Ownership of Fox News - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Zwischenzug
Hi everyone. One question that has vexed me for a while is: with the general anti-muslim/anti-arab tone by its commentators and its no-holds-barred approach to the middle east, why does a prince of the Saudi royal family own a sizable chunk of Fox? This paradox confuses me.
Rei Murasame wrote:It's because the Saudi Royal family is allied to the USA and as such simply doesn't care.

yeah but if they did you could say that by promoting such muppets as Fox its a good way of making the US not only a laughing stock in the international community, but helping the US secure its own destruction.

Seriously though, some of Fox's more rabid rantings are directed at some of Saudi Arabia's greatest threats and enemies - eg Iran.
I agree with you there, for sure. :lol: It seems to have a lot of different effects at once, but that point you mentioned about it bringing out the most self-destructive tendencies in the American base is one that is frequently overlooked and really deserves more attention.
By bohemian
I think as an owner, the Saudi prince only cares about the return on his investment. Fox may get a lot of things wrong but one thing they are good at is making money. I'm sure he's happy with whatever sells.
Rupert Murdoch's definitely far-right, but he also cares about making money. He eagerly funds the Fox network, which includes many shows and sitcoms which criticize conservatives.

Related: Fox News accused the prince of being a terrorist sympathizer.

Fortunately for them, most of Fox & Friends' audience did not catch on.

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