Groups marked for death if the shit hits the fan - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Any other minor ideologies.
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Many ideas are stupid; only a few are so legitimately deranged that they are deemed worthy of a bullet to the head if set loose.

Fascist Satanists who condone human sacrifice and breaking the world down into "sinister tribes" of blood thirty madmen.

Seriously read the wiki.

Crazy Japanes cult that has engaged in the occasional crime against humanity; as Rei for more details.
Sithsaber wrote:You're Japanese and seem to try to keep informed on its internal affairs. I'd assume Japanese media did quite a few exposes on them that would be easily available to someone who speaks Japanese.

Don't jump to conclusions.

The original post dug a deep hole, but you're just digging deeper with this one.
Sithsaber wrote:Why? She speaks Japanese and can bring up details that I can't from Japanese media. I assume the media got a bit hysteric about the group after the attacks. In America we are still bombarded by at least a few details on Al Qaeda. Where's the issue here?

It's a bit like talking about Al Qaeda generally, then pointing at some random Muslim in the crowd and telling everyone that they ought to ask her for more details because, hey, you know, she's Muslim. I can see why it would be highly offensive.
Sithsaber wrote:Many ideas are stupid; only a few are so legitimately deranged that they are deemed worthy of a bullet to the head if set loose.

What makes ideas stupid? They ignore something obvious, obviously.

Why? How is it done throughout societal evolution to where every citizen of reality does it, in different meanings of life?

This works better than bullets, don't believe me, think about it. Are you willing to die protecting ancestors regardless the society or society because of specific ancestors creating something to believe in that isn't completely real but really being acted out socially?

What are crimes against humanity?
Insubordination? Questioning orders.

Treason against the chain of command? Accepting another social justification

Blasphemy against the central ideology of the social justification giving title to that society spiritually, politically, economically, and academically? Not accepting vocabulary as the only knowledge mankind can know or comprehend everything taking palce in plain sight. It isn't comparing details against each other that leads to how and why details of what, where, when, and who because part in and of this planet's results added and adding together as they happen currently all the time.

To go against corrupting thoughts one must use common constants equally applied to everything within this atmosphere inorganic and organic that consists of the same periodic table.

Humanity is designed to separate ideologies, not bring about a common understanding of the same space shared all the time by every generation passing through this atmosphere. Psychological class warfare is a verbal war of words matter and lifetimes are second rate to social collaberation of making up what if, if only, and only if laws that ruleand grant characters rights supercede gender liberty to recognize self containment in their skin, self containment to this atmosphere, self containment to now always present while one's own living is never the same details twice from within their skin to everything outside of it changing the same way at individual rates.

This leaves everylifetime of the homo sapien species within the skin of a specific male or female of specific male and female ancestry of equal contracting results ending up being what is taking place currently within the universal eternity of now.

The universe doesn't have to expand to extend details never duplicated, that takes a finite amount of matter never staying the same details twice. What actions are constantly equal that holds space to become what now remains all the time as individual sole results of ancestry within one specific atmosphere? Contracting results periodic table and DNA expanding the details of what is going on currently all the time as it has, does, and continues to become within each of our own lifetimes within this one atmosphere, within this one solar system, within this one galaxy, within this instant nothing of substance remains the same shape and form formed as shaped.

See the simplicity yet? Or do you need complexity, confusion, and complicated scenarios to feel life cannot be understood individually?

fighting symbolism and metaphors with physical force only to be ruled by symbolism and physical force just changes the masks of tyranny to another social justification doing the same thing trying to conquer natural balance to tip the scale of results in favor of one ideologue directing conforming idealists, ordering malcontents that loath the skin they are in to seek acting like they are above natural balance, intellectually educating the rest of the population to believe no body can know what real is living in the real moment all the time in the same space of one atmosphere.
fuser wrote:
Basically he is saying, "Oh shit, we all are fucked."

Actually, I gave a solution to the self inflicting problem that comes from creating realities in a real moment each social justification denies something different defining the same thing from a collective ideology.

The simplicity is, this planet has one atmosphere. This atmosphere is a combination of molecular elements of one periodic table of molecular elements with three characteristics spearate and combined. Gaseous, liquid, mineral. Within all combinations there is one rule, not law, just one rule.

Adapt or become extinct. It applies to eachn individual part of this whole atmosphere assembled in the combinations of the molecular elements within the self contained periodic table of elements.

The homo sapien species is the living form of lifetimes that contains the most elements working as one species in each lifetime as with any common sense words don't use every letter in the alphabet and each variety within the species doesn't have every element of the periodic table.

This physically explains why and how physical appearances go with regions of ancestry having specific features as skin pigment, bone structure, behavior tactics of adapting to the moment.

Those living where hunting is an all year availibility there is less farming/cultivating the landscape to fit the season and preparing for times food doesn't grow and if animals weren't domesticated there wouldn't be animals to eat either.

So, What is the substance to "the shit" and the "fan".

What definition of fan was the author using as a plausible denial? Fan of ideology, or a mechanic blade pushing air around. Because a fan yelling for his or her team of group think is pushing air around.

the shit has to come from something full of crap. What is crap? half truths believed by the fans of a specific ideology/culture/farmed opinion harvasted to revolt against those that created a better reality?

Life isn't fair, it is created from within perpetual balancing of a self contained moment, adapt or become extinct is the rule of survival. No winning or losing, just exist or become extinct.

Tip the scales and the idology cheating the natural balance will destroy themselves because of that actions.

Now is eternity and eventually only projects the destination when the last generation of ancestry doesn't reproduce other ancestors into the atmosphere.

The linear explanation in 4 dimensional results is "inception" of compounding molecular masses in organic combinations/DNA,
"conception" of an ancestor to replace the ancestry currently alive,
"death" of ancestors that became ancestry or not,
"extinction" of the specific DNA to the species of organic combinations resulting in an atmosphere always present to each livetime that past through still remains the same content/periodic table of molecular elements, planet universally here as usual.

See the simplicity, one must be educated to deny it, socially forced to not seek understanding the whole moment, and the end result of that behavior is self fulfilling prophecy.

Fans of manifested relativities(social justifications defined by theoryandortheology) talking half truths again trying to become the law of rules tipping the scales of natural balance to everybody paying them for leading them to believe now isn't eternity.
Sithsaber wrote:

Fascist Satanists who condone human sacrifice and breaking the world down into "sinister tribes" of blood thirty madmen.

Seriously read the wiki.

I know, that shit is pretty cray.

You might also check out Kerry Bolton - nowadays he's a Lefebvrist Catholic or something like it, but he used to be a Nazi Satanist too. Supposedly during ceremonies of one of his early groups (The Black Order) they used to pray to the demonic characters of Scandinavian mythology such as Loki, Fenrir, Jormungandr, etc. in order to hasten fall of the West so that the Golden Age could start again (this path in its general, non-political form is called Rökkatru).

The ideological peregrinations of those guys make me sceptical of their sincerity, though, and wonder whether all this isn't some sort of Nazi-hipsterism.

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