Israel Loves Mugabe - Politics | PoFo

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By Emerald Ocean
Interesting article. I had no idea that Israel could benefit from helping arm Mugabe and obfuscate Zimbabwe's democratic process by guaranteeing that Mugabe's party wins every election. ... es-mugabe/


"The United States, which doesn’t mind supporting the continent’s worst dictators, from Hosni Mubarak in Egypt to Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia, won’t touch Mugabe with a ten-foot pole. Indeed, listening to the Voice of America in Mugabe-land can get you in trouble with the secret police. The US, the EU, the UN, leaders of neighboring countries – all have expressed varying levels of disapproval as Mugabe’s international stock has plummeted to new lows.

Yet he has always managed to retain at least one ally, through thick and thin, one that remains loyal even now, and that is the government of Israel."

"They have been a steady supplier of military equipment, including riot control tanks and water cannon, which has been used to suppress the democratic opposition and keep the country under his iron grip. Links between Mugabe and Mossad, Israeli’s intelligence agency, go back years."

"So well-known is Israel’s unstinting support for Mugabe that the democratic opposition has accused the government of bringing in computer “consultants” from the Mossad to manipulate voter rolls."


But then I had to remember the age-old canard about Israel's prowess in the worldwide flow of diamonds - and to a lesser extent, rare precious metals. Is there any truth to this?

If so, add that to Israel's list of other unspeakable crimes like organ trafficking, sex slave trafficking, harboring fugitives, harboring war criminals, MDMA production, segregation, and Palestinian genocide.
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By Dave
Emerald Ocean wrote:If so, add that to Israel's list of other unspeakable crimes like organ trafficking, sex slave trafficking, harboring fugitives, harboring war criminals, MDMA production, segregation, and Palestinian genocide.

Come on man.

Israel is an ethnonationalist state, which is exactly what you want for us. In Israel they openly discuss the need to retain Jewish political and demographic dominance. Do you really care that Israel oppresses Arabs, or are you just stating this because they're Jews?
Dave wrote:Come on man.

Israel is an ethnonationalist state, which is exactly what you want for us. In Israel they openly discuss the need to retain Jewish political and demographic dominance. Do you really care that Israel oppresses Arabs, or are you just stating this because they're Jews?

They have a right to be ethno-nationalist, just like the Afrikaners. However the Afrikaners were not sending agents to far flung despots to corrupt their political process and steal their weath.
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By Dave
Emerald Ocean wrote:They have a right to be ethno-nationalist, just like the Afrikaners. However the Afrikaners were not sending agents to far flung despots to corrupt their political process and steal their weath.

Perhaps they should have. If South Africa's intelligence and diplomatic establishments had been as aggressive as Israel's the country might still be under Afrikaner domination. If Botha hadn't been overthrown in a stealth coup I wouldn't be surprised if his "total onslaught, total strategy" had led to this. Under Botha South Africa's defense and intelligence establishments expanded massively, the country became more militarily aggressive, a shadow parastatal group of corporations were built up to operate in Western countries (largely through Mauritius), and the country finally began participating in international propaganda (e.g. the film Red Scorpion, humorously produced by Jack Abramoff).

Incidentally, Israel was South Africa's closest international ally until 1986 (after which it had none) and provided South Africa with nuclear technology.

Why shouldn't Israel corrupt Zimbabwe's political progress in order to exploit their mineral wealth? I know you don't care about the fate
Dave wrote:Perhaps they should have. If South Africa's intelligence and diplomatic establishments had been as aggressive as Israel's the country might still be under Afrikaner domination. If Botha hadn't been overthrown in a stealth coup I wouldn't be surprised if his "total onslaught, total strategy" had led to this. Under Botha South Africa's defense and intelligence establishments expanded massively, the country became more militarily aggressive, a shadow parastatal group of corporations were built up to operate in Western countries (largely through Mauritius), and the country finally began participating in international propaganda (e.g. the film Red Scorpion, humorously produced by Jack Abramoff).

Incidentally, Israel was South Africa's closest international ally until 1986 (after which it had none) and provided South Africa with nuclear technology.

Why shouldn't Israel corrupt Zimbabwe's political progress in order to exploit their mineral wealth? I know you don't care about the fate

Israel and South Africa had a lot in common. They were both advanced countries with highly educated populations surrounded by oceans of people who hated them.

What South Africa lacked was Israel's New York kosher lobby which gave Israel license to massacre virtually any group of Arabs it wanted to. South Africa couldn't even detain a bomb throwing terrorist without some group of self-loathing white hippies or the international media going apeshit.

Sure, let the Jews run their sandbox as they see fit, but leave America out of it. Also, no more free F-15s, JDAM bombs, interest free loans, and "economic guarantees" that never get repaid. It would also be wise for them to stop doing things that make them look like hypocrites, like promoting diversity and mass immigration in the Diaspora while maintaining Israel as a 1930s Jewish ethnostate in the image of Nazi Germany. I am just tired of seeing every US President cower to this treasonous lobby, like Obama just did on March 5th.
sarahmay wrote:I find it amusing that Mugabe has the exact same type of mustache as Hitler did..... odd that Israeli's can't identify this obvious physical resemblance....

Interesting comparison!


Other than a few incidental, run-of-the-mill links you would expect a head of state to have with Israel, I can see no evidence of friendship or political alliance of any kind. Mugabe was a PLO supporter up until Arafat's demise.

If there is hardcore evidence of a conspiratorial connection between the Mugabe government and Israel, I'd like to see it.
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