Five Reasons Why Cats are Inferior to Dogs - Politics | PoFo

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If I wanted to be around a creature that demanded my attention all the time, I had to constantly coddle, and was in constant need of my assurance, I would hang out with my girlfriend.

At least I can have sex with her though.
Cats share similar emotional brain structures to humans.
Cerebral cortices with similar lobes
Their eyesight is better than a dogs.
They show loyalty to their owners, even kill their prey and bring it to share with pride.
Cats can jump their height and then some.
Cats rarely beg for human food, basically because they don't have a sweet tooth.
They sleep most of their life, which means you don't have to accommodate energy levels.
They mark territory by simply rubbing up on things with their cheeks, which secretes some chemical. Still, some spray, yet dogs only urinate to mark.

Do you own a cat? Seems like you don't
I own dogs and cats. Both have their merits. Cats are far less needy.
Dogs are a man's best friend because we like to be in control.
2. Dogs love you – cats could care less.

Couldn't care less.

If it could care less it must care as it would be possible for it to care less. This is the most irritating americanism of them all.

The expression is couldn't care less.
Decky wrote:Couldn't care less.

If it could care less it must care as it would be possible for it to care less. This is the most irritating americanism of them all.

The expression is couldn't care less.

People who complain about "could care less" are the most irritating pedants of them all. If you hear someone say, "I've seen worse," you already know that what he's looking at is pretty fucking awful, but mercifully manages to the title of "Worst, Ever." That's the implication. You don't correct them and say, "No, what you meant was 'I've never seen worse," no need to thank me for the English lesson."
longknife wrote:By John Hawkins @ Rightwingnews blog

1. Dogs are smarter than cats
2. Dogs love you – cats could care less.
3. Dogs are better pets.
4. Dogs are happy and fun. Cats...
5. Cats would murder you if they could

I couldn't agree more. See what you think @ ... every-way/

In other words:

1) Dogs obey me
2) Dogs depend on me
3) Cats don't do 1 nor 2
4) I'm a control freak
5) Dogs don't know how bad things really are
People who complain about "could care less" are the most irritating pedants of them all.

I'm just tired of the Yanks raping the English language. If they don't want to speak English properly then they should go and speak Cree or something.

If you hear someone say, "I've seen worse," you already know that what he's looking at is pretty fucking awful

No you don't.
In England it means middling. This reinforces my point about Americans bastardising the language. I can't wait for Spanish to become the official language over there so English English can reign supreme again.

I dont mind dogs but they are so fucking needy (some of them anyway). They slober all over you when you come how and suck up to everyone.

I like cats because they are arogant, funny and graceful. Who cares if they are loyal and can obey commands? I am not a sheep herder.
Decky wrote:In England it means middling. This reinforces my point about Americans bastardising the language. I can't wait for Spanish to become the official language over there so English English can reign supreme again.

This is worthy of a separate thread.

How many distinct versions of English in the London metro area are there compared to how many exist in the USA?

It is something like 2 to 1.....about 30 to 16.

The Canadians/Canadiens will be just as vocal until one presents a sentence such as "IBM are going to show a huge profit this fiscal year." That is when the Canadians start screaming about the French.


Cats are cool. Dogs are bourgeoisie running lackeys.
My favorite cat of all time was a Seal Point Siamese who knew it was HER house and we were there to do as she wanted. Also best Watch Cat in the world.

However, I freely admit that out tiny Tea Cup Chihuahua is the one we love dearly and missed so very much when we had to leave her for two weeks.
Tea Cup Chihuahua

Those things are not dogs, my cat would mistake it for a rat and kill it.
Wolf dogs > purse dogs. Those shouldn't even count.

I indeed value dogs because of their obedience towards humans and their willingness to be subservient towards our society - you got me there. Dogs are for dictators, cats are for libertarians.

The usefulness of cats, from a cat owner:

Because it is the best day ever tomorrow!
I really don't like very man dogs. There are some asshole cats, but I find they are much more like people, some are cool... some are dicks, some are chickenshits, some are bad asses.

Dogs are just slavish and needy.

1. Dogs are not even remotely smarter than cats, what they are are more socialized to humans. Dogs are the only animals that can follow a pointing human's unspoken communication. This doesn't make them objectively smart, this makes them very sensitive to human communication.

2. Cats love people just as much as they love... anything. One of my cats can't hardly stand to be out of contact with us for any length of time, the other only hangs out with the kids (female). Sometimes the male actually drives me crazy with his dog-like neediness. I'm like "Dude, this is what I have you for, so you won't pester me all the time..." I have yet to find a dog that doesn't require constant attention. That's far too much work for the very tiny reward you get from a slobbery, jumpy, humpy, barky little bastard.

3. Dogs shit everywhere and its a problem. Cats shit in a box, or outside where you never find it. Cats win.

4. Dogs are needy, pathetic, sometimes viscous and large enough to be dangerous, slaves. Cats are as independant as humans are and don't care to be ordered about any more than you do.

5. Bullshit. You don't know cats very well at all.
Before I get to cats and dogs let me point out my own pet peeve.

"Could care less." This is low class American usage, and a flat-out mistake because it means literally that the care level is at least one degree above bottom. The expression when used correctly reads: "I could not care less," which means that the level of care is rock bottom.

People develop abilities with animal with whom they feel some affinity. The best horsemen have an unseen communication with their animals. In my experience, people who actually dislike cats, and like to point out how unsociable they are, are usually repeating what they learned from their parents and not from trying out different pets with an open mind.

Yesterday, I was sitting on a bench and a beautiful sheep dog came up and rested its head against my knee. No yapping, no fetch stick.

I have had similar things happen many times with cats because they can tell who I am. Typically, if I am introduced to a new cat, I lie with my head on the floor. If there are not too many distractions the cat will come over and make friends within five minutes.

It is quite untrue that cats are unsociable. My cats always address me vocally if they have not seen me for an hour or two. And the exchange can extended for six or eight meows easily.

If a person has no affinty with an animal, that animal will avoid that person. It is not the animal's fault.

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