 1 : Cancel all new (post-1992) programs as well as expansion
(beyond inflation) of old (pre-1992) programs. Only new programs that
are exact replacement of old programs should remain. We can revisit
whether particular new programs are worthwhile, and can re-initiate
them through people's referendum (see phase 11)--but they must be
paid for by either cutting old programs, or new taxes.

Phase 2 : All government worker's wages and benefits should revert
to 1992 levels (corrected for inflation). Future raises in wages
and benefits must be just inflation--any amount beyond inflation must
be approved by people's referendum. The number of government workers
must go back to 1992 levels (corrected to any changes in population)
--and the number of high-paying government workers must also go back
to 1992 levels.

Phase 3 : The private sector must also remove some of the
exhorbitant practices of the last 20 years--Ponzi instruments such
as derivative must be prohibited--and any legitimate financial
instruments rated by unbiased organizations.
Wages and benefits should revert to 1992 levels (corrected by inflation).

For the longer term (would require a change in the US and State constitutions)

Phase 11 : Representative government has failed--elected officials are
mostly corrupt, owned by special interest, etc. and judges are legislating
from the bench based on their personal beliefs.
Bring back Athenian democracy--have binding referendum (US, States, and
Local) twice a year (general election in November, and Primary election
one Saturday between April 1 and May 31). No politicians nor judges can
deny a valid referendum nor (with safeguards) prevent a passed referendum
from being enacted.

Phase 11a : Bring back the people's Tribune --2 tribunes per US and per state
should be elected in non-partisan elections (staggered 4 year terms, with
term limited to 2+1, with the 3rd term possible after a gap of 4 years).
These tribunes should run the referendums, validating the petitions, run
the web pages detailing the referendum, both the proponents', the Tribunes',
and the opponent's views (vetted for truthfulness and removal of deceptions
by either of the Tribunes.)

Phase 11b : Any referendum question can be initiated either by citizen
petition (>5% of votes from the last general election), by majority votes
of both legislative houses, or up to 3 each by each Tribune. The Tribunes
will work with the proponents to clarify the referendum questions, remove
any untruthfulness and deceptions, etc.

Phase 11c : Safeguards for referendum that might be injudiciously pass by
heat of the moment should allow only one recourse from implementation within
4 months --(1) The US supreme court, by a super-majority vote (>2/3), could
ask up to 20 passed referendum (>50% but less then 2/3) per election to be
revoted one year later; if it passed again, it must be implemented within 4
months. (2) Each of the Tribunes could also ask for similar revote for up
to 3 barely passed referendum (>50% but less than 55%) in their jurisdiction
per election.

Phase 12 : Power should be removed from the legislative and executive
branches They should have no say in government worker's wage and benefits,
which must be adjusted for inflation only (any additional increase must
go through people's referendum). Furthermore, any new programs passed by
the legislature and executive branches must be paid for--in addition, any
large program(s) must be approved by people's referendum (any that's > 1%
of the budget, or within one year, total > 3% of budget). Inflation
adjustment of continuing programs should be automatic.

Phase 13 : Misguided Judicial decisions can be reined in by allowing all
judicial decisions be put on a binding referendum; if passed, it will
superceed the judicial decision (or any futher appeals--subjected to the
same safeguards, but within the quota quoted above).

Phase 14 : Midterm recall (for those offices with 3+ years term) must be
allowed, again through the 3 avenues similar to the referendum. This does
not apply to the Tribunes.
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