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By Sceptic
What do you think of Eckhart Tolle, OMH? His book is the Power of Now, it can be found on google.

He writes of God:

'The word God has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse. I use it sometimes, but I do so sparingly. By misuse, I mean that people who have never glimpsed at the realm of the sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great conviction, as if they knew what they are talking about. Or they argue against it as if they knew what they were denying.'

It is the same as Being ('Buddha' means Being in sanskrit), and it is tied in with your concept of what you call 'real' or 'real moment', OMH. But it cannot be described with words alone, it can only be experienced.

'Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the miriad of forms of life that are subject to birth and death. However, Being is not only beyond but also deep within every form as its innermost invisible and destructive essence. This means that it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don't seek to grasp it with your mind. Don't try to understand it. You can know it only when the mind is still. When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt but it can never be understood mentally. To regain awareness in Being and to abide in that state of 'feeling-realisation' is enlightenment.'

The mind, the ego, the self, are all the same thing, those thought processes that we become immersed in and falsely recognise as our identification. Being is our true essence and it has no thoughts, recollections, emotions or values, it is nothingness and because we all share this nothingness and it is the basic property of the universe, that is why it may be called God.

Thoughts are projections based on our perception of the world, they are future oriented (projecting an imaginary world that does not exist and either will not exist, or have yet to exist) or past oriented (projecting an imaginary world of what has been, as far as we can remember it, not what is). The future creates pain and suffering, because it is either worrying about a world that has yet to exist, or it is reflecting on the imperfect nature of Now, wishing for a better world rather than accepting the present as it is, Now. The past creates pain and suffering, because it is either wishing for a better time that no longer exists, or it is dwelling on missed opportunities and lack of fortunes that we never deserved. So, by nature, Being, if it is not thought, must be attuned into the Now, the nothingness and absence of time that is all around us in the present moment.

It is your real moment, OMH.
By onemalehuman
I do not need to look up Eckhart Tolle by what you put in this post. Absolutes, physical absolutes, function the same way all the time and throughout the universe as it does on this planet contained within this ever changing details moment.

While I do not accept the God metaphor, I do understand the substance that makes others believe in it. Again, when does this moment every leave? It doesn't. So the present existing has been created by what remains here all the time never staying the same details.

What does humanity teach that shows exactly how and why that is while never putting all the pieces divided together again?
Why cannot the ruling class discuss physical absolutes without side stepping between axioms of metaphors?

Again, I spent 43 years of my 60 years present trying to accumilate the symbolic values to be set in retirement. I had all the ducks in a row to pay off everything in February of 2010. But between 08 and 10 what I did during those 43 years evaporated in plain sight.

Thing was in the late 1970's when the IRA and 401Ks became the new social security replacement I smelled a rat, but in 1981 I decided to go ahead and get into the program because if it falls apart I won't go down alone.

But that is where I have instinctively knew reality is a designed incomplete and being incomplete was never absent of either correct or wrong. Look at what society separates the two using the two wings of ideology regulating reality. Theory and theology. Left is science and right is spirituality. body and soul institutions looking to capture hearts and minds of the words used to define humanity.

I don't want the end of humanity to come true, I want corruption of thinking to end. Hope and Faith are demons, not angels. One must deny the self evident for either to have any value symbolism regulate the real moment, physically behind the words directing character's rights.

That is accepting ideology over ancestry being exactly what makes up every lifetime present. So how are humans to take back their sole and still honor soul collectives?

Simple, understand why the misdirection existed every generation, so the few could make everyone else as miserable as those wishing there was more to life than being just another ancestor of ancestry. Life includes the whole food chain without exception, exemption, exclusion because one species self anoints itself as ruler of the universal moment here on Earth.

I cannot change humanity, that is up to each human lifetime to choose between character's rights as defined by humanity's theoreticals and theological ideologies or just being human one lifetime at a time being as civil as possible because adapt or become extinct doesn't care who's who.

Natural balance functioning or God, one is a word to believe, in the other functions creating everything taking place now.
Self evident until hope and fiath lead people to wish real didn't exist socially justified to take liberties away from each next generation lifetimes migrate between social roles of child, parent, grandparent, great grandparent, great great grandparent even though dead by the time they reached great grandparent. Eternity and eternal are in plain sight should lifetimes wish to understand the instincts that grew a fertizlied cell into the body they share living as human ancestry.

But how many humans wish to discuss real over saving the reality that character matters? I still waiting to talk to the second.
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By Sceptic
onemalehuman wrote:Theory and theology. Left is science and right is spirituality.

Do the two need to be mutually exclusive? Experience and cognition; materialism and idealism; not one, not two but both one and two. This is what Zen teaches.
By onemalehuman
Sceptic wrote:
Do the two need to be mutually exclusive? Experience and cognition; materialism and idealism; not one, not two but both one and two. This is what Zen teaches.

compounding exponents are part of the total sum exponential combinations taking place. Stop dividing and look as each is part of the whole while being a whole exponential within it's part.

Take the periodic table of elements? what adds them together on a universal scale that keeps everything together while never duplicating the details?

Contracting forces expanding the ever changing details. magnetism and electromagnetism creating the reactions of the two working simultainiously.

Same magnetic polarities push apart opposite attract, now add electromagnetism from the results of magnets moving in perpetual balanced position where the star/sun point of expansion is the center to everything south or revolving around it.
The wheel of time, my friend. I decided to re-invent it using natural balnces not theory and theology suggesting it is from beyond the moment. Now all I do doing this is make enemies of characters defending their rights of humanity denying how and why ancestry works specifically the way it always does regardless the politics to societal evolution or relative time theory answers exist out there somewhere beyond the moment here now.

But back to same polarities pushing apart, does that not show what separates light and dark forces. The idea there must be anti-matter because of matter. this philoosphy of duality being separate wholes as they are separate whole parts.

Exponential 6 halves of the whole where each results has 8 corners contracting back. The balance allows individual motion of cellular adaptions. Remember the balanced positions of ancestral roles around the newest conceived fertilized cell having 2 parents, 4 grandparents, and 8 great grandparents connected diagonally and separated perpendicularly representing natural balance symbolically with origami and works for every ancestor of ancestry in every species, inclusive of the homo-sapien species which I am a lifetime within humanity says characters are not intellectually.

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