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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

Moderator: PoFo Europe Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum, so please post in English only.
By Euroman
People in Germany traditionally liked British people, but now even the most hardcore fans are getting turned off. You do realize that perhaps very intentionally or unintentionally, you as a whole community are coming of as very bratty. For one, you can't get yourself to admit that your country is European. Are you perhaps Asian or Native American? I get it, you are Eskimos! Heck, no one even cares about what the hell Britain used to be before the Romans arrived. Most history sources, including above educational video, start the British "time line" from the Roman conquest. And just in case you missed this, but your language is classified as a West German dialect. There is a reason for that.

Just saying, if you are trying to make people dislike Britain even more, then congrats. You are doing an awesome job in appearing as bratty little children.

History of English wrote:English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now the most widely used language in the world.

You are welcome Baff.

Baff wrote:It came from England.
It includes words from India, China, the US and many other cultures besides.

Can't even get himself to use the word Europe in his sentence. Utterly pathetic by any standard.
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By Otebo
Euroman wrote:People in Germany traditionally liked British people, but now even the most hardcore fans are getting turned off. You do realize that perhaps very intentionally or unintentionally, you as a whole community are coming of as very bratty. For one, you can't get yourself to admit that your country is European.

Who is denying that Britain is a European nation? What you fail to understand is that the EU is not the same thing as Europe. One can be a proud European and oppose the EU.
By Baff
English includes many German words.
But it is not a German langauge. It is the English language.
The clue is in the name.

Even in anglo saxon times, the language spoken in England was not German. Sorry, Jerry.

Euroman wrote:

Can't even get himself to use the word Europe in his sentence. Utterly pathetic by any standard.

That's right mate. I can't use the word Europe because you have hijacked it for you politcal machinations.
Because the one part of our cultures which we do not share is our politcal persuasions.

So as long as you are trying to force your political ideals onto me and my countrymen in the name "Europe". Then Europe is an evil word. A word I must instead associate with fascism and not a geographical body of land.
And what has made it an evil word, is not me, but you.

So if you wish English people to use the word Europe more positively, then all you have to do is disassociate yourself from that word.

It's not Europe we disliike, it's you.

There is no point you trying to hide behind the rest of Europe. There is no point you saying we have to take you as our leader in order to have a shared culture with Europe, because we don't.
You are not Europe. Sorry.
We love Europe, we just hate your vision for it's future. As long as you associate being anti your personal political ideals with being anti-Europe you will continue to brand us as Europe haters rather than than face up to the fact that it's just you and your little bunch of fascists we can't stand.

We are European too.
You just hate our European culture. That's all. You think yours is the only one. It isn't. It's just a shit one no one else likes.
By Aindriu Padraig
Well Brits did invent the rules for most modern sports. I think it's to do with the British sense of 'fair play'. If there are rules they like to see people sticking to them. This is probably the biggest problem the UK has with the EU - there are rules, which are then conveniently ignored.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Personally, what I'd like to see most is an open debate about where this is supposed to lead. While ever closer integration is clearly a central guiding principle of the EU, most people on the continent are, in my experience, either ignorant or somewhat in denial about it.

Well obviously it's a federal state but such creations are rarely bloodless or achieved without pain. Witness the situation in Greece for example. At some point the democratic deficit in the EU will have to be addressed.[/quote]

It may surprise you to learn much of the rules of soccer, cricket, baseball actually come from the Irish Gaelic sports of Football and Rounders, which have been around for thousands of years. British soccer mysteriously first appeared in an organised fashion around 4 years after the founding of the Irish Gaelic Athletics Association
By Aindriu Padraig
[quote="Euroman"]People in Germany traditionally liked British people, but now even the most hardcore fans are getting turned off. You do realize that perhaps very intentionally or unintentionally, you as a whole community are coming of as very bratty. For one, you can't get yourself to admit that your country is European. Are you perhaps Asian or Native American? I get it, you are Eskimos! Heck, no one even cares about what the hell Britain used to be before the Romans arrived. Most history sources, including above educational video, start the British "time line" from the Roman conquest. And just in case you missed this, but your language is classified as a West German dialect. There is a reason for that.

Just saying, if you are trying to make people dislike Britain even more, then congrats. You are doing an awesome job in appearing as bratty little children.

European is not an identity. There are dozens of countries on the continent, and on the islands surrounding the continent. The European union inevitably favours the bigger countries, as the crisis has shown. Ireland for example is paying 42% of the banking crisis because the EU and the ECB are extorting money from us as their banks lost too much money by lending to equally greedy Irish banks ... 19703.html We are paying more for this crisis than any other country-the only difference between us and Greece is that Greece is at a more advanced stage of hegemonic enforced societal destruction. Ireland has even paid a billion euro more than Germany, towards the safety of German, French and other banks.

This union for the bankers and political elites is destroying our lives. We have record levels of emigration higher than at any time during the famine, which is some achievement that was not just accomplished by the Irish banking cartel, but also by the elites across europe who figure the dopey paddies should pay for everyone else's excess. Having said all that, Ireland does not wish to be a satellite of Britain, but it wishes even less to be a colony of Brussels, Frankfurt or Berlin. There will be massive political consequence for what Europe is doing to us, the Greeks and the Portuguese.

People here are very angry. They are not protesting as they see it as serving very little use. What they are doing though is boycotting these horrible home taxes that Merkel and her pals are telling our bank debt collecting politicians to enforce on us. It also cannot be often enough stated what happened to the last shower of shites that acquiesced to European banking cartels-thrown out on their ear. It seems Europe wants some sort of reaction out of Ireland as it continues to batter it to the ground. If the ECB, the German government in particular, and the EU continue down this path, the Brits won't be the only ones shouting Sinn Fein, and nor will we.
Last edited by Aindriu Padraig on 23 Jan 2013 16:52, edited 1 time in total.
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By Otebo
Aindriu Padraig wrote:It may surprise you to learn much of the rules of soccer, cricket, baseball actually come from the Irish Gaelic sports of Football and Rounders, which have been around for thousands of years. British soccer mysteriously first appeared in an organised fashion around 4 years after the founding of the Irish Gaelic Athletics Association

Where you got that load of codswallop from I don't know.

Slightly off-topic, but for reference the Football Association was founded in 1863, the GAA in 1884.
By Aindriu Padraig
The Football League was founded in 1888. My overall point though is that soccer is around less than 200 years. Gaelic Football has been played for about 2'000 years. Some rules were copied, as was the case with baseball and rounders.
By Aindriu Padraig
It is also a bit rich for a British person to lecture a German on trampling on the cultures of others. You lads don't deserve a free pass when it comes to your awful history. At least Germany apologised for their holocaust. Where is the apology for the 3.5 million Irish people who were starved to death or forced to flee their homeland to survive on coffin ships? Mind you, most British historians are still in denial on that score, so an apology would not be very forthcoming. I.e. calling it a potato famine when Britain shovelled county-loads of Irish food off to their own island as our ancestors starved or fled by boat.

So lets not be hypocrites here-we could all lecture others on their historical faults-the issue is here and now and what lies ahead. Having said that, every cripple has their own way of walking and the Brits do have a point that European integration cannot succeed as it involves an agenda that encroaches on the freedom of many member states, particularly non-core European states. Might answer them better though not to get all high horsed about the freedom of small nations or German bashing given their own savage history.

Which brings me onto a wider point. No multinational European government would have the interests of smaller nations at hand as it would inevitably ride roughshod over the wishes of the Irish, the Czechs, the Greeks and so on when it comes to not just economic issues, but also issues of war with other continents, issues of foreign policy-i.e. admitting a terrorist Israel to the EU which has been touted in some quarters which for some reason feel Palestine is to blame for the legacy of the holocaust-and of course we are seeing our welfare states and basic social and workers rights being scrapped by the continental elite. No republican, liberalist, socialist or anybody with a conscience can support the USE in any form. Of course I mean Republican in the Irish and French sense, not in the US corporate meaning of the word.
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By Otebo
Aindriu Padraig wrote:The Football League was founded in 1888. My overall point though is that soccer is around less than 200 years. Gaelic Football has been played for about 2'000 years. Some rules were copied, as was the case with baseball and rounders.

The Football Association was founded in 1863, when the game was codified in it's modern form. Your original statement has no basis in fact. And football in it's non-association form has a far longer history than that. That 'much of the rules of soccer, cricket, baseball actually come from the Irish Gaelic sports' is exactly as I said, codswallop, and it doesn't tie in with one of Maurice Davin's justifications for founding the GAA, namely that 'there are no rules for either hurling or football '. Non-existent rules are hard to copy.

Perhaps I am wrong and there is a body of evidence showing how these sports are largely based on Gaelic games, if there is I would be intrigued to see it. Obviously though this discussion belongs in another thread in the Sports forum.
By Decky
People in Germany traditionally liked British people,

Not from what great grandad Decky said. He and his mates met some Germans in a forest in Belgium once after they had run out of ammunition. They went in with bayonets and he was one of the only ones to come out alive.

If that's too anecdotal:

By Political Interest
I see Decky, so for you "Europe" is forever an enemy no matter what. Will you continue to never let go of the past? What did Germans or French ever do to you in this day and age?
By Decky
I see Decky, so for you "Europe" is forever an enemy no matter what. Will you continue to never let go of the past? What did Germans or French ever do to you in this day and age?

The EU. Our money is carted of to Berlin, hundreds of millions of pounds a year! And for what? So they can spend it on beer and sausages. We have old age pensioners who freeze to death in the winter in this country as they can't afford heating and yet we have to pay our tithe to the bosh. Anyone would think we lost the wars the way they lord it over us.


Never forgive, never forget. It doesn't matter if he's sending us his bombs or his goods, we don't want them!
Last edited by Decky on 27 Jan 2013 17:26, edited 1 time in total.
By Decky
Ombrageux Edit: Trolling, inappropriate and adds nothing to conversation. And also..

By Euroman
HOWEVER! I would be happy to have a few common sense Brits come here and talk constructively about the EU. Won't happen though.

Ombrageux Edit.
By Political Interest
Decky wrote:The EU. Our money is carted of to Berlin, hundreds of millions of pounds a year! And for what? So they can spend it on beer and sausages. We have old age pensioners who freeze to death in the winter in this country as they can't afford heating and yet we have to pay our tithe to the bosh. Anyone would think we lost the wars the way they lord it over us.

And what do the Germans or French have to do with the EU? There are also anti-EU elements within these countries. Even still, hatred of the EU does not entail hatred of the German or French peoples. If the EU is not suitable for the UK then it can leave, there is no need to be so hostile like you are being.

Decky wrote:Image

Never forgive, never forget. It doesn't matter if he's sending us his bombs or his goods, we don't want them!

Why are you so extreme?

Ombrageux Edit: Removed Decky quote.
By Euroman
On a serious note, here is a wonderful article which comes to the conclusion that while Britain is threatening to leave Europe, Europe is already leaving Britain. No one in Europe is listening to the annoying British cry babies or interested in appeasing them. To sum it up, "Go away!" ... z2JEvlqs00


Ombrageux Edit.
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By Ombrageux
Ombrageux Edits: I have cleaned up this thread. I tell everyone to remember as members of this community to:
Forum Rules wrote:2. Remain courteous and respectful to other users of the forums at all times. Do not make personally directed attacks on any other user (for example, it is acceptable to accuse someone of making a "moronic proposition" but it is not acceptable to accuse someone of being a "moron").

Anyone who violates the letter or spirit of this rule through nationalist trolling or irrelevant references to history will find their posts deleted and disciplinary action will be taken. The PoFo community is one of the most informative, substantive and serious on the Internet. Lets keep it that way.
By Thompson_NCL
Euroman wrote:HOWEVER! I would be happy to have a few common sense Brits come here and talk constructively about the EU. Won't happen though.

You've no interest in constructive debate, you just spew anti-British vitriol at every opportunity and daft 'wrong wing' nonsense.

If you want reasonable debate, perhaps create a topic with some analysis or specific commentary that we can discus. For example how would you address some of the EU issues such as the lack of competitiveness?
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