Why do some white Africans defend black nationalists? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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By politburo player
Every single one of your posts on the last page was edited by Okonkwo... :lol: I love the Benicio del Toro thing, keep it up. :D

Finally, I wish we could finally have a civil conversation one day...
By politburo player
I think this is a relevant topic, as there are rumored to be a number of whites who currently run Mugabe's secret police and interior ministry. One has to wonder whether tyrants like Mugabe would be able to cling to power were it not for the skillful posturing of these white contractor-mercenaries. They bring a skill set that can only be learned in the halls of Oxford or Cambridge, and they provide security and organizing techniques that are pulled right out of the pages of colonialsim and Apartheid. Also, many of the car bombings and civilian massacres carried out by the ANC targeting white South Africans in the 70's and 80's were organized by whites.

[Admin edit: Anti-semitism and anti-semitic insinuations are strictly forbidden on PoFo. Consider this your last warning of the sort.]

Here is commie Joe Slovo with commies Nelson and Winnie Mandela>>>


Even more commie fun...

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By Alchemy
You appear to have an extremely poor grasp of history with your communist assertions towards Mandela's picture with Castro.


^^^Context dear boy.....

Or how about this...


An excerpt from the above

Cuban intervention had a substantial impact on Southern Africa. As W. Freeman, ambassador, US state department, department for African policies, put it into words:

"Castro could regard himself as father of Namibia's independence and as the one who put an end to colonialism in Africa. Indeed, Cuba demonstrated responsibility and maturity. This should have been acknowledged by the USA as an important gesture and merited a respective answer. But American politics concerning relations with Cuba are absolutely poisoned, hence Cuba, which had acted really responsibly, was denied the slightest appreciation it had deserved" [4].
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By Kaspar
Interesting method for deducing if someone is communist or not. Maybe I'll call it the associative property of standing next to a communist.


I never knew there were so many communist leaders of capitalist countries. Basically what I'm trying to show you is that posting a picture of a person next to a communist doesn't make that person a communist. Please explain why you think Mandela is a communist and then maybe we would take you more seriously.
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By Alchemy
Cue the silence at PP's inability to answer the difficult questions. His next move will be the inevitable spawning of yet another ill thought out bias, propagandist and prejudiced induced thread...
By politburo player
I never knew there were so many communist leaders of capitalist countries. Basically what I'm trying to show you is that posting a picture of a person next to a communist doesn't make that person a communist. Please explain why you think Mandela is a communist and then maybe we would take you more seriously.

There is a difference between meeting a blacklisted celebrity dictator like Fidel Castro for ceremonial purposes and wholly believing in the man's socialist, peasant-rebel, social justice ideologies. While the Soviets supplied Mandela's ANC with explosives and training to blow up white people, Castro's puppet army was marching through the jungles of Angola sparking a grassroots uprising similar to the Cuban Revolution. The goals were similar; pillage the productive class and scare them into leaving the country, thereby permanently lowering the mean IQ as well as the chances of the revolutionary government being overthrown. The ideologies of the Cuban marxism and African marxism are similar, they both follow the carefully engineered narrative that revolves around oppression.

So my conclusion that His Majesty Nelson Mandela is a communist =

a) Joe Slovo (Mandela's biggest supporter) was the General Secretary of the South African Communist Party from 1984 to 1991, and maintained close ties to the USSR.

b) The ANC is a self described socialist organization with black nationalist tendencies

c) Many of the "chiefs" of the SADF are former terrorist operatives from the ANC's days of civilian bombings

I could go on and on.

Cue the silence at PP's inability to answer the difficult questions.

I have questions of my own... Like what you guys think about this news article.

Residential Robberies in SA have gove up 97.2% in 5 years -

Official police figures show there were 18438 residential robberies reported during 2008/9 - an increase of 97.2% since 2003/4, when the total was 9351

Kaspar, how do you explain this?

http://www.timeslive.co.za/sundaytimes/ ... homes-soar
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By Alchemy
Residential Robberies in SA have gove up 97.2% in 5 years -

Official police figures show there were 18438 residential robberies reported during 2008/9 - an increase of 97.2% since 2003/4, when the total was 9351

Kaspar, how do you explain this?

http://www.timeslive.co.za/sundaytimes/ ... homes-soar

Very easily, the same way how America would explain it in context.

http://www.usillegalaliens.com/impacts_ ... mmary.html

There are tons of Nigerians, Zimbabweans, Congolese etc plying their trades in SA. I will be the first to admit that the ANC led government has done a piss poor job at securing our borders. The black population, although very slowly are starting to see the light however.

Overcoming the political paradox of our times

On Wednesday the DA won two by-elections, one in Heideveld/Gugulethu and one in Grabouw. These were considered safe ANC seats. The DA has never come close to winning them in the past. What's more, if there are any white voters in either of them, it cannot be more than a handful.

These results should put an end - once and for all - to the ANC's repeated lie that the DA is a white party, that we are "racist" and that we want to bring back apartheid. These attempts to discredit us just don't wash anymore: the DA has now won eight seats from the ANC in by-elections since the 2009 election. In fact, the ANC has not won a single by-election in the Western Cape in this period.

What does this tell us?

It tells us that more and more people who have always loyally voted for the ANC now realise that the ANC does not own them. They understand that blind loyalty requires them to sacrifice the most effective power they have in a democracy. That power is the right to change their mind. Exercising this right is actually a responsibility. It is what holds politicians accountable for their actions. Voters who exercise this right drive development and progress.

The result in Grabouw was even more significant than Heideveld/Gugulethu, because Grabouw is the first ward the DA has ever won where there is a majority of black voters. In 2006, the last local government election, the DA won only 9,6% of the vote in this ward. On Wednesday this week, we won 48,13% compared with the ANC's 44,8% (down from 71,7%). This sea of change warrants detailed analysis, but the DA's excellent candidate (who connected with all voters) and the high standard of political organisation had a lot to do with our success.

The DA has over the past four years established a very strong voter base in coloured communities, as the Heideveld/Gugulethu results re-confirmed. But significant progress amongst black voters has eluded us until the breakthrough in Grabouw.

This breakthrough is not only in the interests of the DA. Breaking the racial logjam is essential for democracy in South Africa to survive. If elections are always a racial census, one party will always be in power. This has been the root cause of the 'failed state' phenomenon on our continent. Knowing they won't ever be voted out of office is what leads politicians to abuse power and to steal people's money in an ever-worsening spiral of corruption. They have the freedom to loot with freedom from accountability.

The greatest political challenge we have in South Africa is to ensure that voters' choices are not based on race, but on alternative policy choices for the future. A shift closer to this ideal is in everyone's interest, because unless we achieve it, the chances are great that we will also end up as a failed state.

But before we get carried away about the latest results, we must bear in mind the greatest obstacle to consolidating our democracy: a ruling party which tolerates the Constitution (and the democratic rights and freedoms it contains) only as long as it is winning elections.

This week's victory was tempered by the behaviour of ANC activists who - aided and abetted by senior ANC leaders - tried to violently disrupt a DA meeting in Gugulethu on the eve of the by-election. This showed the lengths the ANC will go to when it is threatened in an area it considers its own. It was an ominous foreshadowing of what could be unleashed in the future when the ANC realises it is in danger of losing a national election.

Such incidents form part of a growing pattern across the country since August last year. In addition to what happened in Gugulethu this week, DA meetings have been violently disrupted in Kaya Sands, Soshanguve (both in Gauteng) and in Tlokwe in the North West province. Our Youth Leader in Mpumalanga received death threats when he exposed ANC corruption in the Thembisile municipality. A DA activist was shot in the neck in Atlantis in the Western Cape while putting up posters for a by-election there.

The ANC's efforts to stop the DA from campaigning are mirrored in its attempts to prevent us from governing. This week in Khayelitsha the ANC Youth League destroyed toilet enclosures erected by the City of Cape Town, despite the protestations of the residents they were intended for. This was followed by the Youth League's call to make the entire city "ungovernable" by vandalising all council-owned property. "We are going to destroy everything," announced Loyiso Nkohla, ANC Youth League regional executive member.

In parallel, are the ANC's attempts to curtail our powers where we govern through legislation. The draft Green Paper on Co-operative Governance that I discussed in this newsletter last week is one such example. It is designed to reduce local and provincial governments to mere implementing agencies of the national government - regardless of the mandate the governing party in a province or municipality has from the voters.

The ANC's determination to retain power by any means necessary points to the great paradox of our times. For our constitutional democracy to succeed there must be an alternation of power at national level - because the longer the ANC is in power, the more it will abuse that power. But the greater the likelihood of the ANC losing power, the more the ANC will use unconstitutional and even violent means to hang on to it.

It is like something out of Joseph Heller's Catch 22.

How do we solve this conundrum? How do we succeed in winning power from the ANC when the more successful we are, the more the ANC will try to close down the democratic space?

This is no easy task because it depends, to a great extent, on the leadership of the ANC itself. It will depend on whether or not they respect the Constitution and the limitations it places on their own power. And we know that the current ruling clique believes that the ANC is more important than the Constitution; that liberation is about seizing all instruments of power, not the limitation and dispersal of power.

Nevertheless, we must work hard to entrench a democratic culture in our country. Just like two football teams agree on the rules before a game and accept the outcome - even if they are on the losing side - so too must political parties. People need to internalise these rules and hold political parties to them.

We will play our part by continuing to expose the ANC's unconstitutional attempts to shut down the democratic space. We will show people that the victims of the ANC's anti-democratic tendencies are not opposition parties, but the people themselves.

Most importantly, we will continue with our mission of building an open, opportunity society for all in the places we govern. We will show how, in practice and over time, this is preferable to the closed, crony society for comrades only.

As recent by-election results show, more and more people are already getting the message. But this is no time for complacency. We will redouble our efforts to take this message beyond the Western Cape and bring about lasting and meaningful change in our country.

The official DA newsletter. I have posted this to give an honest reflection as to the state of politics in South Africa. Yes PP, our beautiful country is fraught with many problems and challenges but these are challenges we are facing head on using our hard fought for democracy. As you can see from the above, great strides are being made. People are starting to see delivery in the form of the DA. As to your communist ramblings regarding Mandela, I know you are incapable of understanding that black nations simply grew tired of colonialist led rule but for once, just try please.
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