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By nucklepunche
Increasingly I am becoming interested in World Federalism, the idea of creating a democratic superstate based on Federal principles. Increasingly I think the world is globalized and it is increasingly true that when one country sneezes the rest get a cold. With an increasingly interconnected global economy is it really a smart idea to have one global center of power?

My vision of World Federalism looks something like this.

Global Parliament

I support the formation of a Global Parliament to be modeled on the European Parliament. Nations will elect their own MGPs (Members of Global Parliament) and be alotted based on population. They will be elected in free, fair democratic elections. Failure to do so will disallow seating of MGPs.

UDHR as the Constitution

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights will function as a global Constitution.


Individual states will have a wide degree of control over internal affairs with some exceptions. These exceptions will be enforcement of basic human rights, regulation of international commerce, etc.

Issues like social services will still be maintained by individual nations.

Abolition of All Militaries, Replacement With Global Security Force

The global security force will serve the remaining functions of militaries, focusing on stomping out terrorism and other strife.

Global Capitalism

Global capitalism will require the elimination of trade and immigration barriers, the establishment of a global central bank and a global currency. While regulation of small business and the like will take place in individual states the global government will be responsible for dealing with international commerce.

International Auxillary Language(s)

Certain languages should be promoted as IALs. Perhaps more than one would be in order. Either way I think we ought to settle on an international language of business. I think English is naturally evolving into this role.

Secularism in Government, Respect for Religious Freedom

In order to fight sectarianism government must be completely secular. No references to religion at the governmental level and all religiously influenced legislation must be prohibited. However religious freedom must be respected as long as it does not result in violence.

Expansion into the Solar System

I think we should begin expanding into the Solar System and work to harvest resources from other planets. I don't think we will ever reach a point where travel to other systems will be practical short of generation ships. Mankind may or may not be alone however I doubt we will ever come into contact with alien life because travel in between systems is too impractical. Finally I don't think any system near us can maintain life anyway.

In general I suspect World Federalism will meet with much resistance and I doubt it can be achieved in my lifetime, but increasingly I think it is well worth working for.
By Decky
The vast majority of the population of the world would be willing to fight and die to stop this. You could only impose this world government using extremes of brutality never saw before in history.


Abolition of All Militaries, Replacement With Global Security Force

The global security force will serve the remaining functions of militaries, focusing on stomping out terrorism and other strife.

I see, get rid of that national millitaries as they are unlikely to fire on their own population and replace them with an international one. I guess no British troops would be deployed in Britain no Germans in Germany etc? This would mean the troops would follow orders when it came to putting down freedom fighters. A very wise idea. Troops drawn from the countries that they were occupying would be hard to trust.
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By Goldberk
The vast majority of the population of the world would be willing to fight and die to stop this. You could only impose this world government using extremes of brutality never saw before in history.

Indeed, as would I.

But this situation already existis in many ways, it is the current form of "empire".
By layman
I see, get rid of that national millitaries as they are unlikely to fire on their own population and replace them with an international one. I guess no British troops would be deployed in Britain no Germans in Germany etc? This would mean the troops would follow orders when it came to putting down freedom fighters. A very wise idea. Troops drawn from the countries that they were occupying would be hard to trust.

Indeed. This was popular in renaissance Italy where by the leaders of city states would purposely hire mercenaries from more distant places (largely Germany) so as to reduce local affiliations.

Being a communist though, I assume you are ok with a worldwide communist government. You seem to support Stalins pseudo imperialist takeovers of eastern Europe etc.
By Decky
Being a communist though, I assume you are ok with a worldwide communist government.

Oxymoron. Communism = Classless stateless society. There is no such thing as a communist government you mean socialist government. That's why the USSR was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics not the USCR.

You seem to support Stalins pseudo imperialist takeovers of eastern Europe etc.

Oh yes, big bad Stalin liberating the people from fascism and bringing them socialism. Honestly the gentle father of nations was the greatest hero the working class ever had I don't see what your issue is with him ousting the fascists and saving the lives of every man woman and child between Warsaw and the Urals from the hun.
By layman
Honestly the gentle father of nations was the greatest hero the working class ever had I don't see what your issue is with him ousting the fascists and saving the lives of every man woman and child between Warsaw and the Urals from the hun.

Meh, you know what I meant. Besides, even communism requires several stages of socialism to preceed it. therefore world government would have to exist for a time.

Russian cannon fodder was essential in ousting the fascists – I agree.

Taking Poland’s as an example, the soviet/Nazi team rape of them was pretty disgusting. The imperialist USSR follow-up of occupying and installing a puppet regime just rubbed salt into their wounds.

No wonder the poles hate them so much.
By Decky
Taking Poland’s as an example, the soviet/Nazi team rape of them was pretty disgusting.

The Soviets were only taking back land that the poles had stole during the Polish-Soviet war. Freeing occupied Ukraine and occupied Belarus from the Polish imperialists was no bad thing.

If you act as if the borders at the beginning of 1939 then it looks bad. If you educate yourself it looks fine.

You may as well claim that the US and Britain were in the wrong for "stealing" France from the Germans after D day. It would look that way if you started history at about 1943 and totally ignored everything prior to that (like you are doing with the USSR's liberation of lands occupied by the Polish empire).

Read upon the peace settlement after the Polish Soviet war and then look at what languages the people in "east Poland" spoke in 1939. The Soviets did nothing wrong.
By layman
during the Polish-Soviet war

And who started that one?

Those puppet regimes were only held by force. Then again, its not like US/Uk would have allowed greece to fall to the reds - ill give you that.

Come 1991 though, every Russian puppet couldnt wait to break free once it was clear they wouldnt be stopped by force.

Anyway, i digress. You would support world government if it was the right kind.
By Decky
And who started that one?

Irrelevant, who stared the second world war? We declared war on the Nazis not the other way around.

It's meaningless.

Anyway, i digress. You would support world government if it was the right kind.

In that the proletariat would be the class in charge of power all around the world yes, but not in government run from Moscow/ Dublin/ Cairo/ whatever no.
By mikema63
This is not a positive thing or a good idea, not every countries intrestes will ever be aligned enough for this to work through anything but force.
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By Gavroche
I think a federal worldwide state, with each nation having a good deal of autonomy with the world government only to protect fundamental rights and to prevent conflicts, is a worthwhile goal to aim for. I can definitely see the boundaries between nations becoming less distinct over the 21st century as travel and online communication improve and regional trade blocs become the norm. Realistically though there is far too many ideology and economic differences between states at the present time for a consensual union to work so a world state is very likely still centuries away, if ever.
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By nucklepunche
I think my critics fail to note that I do not advocate this transition overnight. As I said I don't expect it to happen in my lifetime and I'm only in my 20s. However I favor cooperation between nations, I don't see what's so bad about this.
By Nunt
How can a global parliament ever be democratic? Democracy supposes that voters know and care about what the elected officials are doing. The distance between voters and government would just be too great to have any accountability.

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