The Assange Show - Politics | PoFo

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By Ombrageux
Is anyone watching this? It's pretty original and interesting experience. It's very personal and "ordinary", without the shownmanship and pretense of formal news interviews, like a few guys sitting around a table, maybe even having a beer. There are also less of the media's usual taboos.

* Episode 1: Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah. Excellent interview, great to see a "rebel" Arab leader given an opportunity to describe and justify his policy, also has questions on his support for Syria and his Theism (strange question at the end from the I would guess Godless Assange).
* Episode 2: David Horowitz vs. Slavoj Zizek. Debate between a hysterical neoconservative and postmodern communist. Predictable but a bit pointless. Look into the writhing, scarred depths of the conspiratorial winger's brain at your own risk.
* Episode 3: Moncef Marzouki, the new democratic President of Tunisia. Very good, on torture, censorship, Guantánamo, Syria, on going from human rights activist to political leader.

[mb edit: this show is of superior quality and I thereby move it to the media section for all time]
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By Nets
* Episode 1: Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah. Excellent interview, great to see a "rebel" Arab leader given an opportunity to describe and justify his policy, also has questions on his support for Syria and his Theism (strange question at the end from the I would guess Godless Assange).

I watched this, Nasrallah wouldn't answer a single question directly.

Edit: Why does Zizek keep rubbing his nose? Is he on blow or something?
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By Ombrageux
I've always found Zizek physically repulsive and verbally incomprehensible (What's his point in anything he says?). #WoudLikeToLikeHim
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By Suska
I like that Assange isn't going away, this format is very smart. Zizek gets more interesting all the time.
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By Ombrageux
Blue Pupper - Come to think of it, a Terrorist drone attack in central London ordered secretly by the President of the United States of America really I think would do a lot of good in terms of getting people to understand what their government is doing overseas. It would work best if there were some regrettable collateral damage.
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By redcarpet
Great stuff. This is what journalism really is!
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By KlassWar
Nets wrote:Edit: Why does Zizek keep rubbing his nose? Is he on blow or something?

Probably. Then again, plenty intellectuals snort coke: Not a big deal, really.
By pugsville
My friends tell me I met Assange when he was part of the RMIT hacker/nerd scene like myself. But I cant remember him, knew the crowd he was running with, we looked down on their ego manic hacker ways, as the old school nerds (like we were 2 years older but we connected to a different era).
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