More idiocy from Modern Liberal thinking... - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By DanDaMan
If they are intolerant totalitarian theocracies like Iran, yes.

Ah, you mean things like persecution of homosexuals and degradation of the status of women?
Compared to Iran and the Muslim religion we're very tolerant. I mean we're not hanging homosexuals and covering women head to toe, are we? We're not threatening to kill the Southpark creators, are we?

Legally, gays have all the same rights... they can't marry the same sex just as we can't.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Compared to Iran and the Muslim religion we're very tolerant. I mean we're not hanging homosexuals and covering women head to toe, are we?

What next? Perhaps, "at least we aren't Attila the Hun!"

Give me one good reason why anyone should have to choose between the two, rather than just deconstructing both you and political Islam, and of course realising that neither of you are bringing anything to the table that people want?
By DanDaMan
Give me one good reason why anyone should have to choose between the two
Islam lets you murder homosexuals and women.

That is why I call you a Modern Liberal thinker. You failed to come up with a discriminating answer like I just did.
By DanDaMan
Show us what you can discriminate in comparing Islam & Christianity today as I did?
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By Melodramatic
DanDaMan wrote:Legally, gays have all the same rights... they can't marry the same sex just as we can't.

Well legally only men can marry women. So men and woman don't have the same rights.
By DanDaMan
DanDaMan wrote:
Legally, gays have all the same rights... they can't marry the same sex just as we can't.

Well legally only men can marry women. So men and woman don't have the same rights.
Nice try. The law is you're only allowed to marry the opposite sex.
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By Rei Murasame

Your evangelical friends support murder of the aforementioned minority groups less overtly, than your Muslim counterparts:
Great job funding Ugandan murderers.

Your evangelical friends also are responsible for this kind of insanity:

B. E. Wilson, Alternet wrote:Christian Book Touting Manly Aggression Inspires Violent Fundamentalist Meth Trafficking Cult

“My boys chew their graham crackers into the shape of handguns at the breakfast table.” – John Eldredge, from Wild At Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul

What if your million copy-plus bestselling inspirational book calling on men to act more manly, aggressive, even violent became a key source of inspiration for a ruthless cultic Christian paramilitary fundamentalist crime syndicate that controls most of the Crystal Meth traffic in the US and is fond of tossing severed heads into Mexican discos ?

So I guess I can see a 'difference' between the two - Christian fundamentalists are slightly better at covering their indiscretions up. Still incredibly scary and dangerous though. ;)
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 24 Jul 2010 13:37, edited 1 time in total.
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By Melodramatic
DanDaMan wrote:The law is you're only allowed to marry the opposite sex.

Bullshit. With the same logic I can claim a law prohibiting blacks to marry whites (or Jews to marry Germans) is not racist :roll:
By DanDaMan
DanDaMan wrote:
The law is you're only allowed to marry the opposite sex.
Bullshit. With the same logic I can claim a law prohibiting blacks to marry whites (or Jews to marry Germans) is not racist
There is no "race" clause in marriage law. So you are wrong.
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By Melodramatic
DanDaMan wrote:There is no "race" clause in marriage law. So you are wrong.


I never claimed there was. I said its the same logic.

You claim the law is not discriminatory because while it deals with gender it treats everybody the same. So does a law that you can only marry your own race, would you not consider it racist?
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By Meslocusist
Legally, gays have all the same rights...

How about the right to marry whoever you want to? How about the right to not be persecuted by fundamentalist loonies for your natural sexual orientation? These are the same rights, be they for heterosexuals or homosexuals, to not give them to either group is bigotry and to betray the very foundations of America: "We believe these truths to be self evident that all [people] are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." As I would hope you know, this is the Declaration of Independence. Technically it has no legal weight- though I believe it has been used to interpret the constitution by the Supreme court.

Equality before the law- it's an important concept in any western democracy. The government cannot discriminate base on sexual orientation. This is not only immoral, it is contrary to the best parts of America: "Liberty, and Justice for All."
By DanDaMan
DanDaMan wrote:
There is no "race" clause in marriage law. So you are wrong.
I never claimed there was. I said its the same logic.

You claim the law is not discriminatory because while it deals with gender it treats everybody the same. So does a law that you can only marry your own race, would you not consider it racist?
Yes, racist it would be. All men are created equal.
Get that, Meslocusist?
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By ThereBeDragons
That's right. When people said "all men are created equal" they meant men; women are inferior specimens of human being.
By DanDaMan
That's right. When people said "all men are created equal" they meant men; women are inferior specimens of human being.
They have nothing to complain about... they have half the money and all the pu$$y. :lol:
Not to mention they outlive us and then get all the money. :eh:
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By Meslocusist
Can you read, DanDaMan? The quoted post was written by Melodramatic.

Of course, a homosexual man is still a man, so not only is your argument sexist (through the implication that women are not created equal), it is also irrelevant.

A Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, and a class-ist. It seems like the only people that DDM will even consider approving of are Rich, White, Evangelical Protestant, Straight, Male, Neoconservative, Republicans. Say "Rich" is top 25% [In reality, the Upper class and Upper middle class is about 16%, but this is DDM we're talking to so I won't let facts get in the way]. "White" is 66%, not including Hispanics. Evangelical Christians are 26%. Males are 49%. About 90% of males are straight. 18% of all Americans are registered as republicans (55 million out of 309 million Americans), and I won't even get into the "who's a neocon and who's not" argument. That's .25 x .66 x .26 x .49 x .9 x .18 . In other words, only 3.4% of all Americans can count on meeting with DDM's approval. Everyone else is a hobo n***** heathen c*** f***** communist-nazi. [No offense intended to any of those groups, except the nazis, because they're nazis and deserve to be offended where possible :D ]

I had heard that the Real America was under attack by the Fake America, but I did not realize that the Fake America had already won- though with a 33:1 advantage I suppose it was inevitable in the long run.
By DanDaMan
Can you read, DanDaMan? The quoted post was written by Melodramatic.
My bad... I thought I was cut and pasting your name.

A Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, and a class-ist. It seems like the only people that DDM will even consider approving of are Rich, White, Evangelical Protestant, Straight, Male, Neoconservative, Republicans.
Well, that is the group not with their hands out all the time.

That's right. When people said "all men are created equal" they meant men; women are inferior specimens of human being.
I think men should do more "womanly" things so we can be closer....
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By Meslocusist
My bad... I thought I was cut and pasting your name.

It shows a lack of effort put into the post, and might be interpreted as meaning that we are all interchangeable to you. However, I suppose I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, because that is what I would do with most people and clearly it was not intentional. If you are consistent, the fact tha I am intentionally not "discriminating" should annoy you as well.

Well, that is the group not with their hands out all the time.

So, you are bigoted against 96.6% of Americans. Wonderful.

I think men should do more "womanly" things so we can be closer....

I think that if some men choose to do so they should not have to face disapproval from the likes of you.
By DanDaMan
I think that if some men choose to do so they should not have to face disapproval from the likes of you.
Real men dont give a damn.
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