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By QatzelOk
...is a strawberry one, how would I know?


Within the vortex curve of no understanding of deeper fundamentals, the essence of which haseth no olde tree - so to speak.
And yet, we pine after the ulterior motivations that class separation anxiety offers new visitors to the Magic Kingdom (did you come by car or by train?).

Salivate, if you must. But our love can't wait.
Desperation is funny when feeble attempts to distort real understanding is used to construct images that distract what the answers really are.

Origami is a combination of constructs within action and reaction forming direct balancing result of the compounded combined actions taken from every angle.

Unlike literature, painting, filming, sculturing it is an art that reproduces 4 dimensional results of contracting a two dimension form of two sides and four edges into many facets of functions functioning as usual.

Protect the maybes or could bes with wit and semantics, but real is real will remain what reality will not face directly as each theory or theology must prevent it's characters from comprehending all the time.

In the grammar of mathematics where the rule of reducing remainders of division into the lowest common denominator is like literal sentence structures making sure one must stay within predetermined subjective interpretations.

3/4, 6/8, 9/12, 12/16, 16/20, 21/28.

Since letters and numbers are symbolic figures representing substance defined arbitrarily through some central authority standardizing the means of common communincation within a society being directed to follow channelled ideologies of comparable pair-a-bulls between theory and theology that triangulate thought between spirit, body, and societal evolution or say institutions of church/religion/spirituality, state/politics/lifetime, and economic/symbolism/replacing understanding of the substance functions as everything here does specifically as it happens now all the time.

3 axises of expansion dividing 4 diagonal axises that are contracting results to become details never duplicated twice before or since added to results so far. This is absolute zero and this now momnet in balance of everything universally here indiviudally from atoms, molecules, molecular elements and cellular adaptions, solar systems, and galaxies of dimensional compounding reached as it has being exactly what it was here during balancing of everything so far.

Existentialism is so evil no reality dares question it's own origin as it does come from within now always being here playing all 6 sides from 8 corners of triangulated mythology in pitting scince against religion politically over economic symbols becomuing the materialism of matter on staged events of societal evolution converting human lifetimes to acting and performing as humanity.

So lets talk time by physical functions of spinning planet, orbiting moon, and revolving around the solar systems north magnetic star to which everything contained within that solar system is south on a horizontal plane spiraling within the galaxy.

Humanity calculates a day by the position of the earth's surface passing by event horizons that never move. Again, mid night, dawn, noon, and dusk. Humanity must add a day every four years to balance it's interpretation to natural balance never adjusting to humanity's whims.

But figure a day is naturally when the moon passes between the earth and sun. what happens then physically and constantly without subjective objectivity with time management to this space between expanding forces perpetuated from contracting energies created within moving magnetism and collapsing electromagnetism where that little law of universal physics known since Issac Newton where energy cannot be created or destroyed while everything never stays the same details within self containment of this momnet being exactly what is taking place all the time.

So every quater moon reflection comes within every 7 passes between sun and earth, and there are 13 lunar phases during one revolution around the system's north magnetic star rising in humanity's define east. So what is Polaris and Southern Cross now? top and bottom while midnight is south pole to noon being north facing the sun?

Remember the sun doesn't have a dark side and everything revolving around it does. Self evident ignored because siocietal evolution took control of learning to understand real has become the reality in preventing self evident things getting understood individually.

But back to the calendar of natural balance 7 times 4 is 28, so lets look at human female menstartation and 21/28 cycle. Again 3/4 when reduced to the lowest common denominator. But lets add 13 time 4 phases and we have 52 where there is never a day added every four revolutions around the sun. Shall I go on and include the 4 seasons occurring between each set of soltsices and equinoxes where they happen twice a year on the planet but only once in each top and bottom half.

Three equators surrond this planet not just one as defined by humanity being the tropics. What, where, when, and who are the positions of mid night, dawn, noon, and dusk as top and bopttom are the how and why it only occurs now all the time.
6 degrees of separating each individual result never staying the same details as conceived, i.e. humanity's aging process in physical motion no relaity can change becuse of what is believed by them all added together. Mulitply fractions and the results are always less than whole playing the percentages nobody can know more than they were educated to believe.

The heart of tyranny within ideology. Corruption gone unregulated by rule of law granting character's rights robbing genders of liberty to see the real for what real will always remain now.

This is where salvation has always existed every generation humans remain here in this instant nothing remains as conceived or contrived. Conspiring is an art form. Conspiracy theories are the arts gone undetected for generations following order of existential grammar.

But back to the numbers game of literal translations of science and religious interpretations to what is really taking place now.
Humanity is the free market place of trading sole results to play a character of collective soul ideology. That is the substance to good and evil while picking sides of theory or theology is the lesser of philosophical evils to not accepting real for reality's sake of felling superior over other equally conceived lifetimes within the entire food chain of three axioms of categorical separation into existential interpretations pant and animal, with natures of predator and prey, continuing to exist now within whole male and female halves of ancestry conceiving the next generation of total sum results so far. 5/8 results to half the next generation or extinction of past results added so far.

think of that 5/8 as 32/40. 32 chromozones replaces every cell every 40 days in each lifetime. Contracting result creating every changing details never duplicated twice before or since being part of now's compounding being exactly what now is as always regardless the faith humanity define humanity with.

I am fixing what has gone unbalanced because words rule reality not the real moment.
Last edited by onemalehuman on 19 Apr 2012 16:01, edited 1 time in total.
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By QatzelOk
Origami is a combination of constructs within action and reaction forming direct balancing result of the compounded combined actions taken from every angle... etc.

Folded paper/representational art.
QatzelOk wrote:Folded paper/representational art.

Symbolism describing substance not complete understood by each sole result that becomes a definitive in subjective arbitration with the objectivity to assure substance remains in question while rewarding those that honor such theory or theology with symbolic values believed greater that what becomes defined as real incompletely.

The images of my origami are not of resulting details conceived by natural balance functioning what takes place now. They are representative to the fields of current flows between perpetually balanced magnetic and electromagnetic balances holding the results of universal space and time things exist never staying the same details working the same way every generation now has added in compounding contractions expanding details like ancestry of ancestors does physically without words describing things that never existed existing to make it occur as defined by experts of reality's institutional conquests of ruling eternity now literally and figurative within the grammar of existential trained thought creating social identities acting as society's civilizations children of society's child, humanity.

Balance 6 degrees of separation while contracting the rules to regulate 8 separate fields of view while educating the population there are only 4 corners of this global. I see all 14 points of self denial simultainiously which puts my instincts equally recognized as my intellect reflecting everything I was educated to believe couldn't exist for real.

Remember 14 poles of 7 axises where 3 work perpendicular expansion while 8 corners of boxed ideology play outside against inside angles of triangulating existential ignorance of exponential combinations making everything exactly what is taking place now.

So not knowing every details isn't as important as understanding how and why details exist at all. That is a position of balance where one can control themselves civilly as there is nothing to prove within self evident natural balance remaining exactly as it functions all the time regardless the faith of humanity's character roles denying being human is all there is to being here now.

Vanity of faith believing nobody can know leads to laws that make sure nobody discusses the physical real or gets punished by what ever means it takes to make sure nobody else agrees. This is that power of persuasion vs persuasion of power within seductions and sedition to reality's staged events of political and spiritual conquests to rule now for generations passing through the moment nothing remains as conceived or contrived.

Your ideology is a fraud, while your are just another sole result of ancestry fooling yourself. Don't feel bad, there are 7 billion other human lifetimes making the same mistake again. I just have to adopt my nature to natural balance without taking the liberty of choices away from everyone else.

That is the beauty of cyberspace technology as it mirrors the functions taking place in the human brain of sole results each lifetime was and is.

So keep ridiculing my attempts of exposing humanity's Achilles heel in governance of regulating governments of self deception. Resistance isn't futile if one understands the central point of all existentialisms leading away from understanding using axioms of hope, faith, and charity playing all sides against the middle.

There are six sides inside and outside boxed mentality not just two sides to every issue. That is 12 variations of the same topic of one track thinking.
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By QatzelOk
onemalehuman, you haven't really addressed the ostensible strawberryness of my alarm clock in any of your rambling.

Is it because you are being forced to stick to your talking points by your sponsors?
QatzelOk wrote:onemalehuman, you haven't really addressed the ostensible strawberryness of my alarm clock in any of your rambling.

Is it because you are being forced to stick to your talking points by your sponsors?

Arguing metaphors is an arena filled with fools playing human nature against natural balances. Nobody wins and everyone lost their own ability to think for themselves, by individual choice regardless the rules set by those sponsoring ology over function functioning no place else but within this instant now remains here forever while details are never duplicated again naturally.

If you haven't notice, understanding what is real isn't sponsored by any trademark of reality seeking royalty payments on copyrights of literary fiction, patents on technology imitating cellular adaption, or requiring oaths of loyalty to incomplete assesments to honoring the idea nobody can know more than what humanity has written about as detailed within theory and theology preventing anyone from discussing the whole moment subjectively as a singularity that creates Eterntiy's results nowhere else universally applied in this instant to each indiviudal result.

I understand the value of symbolism and the risks when such practices go unchecked within natural baalnce of all things added together, now and here. I watched my life's efforts evaporate with the redefinition of interpretation done every generation society brands it's character roles of sibling rivalries within psychological warfare to the vanities of social justification redistributing misery from those loathing the limits of the flesh and this etanal moment isolating each lifetime to be a compounded total sum of was that is still here momentarily among the rule of survival.

Adapt or become extinct equally applied to even inorganic matter supporting organic combinations of was that is constantly changing and never creating or destroying the contracting diagonal forces propelling expanding energies perpendicularly.

So take your John Lennon poetry of pop music and Mystical magic tours of hypotheticals creatiung hyperbole parables of moral interpretations in self justification denying what is real for reality's sake in folloing everyone else with your recited nonsense.

You have every social justification in reality on your side. I only understand how and why details never are duplicated physically within this sole instant of universal balance between contracting results creating new details within the same functions working throughout the ancestry of sole results that added my specific DNA the same way every other living thing came to exist within.

Serenity is a paradise within one's sole for the time that sole has adapting to what takes place around it changing the same way it does within itself.

Hope for the best prepare for the worst, and survive everything in-between. Know real beyond humanity's educated interpretations of reality's might become following only if and if only everyone believes the same notions of symbolism mocking real results.

See how this affects every string theory and strung alone theology. Something I figured out watch the video of van Jones discussing his ideological plan of changing everyone else's reality from bottom up, top down, and inside out. The same crap politics that rolled into a little college town in 1970 where I turned 18 and watch the mayhem of 4 dead in Ohio. And in 2005 watched the national media throw my sister under the political train wreck of her lifetime which destroyed my mothers will to live and she died at the moment where she would be buried with my father on their wedding aniversary. So don't lecture me about poetic result within natural balance or love of fellow human lifetime. I am passionately apathetic to humanity's misleading greater good intentions. That doesn't make me anti-survival of life's lifetimes being sole results each generation human lifetimes exist as male and female results being half the next generation,should they become a parent to one.

But you live to act in metaphors of maybe, you and reality are lost within the moment. Ask yourself, which side of real do you wish to live within? Natural balances containing the universe as it is functioning now, or playing reality games of human nature pitting ancestors against their own ancestry?

I learn from actions and reactions making specific results. Just like ancestry compounding into ancestors here now as substance not theory or theology, just results never staying the same details twice. It is called ageing. Wisdom comes by comprehending the self evident of self containment being self maintaining and the sole rule of survival, adapt or become extinct.

I adapt not adopt philosophies fooling my instincts to ignore the self evident. That is my sponsor and it doesn't pay like reality does.
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By QatzelOk
onemalehuman wrote:I learn from actions and reactions making specific results.

Yes, but in a world of changing technologies and social rules, the relationship between them is too dynamic to learn from.

Future Shock is inevitable.

The alarm clock gets bogged down in strawberry juice, and its innards start to malfunction: the primary function is lost.
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By Daktoria
onemalehuman wrote:The same crap politics that rolled into a little college town in 1970 where I turned 18 and watch the mayhem of 4 dead in Ohio. And in 2005 watched the national media throw my sister under the political train wreck of her lifetime which destroyed my mothers will to live and she died at the moment where she would be buried with my father on their wedding aniversary. So don't lecture me about poetic result within natural balance or love of fellow human lifetime.

Time out.

What happened?
Daktoria wrote:
Time out.

What happened?

To go into detail is to open old wounds. I am not seeking who did it because I understand how they did it. Take away the power of persuasion in selling symbolism to bring substance to worthlessness is the key to absolute power corrupting absolutely.
Those in charge of politics know exactly who I am, because I have directly communicated with them, civilly. I have no malice towards people acting of character roles, I just trust them to ignore the self evident while performing as society's children. As has been done within my own ancestral family for as long as humanity defined being human institutionally.

How many people want to understand real? Nobody knows. I am no body of any significance to societal evolution as written by law..
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By QatzelOk
the power of persuasion in selling symbolism to bring substance to worthlessness

The media is the message.

It's an instant fix of "collective" thought, that's been packaged by corporations.

They create the simulacra that we respond to instinctively. It's a trap. A strawberry alarm trap.
QatzelOk wrote:The media is the message.

It's an instant fix of "collective" thought, that's been packaged by corporations.

They create the simulacra that we respond to instinctively. It's a trap. A strawberry alarm trap.

the governance of ideology within existential grammar of subjective hypotheticals and objective theoreticals that calculate ways of ignoring the self evident packaging relative terminology within the rule of law that prohibits understanding of the real physical functions functioning the results that only occur now all the time.

Collective or compounding contractions, one lives in thoughts educated in reciting maybes, the other is constant never staying the same details within the moment shared ancestrally. One makes everything speicifc the other never seeks to find the balance, just tips the scales to favor one idea over all others.

Chain of command, or command what changes isn't how or why natural balance became what remains here naturally. Choice is something to honor more than symbolic metaphors creating metaphysical maybes nobody can understand exponential results existentially by design of existentialism.
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By Godstud
I love Origami! My girlfriend does it all the time!

Personally, I think we should do away with clocks.

I'm done with western culture and the media shit. I'm moving to Northern Thailand where a tv is something that doesn't get in the way of real life, and is really just a novelty.
Godstud wrote:I love Origami! My girlfriend does it all the time!

Personally, I think we should do away with clocks.

I'm done with western culture and the media shit. I'm moving to Northern Thailand where a tv is something that doesn't get in the way of real life, and is really just a novelty.

That will not change your reality of denying the real moment. Now is functioning the same way everywhere in the universe regardless the definitions of could become only if every body believes the vernacular rule of law invented by humans to convert sole existences into collective ideologies where only the few in command decide who is who socially in significance to society.

That is how tyranny goes unchecked for real. Teach understanding the real moment and reality implodes within it's own ideologies in panic of the few lossing governance of governments. Look at the news and see characters directing genders to behave stupid and pay those offering the advice to remain part of the reality covering up equal comprehension of how and why this moment is the focal point in creating history's physical results defined incompletely and made into facts that distort what is really taking place.

Second, just because corruption implode because of empty substance of symbolic values doesn't mean it cannot remain as guidelines, just not rule of law.

Natural balance holds justice for all equally applied within adapt or become extinct doesn't matter if a sole lifetime or a collective soul set of lifetimes ignoring the real functions taking place as always here and forever now to the details never dupicated within this moment.

civility cannot survive honoring vernacular tribalism rules of character matters while gender liberty takes a back seat in social justification creating psychological classification warfare in societal evolution where words of interpretation define who's who from within one classified section of sole lifetimes created like everything else subjected to their whims of interpretation each generation now has reproduced within this instant details never are as was or will become again as before functioning the same way everywhere..

Real is exponential, reality is just existential interpretations confusing character rights with human gender's ability to comprehend now is forever here during a lifetime of never remaining as before since conception of contracted lifetimes that created their image specifically.

The bridge of conception brings conceiving each sole result of two parents and grandchildren having four grandparents each generation. That is exponential not existential string theories. It is physical absolutes reality doesn't tolerate used in debate of comparative theory vs theology or separation of church and state ideologies.

Welcome to understanding now is Eternity no matter what ideology you adopt to deny it.
Sceptic wrote::lol:


Incense and pepermint are masking odors covering up bad hygene. It may change the smell but it doesn't erase the bad hygene.
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By dgun
QatzelOk wrote:onemalehuman, you haven't really addressed the ostensible strawberryness of my alarm clock

I would say your alarm clock was de-strawberried long ago, if in fact it was ever strawberried at all.

Qatz, was this thread merely a "shout out" to us older, pop-culture savvy forum members? Kind of like a long-distance dedication via Casey Kasem or Dick Clark?
dgun, here is the answer to the old question of does reality imitate art or art direct what reality becomes now, to the next generation arriving here in the moment where past and future generations are pitted against the current parents as they naturally exchange roles as sole lifetimes within eternity's results so far?

Adopt a theory or theology, what harm could it do to the real moment.
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